University of Virginia Library


Industrial and Fine Arts s1. Introduction to Industrial and Fine Arts:
First Term. P. H. B. 3. Studio fee $2.00. Credit, one session-hour. 2:30 to

Miss Roberts.

For primary grades. A study will be made of the early manifestations of the art tendency
together with the best methods of guiding these toward more purposeful and artistic
ends. Practical work with clay, crayon, paint, paper, wood, etc. Selection, ordering, and
care of materials. Industrial group projects worked out.

Sympathetic study of industries through problems within ability of children. Twofold
aims of course:

1. To develop artistic feeling.

2. To study handwork correlating with other school subjects, and busy work for school

Industrial and Fine Arts s2. Industrial and Fine Arts in the Grammar
Both Terms. P. H. B. 3. Studio fee $2.00. Credit, one session-hour.
First Term. P. H. B. 3; 8:30 to 10:30.

Miss Wilburn.

Second Term. P. H. B. 3; 2:30 to 4:30.

Miss Wilburn.

This course will consider the relation of the industrial and fine arts in the grammar
grades to each other and to the other elementary school subjects. Principles and methods
of teaching.

Practical work with wood, textiles, paper, clay, paint, etc.

Selection, ordering and care of materials.

Industrial and Fine Arts s3. Drawing and Painting. (Art Structure):
First Term. 9:30 to 11:30; Fayerweather Gym. Studio fee $2.00. Credit, one

Miss Roberts.

Advanced course for high school and normal school teachers.

Open to those who have had Industrial and Fine Arts s1 and s2, or the equivalent.
Study of the structural elements of art—line, dark and light and color and their applications
in composition and design.


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Industrial and Fine Arts s5. Costume Design: First Term. 12:30;
Fayerweather Gym. Credit, one-half session-hour. Studio fee $2.00.

Miss Wilburn.

Course for teachers of fine and domestic arts. Planning of simple costumes in line,
dark and light and color. Brief history of costumes and making of original costume designs.

Industrial and Fine Arts s6. Interior Decoration: Both Terms. 11:30;
Fayerweather Gym. Credit, one-half session-hour. Studio fee $2.00.

Miss Wilburn.

Courses for teachers of fine art or domestic science. Study of designs for furniture,
textiles and interiors. Brief history of periods.

Industrial and Fine Arts. Constructive Projects:

For Kindergarten and Primary Grades. See Education s41.