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The seuin Seages

Translatit out of prois in Scottis meter be Iohne Rolland in Dalkeith, with ane Moralitie efter euerie Doctouris Tale, and siclike efter the Emprice Tale, togidder with ane louing and laude to euerie Doctour efter his awin Tale, & ane Exclamation and outcrying vpon the Empreouris wife efter hir fals contrusit Tale ... Edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Geo. F. Black

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Efter that the seuin Maisters all about
Had sauit this Chyld of all danger and dout
Be gude ressounis, of storeis red and sene,
Vpon the morne togidder did conuene
To ane counsall, to se how weill thay micht
Conuoy this Chylde vnto his Fathers sicht,
And fra presoun how best thay suld him bring,
All to consult thay past for the same thing.
Sa to presoun thay come with ane consent
To speik this Chyld befoir the none thay went
His opinioun and counsall for to heir,
Quhat he wantit that thay seuin suld him leir.
Richt weill besene in honest Ornament,
Of his Maisteris twasum befoir him went.
And on Ilk syde of him Maisteris ȝeid ane,
And thre behind, and sa fordwart ar gane.
And fourtene men in thair companie went


Ilk ane playing on diuers Instrument.
And euerie ane was Maister in Musick,
For Melodie and mirth thair was nane sick.
To the Palice this Chylde thay did conuoy,
With greit blyithnes, mirth melodie and Ioy,
Sa that the sound of all the Instrumentis
And the greit noyis in at the windois wentis.
Quhat was the noyis, the Empreour did demād
Thay said it was his sone cūming at hand,
Vnto ȝour grace, for to excuse him sell,
Of part of plaintis, quhilk sum did to ȝow tell,
The Empreour said thay tythandis lykis me,
My sone speiking gif I micht heir or se.
In the Palice this ȝoung Chylde tuik entres
Quhairof mony maid mirth and mirrines.
And quhen he come to his Fatheris presence,
He hailsit him with dewlie reuerence
With honour fauour, and all humilitie,
As him become, or culd of courtasie.
The companie, and all about was glaid.
With greit blyithnes to his Father he said.
Hale Father deir, helth honour and weilfair
Be to ȝour grace, for now and euer mair.
Sa sone as he of his sone hard the vois,
Into his hart it did him sa reiois:
That his greit lufe his wittis it did confound,
That he for Ioy flatlingis fell to the ground.
Than vp agane his sone tuik him in haist,
And diuers times in his armes he him braist.
Sa with sweit wordis and cōfortabill brasing
Fra swoun agane he did his Father bring.
Als sone fra swoun the Empreour did walk,
The Chylde began to his Father to talk.
Zit of pepill thair was sic confluence,
The Chylde to speik micht scarse get audience.
The Empreour he causit cassin be,


Greit sowmes of gold out throw the hail Cietie
To that effect to draw the pepill away,
That he micht heir what thīg his sone wald say
Of the money ȝit sum tuik small regaird,
That the yoūg man sa fane thay wald haif hard
The Empreour he cryit giue audience,
In pane of deith Ilk man to keip silence.
Thā was all clois, to speik thair durst na man
Sine for to speik Dioclesiane began.
My Father deir humblie I ȝow beseik,
That ȝe will caus or I ma wordis speik,
Zour awin Emprice with hir fair Ladeis gent
At my sermon Ilk ane to be present.
The Empreour Incontinent gaue command,
That the Emprice suld hidder cum fra hand.
With hir Ladeis of hir Chalmer Ilk ane,
To hir belyue the Messinger is gane,
And in all haist the Message tald hir till,
And schew to hir the Empreouris minde & will
Scho heiring that scho tuik ane felloun feir,
Was na remeid, bot all thay did compeir.
Than did the Childe desire the Empreour,
That all the Ladeis of the Emprice bour
Suld stand on raw, Ilk ane at vtheris syde,
In pane of deith that nane thame self suld hyde
That the pepill micht all thame planelie se
Thair trim makdome, and als thair honestie.
Thair fauour, yair face, yair fame & yair fassoū
Thair braue hauingis, and thair paintit persoū
Vpon the deis thay damis quhē yai war dreuin
Thay war maist like Angellis cū furth of heuin
Thay war sa sweit sū said thay war all sanctis
Trew men thame callit als trim as termigantis
Than stude thay vp all into plane presence,
And to the Childe gaue oppin audience.


Than said the Childe Father lift vp ȝour Ene,
Behald how lang that ȝe haue blindit bene
With ȝour Emprice that is ȝour Maryit quene
And that ȝoung wenche that all is cled in grene
Quhilk is bour Mayd vnto ȝour awin Empres
Quhome scho hes mair in fauour and kindnes,
Than euer scho had I dar weill tak on me
Sen thay first met than to ȝour Maiestie.
Quhome I desire gif it plesit ȝour grace
To be vncled befoir ȝow in this place.
That being done, richt weill ȝe sall persaue,
Sic ane bour Mayd, and sic Emprice ȝe haue.
To quhome answerit this Nobill Empreour,
Thow knawis sone it is not my honour,
It will be schame to me and to vs all,
Ane naikit Mayd befoir vs for to call.
Than said the Chylde ane Maydin gif scho be
All the greit schame thairof beis laid on me,
Gif scho be not ane ȝoung Mayd as ȝe tell,
Than let all schame remane still with hir sell.
The Empreour than commandit that be done,
The Officers thay vnbecled hir sone.
The clais of tane, it weill appeirit than
It was na Mayd, bot alwayis was a man.
And be all signes of memberis naturall,
Quhairof mony had wonder greit meruall.
Than said the sone with all humilitie,
The verray treuth now Father ȝe may se,
Of the falset, and the greit subtelnes
Of this Rebald, and als of ȝour Empres,
How day and nicht hes ȝow in blindnes led,
Quhen thay best thocht hes ay defoulit ȝour bed
In ȝour Chalmer ay vsit sic harlatrie,
Fornicatioun, Huredome, and Adulterie.
Not regarding Goddis Law nor conscience
Nor ȝour dreddour, ȝour lufe and reuerence:


Bot euer mair thair lust and thair plesour,
Tuik quhen thay list, to ȝour greit dishonour.
Quhen the Empreour saw all the veritie
How this ȝoung man was clad as ane Ladie,
And vsit nichtlie in Chalmer with the Quene,
For verray wraith, Impatience and tene
His Ene thay glowrit, and als his face it swellit
His greit anger thair is na man can tell it.
He commandit thame baith Incontinent
Without mercie to be condampnit and brint.
Than said the sone Father remane a time,
Quhill I reprufe hir of the cruell crime
Scho laid on me, and falslie on me brocht,
The thing yat I had neuer in minde nor thocht
The Father said that thing and all the rest
Is in ȝour handis, do with it as ȝe think best.
Than said the sone, ane lier gif scho be,
Than let the Law correct hir for hir lie.
Bot ȝe sall knaw quhen ȝe first for me sent,
My self I past and spyit the Firmament.
Quhairin I saw, ane word gif that I spak
Within seuin dayis, that I with schame & lak
Suld thoill the deith with all greit crueltie
Be ony way that culd deuisit be.
And that alone be the greit foirthocht feid
Of the Emprice, Imagining my deid.
That was the caus Father I durst not speik,
Thairfoir pardoun at ȝow now heir I seik.
And quhair scho sayis that I wald hir opprest
That is in treuth ane lesing manifest.
Bot trewlie scho did all that in hir was
In all kin sort to bring that thing to pas.
And quhen scho saw that I refusit sic thing
And answerit not, Incontinent did scho bring
Paper and pen, with Ink scho had reddie
Prayit me to write my minde thair quyetlie.


And quhen I wrait, and all hir minde refusit,
And praying hir for to hald me excusit:
For I wald not defoull my Fatheris bed,
Than the wryting vnder hir feit scho tred.
Sine raif hir face, and all hir robbis rent,
And with loud voice scho cryit Incontinent.
And ȝit that crime scho laid alone on me,
Father in treuth this is the veritie.
Quhen the Empreour this tail hard til him tald
The Quenes face greitlie he did behald,
With awsum vult, angrie and als austeir,
And not but caus, saying on this maneir.
O maist filthie and schameles creature:
Micht thow na way stancheit thy foull nature
With my bodie, and with thy Rebald knaif,
Bot in like sort my awin sone thow wald haif.
O wickit wife neuer taking regaird
Of thy awin schame, nor of heuinlie rewaird.
Had thow tane heid quhome of yu was discendit
Thow wald neuer sa far to me offendit.
Thow wrocht alwayis that euer thow culd Inuent
On the Gallous to gar my sone be schent.
And ay thy minde with falset was Infectit,
Traisting all time sic wald not be correctit.
Bot God is Iust, howbeit he thoill a time,
As he thinkis caus he will puneis the crime.
Thairfoir becaus of sic thow had na schame,
Vpon thy self sall ly baith wite and blame:
That me sa lang thy bedfellow hes blindit,
Thairfoir thy flesche for sic faults now sall find it
Thā gruiflings swyith scho fell vpō hir face
Doun at his knie, and at him cryit for grace.
Saying gude Lord, for thy Princelie pietie,
To me maist vile thow wald grant sum mercie.
For my greit gylt heir planelie I confes,
Grant me sum grace for thy greit gentilnes.


Than till hir said this Nobill Empreour,
Quhilk was fulfillit of sturt and displesour.
O vyle woman for mercie thow dois craif,
Quhilk be na way is not worthie to haif.
The cruell deith thow hes deseruit thrise,
Quhilk I sall schaw planelie in thre kin wise.
First thow hes done the sin of Adulterie,
To the greit schame and contemptioun of me,
Quhilk be the Law, expres is na remeid
(Ane Princes bed for to defoull) bot deid.
Than secundlie, my onlie sone and Air
Thow did prouoke to be ane Adultrair.
To that effect to the Chalmer him led,
With the to ly, and to defoull my bed.
Quhilk seruis deith, as na man can excuse,
Albeit in treuth the same he did refuse.
Thridlie Ilk day with fals taillis tystit me,
Aganis Iustice, to gar my awin sone die.
Becaus thow knew his Clergie and cunning,
Thy foull baudrie & filthines wald furth bring
Thairfoir be Law thow seruis puneist be,
And of the Law to haue extremitie.
Than said the sone, Father richt weill ȝe knaw
How scho daylie tystit ȝow (not be Law)
Bot with hir taillis and fenȝeit fals lesing,
Vpon Gallous but mercie me to hing.
War not throw help of my gude Maisters seuin
And first supplie of the greit God in heuin:
Quhilk will euer the Innocent defend
And into neid will to thame succour send.
Quhilk presentlie now he to me hes done,
Into my neid hes send me succour sone.
Alswa Father I traist it was ȝow tald
Be ȝour Emprice, that I purpoist and wald
Depriue ȝour grace fra this Nobill Impire,
Quhilk neuer was ȝit trewlie my desire.


And als scho said that it was my Intent,
Zow to destroy with my Maisteris consent,
And be that way ȝour rowmes for to obtene,
Quhilk trewlie ȝit my minde did neuer mene.
Sic for to do I pray God me defend,
Or ȝit think sic vnto my liues end.
For of ȝour grace my leuing all I haif;
Ze ȝit on liue, I aw na mair to craif.
I am ȝour sone, and ȝe my Father deir,
Wald I ȝow want for ony warldlie geir.
Nay, nay, not sa for I sall ay laubour
For to vphald ȝour weilfair and honour.
At my power and vtter diligence,
With hart and hand, and all gude reuerence.
At ȝour plesure, ȝour bidding and command,
Lesting ȝour life, ay constant sall I stand.
Bot ȝour emprice scho wrocht baith nicht & day
In all kin sort to wirk betuix vs tway
As the Father kest the sone in the sie,
Becaus the sone said him for veritie:
That he suld be abone his Father Lord,
To the quhilk taill the Father did not cord.
Than the Father kest the sone in the sie,
Bot the greit God gaue him help and supplie
And wald not thoill that time he suld be deid,
Bot throw his grace he send him sone remeid,
Zit the sonnis taill it come trewlie to pas,
And the Father ane myte not war he was.
To the Father quhat hinderance culd it be,
Howbeit the sone had obtenit dignitie.
Not hindering the Father in na sort,
I think it suld haue bene to his comfort.
And God willing Father my gouernance
Ze sall persaue sall be na hinderance,
Nor preiudice in na sort to ȝour grace,
Bot alwayis salbe mirth Ioy and solace.


Than said on heich this Nobill Empreour,
To God alone be louing and honour,
That sic ane sone vnforseruit hes me send,
To gyde this Realme efter my dayis end.
Sa wise, sa gude, sa verteous in all thing,
To greit weilfair sa abill his Realme to bring.
Now my deir sone hartlie I the requeir,
Tell me sum taill that all about may heir.
Quhairthrow yai may thy wisdome vnderstād
Quod he Father that sall I tak on hand.
Sa ȝe command all men to keip silence,
Quhill I haue done, and giue me audience.
Quhen I haue done as ȝe think expedient
On ȝour Emprice giue furth thā ȝour iudgemēt
Than silence was commandit to all man,
Dioclesiane thus gaits his taill began.