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Psychology 63. H. General Psychology.—8:30; P. H. 6. 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Balz.

This course will deal with some of the fundamental processes,
such as attention, interest, volition, reasoning, and emotion. There
will be introductory lectures on neural action and habit.

Psychology 64. H. Introductory Course in Social Psychology.
12:15; L. B. Reading Room. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Balz.

This course will offer a survey of the psychology of group living.
Instinct and emotion, suggestion and imitation, the sentiments, the
development of the self, custom and tradition, and the psychology of
the crowd will be the primary topics considered.

Students completing Psychology 63 and 64 and Education 16 will
be given credit for three session-hours toward the B. A. or B. S.
degree of the University.

Education Psychology.—See Education 16, page 32.