University of Virginia Library


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The following abbreviations used in connection with the courses
indicate the buildings in which the classes are held:

L. B.—Law Building (Minor Hall); C. H.—Cabell Hall; F. G.—
Fayerweather Gymnasium; M. H.—Madison Hall; M. L.—Mechanical
Laboratory; P. H.—Peabody Hall (Education Building); P. L.—
Physical Laboratory (Rouss); O. L.—Organic Laboratory; R.—Rotunda;
W. R. L.—West Range Laboratory.

The Courses of Instruction are designated as follows:

Courses numbered less than 100 may be credited toward the
bachelor's degree in the University of Virginia.

Courses numbered from 100 to 199 are courses for which college
credit is recommended, though not given in the University of Virginia
because corresponding work is not offered in this University
during the regular session. These courses are, however, accepted by
other standard colleges which offer similar work, and in which transfer
of credit may be obtained.

Courses numbered from 200 to 299 are no-credit courses.

Courses which are credited by the Department of Public Instruction
of Virginia towards Summer School Professional Certificates
will, in addition to the numerals, be designated as follows:

H—Courses credited toward Summer School Professional Certificate—High
School Grade.

A—Courses credited toward Summer School Professional Certificate—Advanced

G—Courses credited toward Summer School Professional Certificate—Grammar

P—Courses credited toward Summer School Professional Certificate—Primary

The amount of credit for each course is indicated in connection
with that course and is expressed in semester hours. Credit accepted
by the University of Virginia is also expressed in session-hours, two
semester hours being equivalent to one session-hour. Two hours
of laboratory work, as a general rule, are equal to one hour of lecture
or recitation.


Agriculture 200, 106, 107, or the equivalent should be taken preliminary
to or parallel with the more advanced courses, which may
be taken in any order. Six pupils are required to form a class in
the advanced courses.

Agriculture 200. Elementary Agriculture.—2:30; P. L. June 19-July
18. Mr. Garnett.

For those who have not previously made a study of the subject.
Similar to that in course 106 and is given especially for those expecting
to take the State examinations.

Text-Book.—Duggar's Agriculture for Southern Schools.


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Agriculture 100. H. A. G. Laboratory Materials and Problems in
—P. L. 2 hours. Mr. Scott. Hours to be arranged.

For upper grades and high schools. Course 200, 106 or 107 or
equivalent should be taken prior to or with this course. Includes
chart and apparatus construction. Discussion of appropriate subject-matter,
method, inexpensive materials and apparatus for laboratory
work in all phases of agricultural teaching.

Agriculture 101. H. A. G. Soils and Fertilizers.—12:15; P. L. 2

Soils: fertilizers; composition; home manufactured mixtures; how
to buy and use fertilizers. Offered in 1918.

Text-Book.—Snyder's Soils and Fertilizers.

Agriculture 102. H. A. Horticulture.—3:30; P. L. 2 hours. Mr.

This course will consider the principles of fruit growing; apple,
peach, small fruits. Soils: preparation of the land; propagation;
planting; cultivation; fertilization; pruning; spraying; picking and
marketing; varieties; insect fungous diseases. Market gardening.

Text-Book.—Waugh's Apple Orchard.

Agriculture 103. H. A. Insects and Diseases.—10:30; P. L. 2
hours. Mr. Griscom.

The structure, life, histories and habits of insects; microscopic
study of economic insects; methods of combating them; fungous
diseases; principles of prevention and control of forms injurious to
fruit and vegetables. Collections of insects and plant diseases will
be made and studied.

Text-Book.—Weed's Farm Friend and Farm Foes.

Agriculture 104. H. A. Animal Husbandry.—8:30; P. L. 2 hours.
Mr. Scott.

The course in Animal Husbandry will embrace a study of the
principal breeds of horses, cattle, sheep, swine and chickens; the
care, feeding and breeding of these classes of live stock; the production
of clean milk; the making and handling of good butter; and
the handling of chickens at a profit. Wherever possible the students
will be given practical work.

Agriculture 105. Poultry.—3:30; P. L. ½ hour. Mr. Scott, Mr.
N. E. B. Talcott.

A two weeks course beginning June 21st, consisting of lectures
on breeding, feeding, types, diseases and sanitation, marketing,
poultry clubs and organization for schools and counties.

Agriculture 106. G. P. General Agriculture.—3:30; P. L. 1 hour.
Mr. Garnett.

This course is intended for new students and will be of very practical
nature, planned to fit directly school-room needs.

Text-Book.—Warren's Elements of Agriculture.


Page 25

Agriculture 107. G. P. Nature Study.—8:30; P. L. 2 hours. Mr.

Planned for elementary grades. The lectures deal with the principles
of plant and animal life, the more common wild flowers,
grasses, weeds, trees, insects, birds and other animals, their identification
and those facts about them of interest and value to children.
Special attention will be given to methods of study and presentation.

Agriculture 108. G. P. Bird Study.—4:30; P. H. 10. 2 hours. Mr.

Given in coöperation with the National Association of Audubon
Societies. Lectures will consider the general habits, activities and
economic importance of the birds of Virginia. Field trips will give
familiarity with the birds around Charlottesville. A number of illustrated
lectures will be given. Bring field or opera glasses for
use in field trips.

Agriculture 109. H. A. G. Rural Community Problems.—4:30;
P. H. 11. 2 hours. Mr. Garnett.

Intended especially for rural school principals and supervisors,
rural ministers, club leaders, and others who wish a better appreciation
of the forces shaping rural life and rural institutions. Topics
are: rural migrations and their attendant problems; the interrelations
of city and country; psychical characteristics of country
people; class divisions; recreation; health and sanitation; roads; agricultural
conditions; rural institutions—the home, the school, the
church, community clubs, county government, and the special agencies
working for rural improvement. Each member of the class
will be expected to make a special study of some community in
which he is interested. A number of State and United States government
reports will be available for use in this study.


Astronomy 1. The Earth and the Moon.—8:30; P. L. Upper Floor.
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Simpson.

Young's General Astronomy, Chapters I, II, V, VI, VII. Covers
the work of the fall term of Astronomy B, regular session.

Astronomy 2. The Sun and Practical Astronomy.—9:30; P. L. Upper
Floor. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Simpson.

Young's General Astronomy, Chapters III, IV, VIII, IX, X, XI.
Covers the winter term of Astronomy B1, regular session.

Astronomy 3. The Planets, Comets, Meteors and Stars.—9:30; P.
L. Upper Floor. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Simpson.

Young's General Astronomy, Chapter XII to end. Covers the
spring term of Astronomy B1, regular session.

Note.—Course 1 will be offered in 1917, and either Course 2 or 3,
according to the demand. If a sufficient number of students desire


Page 26
it, both 2 and 3 may be given. If only two courses are offered, the
third may be taken in regular session or in another summer term.

Each Monday and Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, if the weather
is clear, parties will be conducted by Mr. Simpson from Cabell Hall
to McCormick Observatory for observation through the large telescope.


Art III. H. A. The School of Art.—9:30; M. L. 2 hours. Mr.

The School of Art was founded under the direction of the famous
illustrator and alumnus of the University of Virginia, Mr. F. Graham
Cootes. The classes will be two in number, one in the morning from 9:30
to 1 o'clock, and one in the afternoon, in which the pupils work out
of doors from nature. In the morning the pupils draw and paint
from a model in costume, in any medium. The course is designed
for pupils interested in illustration, cartooning, poster-work, portrait,
landscape or decorative painting, and for those who desire it as an
aid in teaching.

The class in Composition meets on Saturday.

At the end of the term an exhibition of the work done by the students
is held in Peabody Hall. No other school of art can advance
the pupil so rapidly, as the students have daily criticism, instead of
the usual one or two a week, and more personal attention and interest
on the part of the instructor than in other art schools.

The term is that of the Summer School, six weeks, June 19th to
August 2nd.

Rates: $10 per month, half day; $15 per month, full day; $15 per
term (6 weeks), half day; $20 per term (6 weeks), full day. An initiation
fee of $2 will be required of new students.

The term may be extended four weeks longer, making ten weeks,
if a sufficient number so desire at the following rates: $20 per term
of ten weeks, half day; $30 per term of ten weeks, full day.

For further particulars address Mr. Charles Smith, instructor and
director, Box 757, Yale Station, New Haven, Ct.


These courses have been so constructed as to meet the needs of
teachers who are working in secondary schools, and to enable premedical
students to fulfill the medical entrance requirements as prescribed
by the American Medical Association.

Pre-medical students must take Courses 4, 5 and 6 in order to meet
their full entrance requirements. These three courses are equivalent
to two terms' work of Biology B1, regular session.

Biology 4. H. A. Botany.—Lecture 8:30; Laboratory 9:30 to 11:30;
C. H. 12. 4 hours (2 session-hours). Laboratory fee for teachers
$1.00, for others $5.00. Mr. Kepner and Mr. Reynolds.

Deals with the structures of plants and their vital phenomena. Introduction
to the systematic study of ferns and flowering plants. No
text. Biology 4 and 6 are equivalent to one terms' work in Biology
B1, regular session.


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Biology 5. H. A. Zoology.—Lecture 2:30; Laboratory 3:30 to 5:30;
C. H. 12. 4 hours (2 session-hours). Laboratory fee for teachers
$1.00, for others $5.00. Mr. Kepner and Mr. Reynolds.

Deals with the structure of animals and their vital phenomena. No
text-book. Biology 5 and 6 are equivalent to one terms' work in Biology
B1, regular session.

Biology 6. H. A. Experimental Biology.—11:30; C. H. 12. Laboratory
fee $5.00 to those not registered in Biology 4 or 5. 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Kepner and Mr. Reynolds.

A presentation of experimental work on the physiology of plants
and animals. The work of this course will be suggestive and helpful
to teachers and supplements the pre-medical student's work in
Courses 4 and 5.

Biology 112. H. A. High School Methods in Biology.—10:30; C.
H. 12. 2 hours. Mr. Kepner.

This course offers thirty lessons, such as can be carried into the
high school class-rooms that have minimum equipment. These lessons
will be presented from the standpoint of the high school student.


Field Botany 114. H. G.—5:30; R. 3. 2 hours. Mr. Lambeth.

The outline projected is intended to give to the student a systematized
course of study, making it an easy and agreeable task for him
to identify the various plant families in his locality and acquire methods
of study by which children may identify and become familiar
with the individual plants of their neighborhood.

Attention will be given to plant morphology and physiology, but
the course will be of a practical character and performed in the fields
and forests near the University where the plant life is diversified and
rich in both indigenous and imported varieties.

Each student will, under direction, collect, identify, mount, and
preserve characteristic types, so that he will have commenced the
accumulation of an herbarium for use in his teaching, and to which
he can continually add specimens from his own locality or that in
which he is teaching.

Text-Book.—Gray's Manual of Botany.


Chemistry 115. H. A. General Chemistry for High School Teachers.—10:30;
W. R. L. 2 hours. Mr. Bird and Mr. Carter.

Designed to meet the needs of those who may have to give instruction
in chemistry in high schools. A daily discussion of the
elementary principles of the science will be held and simple lecture
table demonstrations made.

Chemistry 116. H. A. Laboratory Course for High School Teachers.—8:30
to 10:30 W. R. L. 2 hours. Fee $3.00 (except Virginia
teachers). Deposit $2.00. Mr. Bird and Mr. Carter.


Page 28

The sole object of this course is to train each member of the class
to give laboratory instruction in secondary schools. The following
topics will be discussed: the particular branches of the subject which
should be taught high school students; the apparatus and chemicals
necessary and their cost; how to equip a laboratory and how to make
the best use of facilities likely to be found in a high school. Special
attention will be given to the fitting up of apparatus at a nominal
cost, and the apparatus thus assembled may be taken away for future
use. The essential pedagogic points of the experiments will be discused
fully and an effort made to show the teacher how to instill
life into the laboratory work of the pupil, by pointing out its practical

Chemistry 7. H. The Principles of General Chemistry.—12:15; W.
R. L. Chemistry 7 and 8 combined. 6 hours (3 session-hours). Mr.

This course is offered especially for those who desire University
credit in general chemistry, or who are preparing to enter some medical
school requiring chemistry for entrance. It will deal mainly
with the more important phenomena of inorganic chemistry and the
fundamental laws of chemical science.

Chemistry 8. H. Laboratory Course.—8:30 to 12:15 for advanced
laboratory work and 10:30 to 12:15 for others; W. R. L. Fee $10.00.
Deposit $5.00. Mr. Bird and Mr. Carter.

The facilities of the laboratory and library are offered to those who
wish to do special work in general chemistry. The instruction in
this course will be such as to meet the needs of the following groups
of students: those who contemplate taking a civil service examination
in chemistry and who wish additional laboratory instruction;
those who need additional laboratory experience in order to meet
the entrance requirements of professional schools; those who desire
to apply for University credit.

Chemistry 117. H. Household Chemistry.—8:30, laboratory hours
to be arranged; W. R. L. 2 hours. Deposit $2.00. Fee (except Virginia
teachers) $3.00. Mr. Edgar and Mr. Bird.

Given in connection with the work in Household Arts. The lectures
will consider the chemistry of air, water, food, and sanitation,
with reference to the processes that go on in the home, so far as the
previous training of the student will permit.
The laboratory work will
consume about two hours a day.

Chemistry 9. H. Organic Chemistry.—8:30; Laboratory 10:30 to
12:15; W. R. L.; 4 hours (2 session-hours). Fee $10.00. Deposit $5.00.
Mr. Edgar.

This course is designed to cover the ground taken up by the first
term during the regular session. There will be one lecture and about
3 hours laboratory work a day.

Chemistry 120. H. Analytical Chemistry.—10:30 to 12:15; W. R.
L. 2 hours. Fee $10.00. Deposit $5.00. Mr. Edgar.

This course is nominally a course in qualitative analysis, requiring


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about three hours a day. The nature of the work may be modified
to meet the needs of the individual students and may include
work in quantitative analysis.

Note.—In addition to the regular fee for Courses 116 and 117, all except
Virginia high school teachers will be charged a laboratory fee
of three dollars, and everyone must deposit two dollars to cover
breakage. Such portion as is not consumed will be refunded. In
Course 8 a laboratory fee of ten dollars and a breakage deposit of
five dollars will be required.


Note.—These courses are not free to any teacher. A fee of $5 for
any one course will be charged, or $10 for any two or more courses.

Commerce 205. Bookkeeping.—8:30 C. H. 4. Fee $5.00. Mr. Webb.

This course is outlined to give the student a working knowledge
of the principles and methods of bookkeeping in as short a time as
is consistent with thoroughness. A modern text will be used as a
basis, supplemented by lectures on important points. Inasmuch as
the instruction is partly on the individual plan, those who have had
some of the subject and desire to pursue the work further will be
given due attention.

Commerce 206. Shorthand.—2:30; C. H. 4. Fee $5.00. Mr. Webb.

The entire manual of Gregg shorthand is covered. This system
has won its permanent place in both public and private schools because
it has been found by experience to possess the three fundamentals—simplicity,
legibility and speed possibilities. Those who
finish this course should be able, with additional speed practice on
their part, to do office work.

Commerce 207. Typewriting.—Hours to be arranged. C. H. 4.
Fee $5.00. Mr. Webb.

The Touch System of typewriting is taught. Careful attention is
paid to technique, and the methods selected will yield the best results
with least expenditure of energy. Personal attention will be
given each student. Text to be announced. Underwood typewriters.

Commerce 208. Commercial Arithmetic.—9:30; C. H. 4. Fee $5.00.

The purpose of this course is to give the student a thorough working
knowledge of all those classes of problems that come up for solution
in every day business life. Accuracy and systematic methods
are stressed throughout. Moore and Miner's Commercial Arithmetic.
This class will not be conducted unless at least eight students apply
for the work.

Commerce 209. Business Law.—12:15; C. H. 4. Fee $5.00. Mr.

A course in the fundamental principles of law as applied to business.
Contracts, Agency, Sales, Partnership, Corporations, Bills and
Notes, etc.

Text and cases.


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Commerce 210. Accountancy.—10:30; C. H. 4. Fee $5.00. Mr.

Designed for teachers of commercial branches in high schools, business
men, and persons preparing for the C. P. A. certificate. Includes
accounts of partnerships and corporations, balance sheets, executors,
statements of affairs, realization and liquidation accounts, etc.

Text.—Klein's Elements of Accounting. Hatfield, Modern Accounting.

Commerce 118. Money and Banking.—3:30; C. H. 4. 2 hours.
Fee $5.00. Mr. Juchhoff.

Form and functions of currency and credit, state and federal banking
laws; foreign monetary and banking systems compared with
those of the United States, foreign exchange, and a critical examination
of the recent federal reserve act and its operation.

Text and assigned readings.

Commerce 119. Political Economy.—4:30; C. H. 4. 2 hours. Fee
$5.00. Mr. Juchhoff.

A brief survey of economic history followed by a study of the
production, distribution, and consumption of wealth, and the theory
of value and price.

Text and assigned readings and reports.

Commerce 211. Principles and Methods of Commercial Education.

The commercial course in the public high schools; methods of
teaching bookkeeping, stenography, typewriting, etc. Correlation of
the school and the business office.

Text and assigned readings and reports.

This course may be offered if a sufficient number apply for it.


A special art certificate will be given to those who complete the
course here outlined which will certify that the holder is competent
to do supervisors work.

Drawing 122a. P. Section I, First and Second Grade.—9:30; M.
L. 2. 2 hours. Miss Barringer.

Drawing 122b. P. Section II, Third and Fourth Grade.—2:30; M.
L. 2. 2 hours. Miss Pollitzer.

For teachers of grades from one to four, inclusive. This is so arranged
that the lessons will be in progressive order, following as
closely as possible the development of the child. First, the careful
explanation of design, its intent and processes; second, an exhibition
of fine examples of work by teachers and children who have already
taken the course; third, processes carried out by the class under the
supervision of instructors.

Drawing 123. G.—8:30; M. L. 1. 2 hours. Miss Pollitzer.

For teachers of grades from five to eight inclusive will supplement


Page 31
Course 122b, the lessons being the continuation of that course. The
course will be conducted in the same manner.

Drawing 124. H.—9:30; M. L. 1. 2 hours. Miss Pollitzer.

For teachers of high schools. Supplements Courses 122 and 123,
working out more advanced problems.

Drawing 125. H. Method of Supervision.—3:30; M. L. 2. 2 hours.
Miss —.

For supervisors of drawing, and for those who have had experience
in the elementary grades and wish to specialize in drawing. The aim
of this course is to deal with problems of supervision, the arrangement
of a course of study, lesson plans, type lessons, selection of
material, etc. Not given unless five people register for it.

Drawing 213.—For four weeks beginning June 19th. Midway
School. M. L. 1. Miss —.

For the teachers of ungraded schools, and aims to give them as
much training in the fundamental principles that underlie Courses
122, 123 and 124 as the time will permit. This course prepares for
the State examination.

Drawing 126. H. Costume Design.—10:30; M. L. 1. 2 hours.
Studio fee, 25 cents. Miss Barringer.

Course for teachers of Fine or Domestic Art. Original and
adapted designs for costumes and brief history of costume.

Drawing 127. H. Interior Decoration.—12:15; M. L. 1. 2 hours.
Studio fee, 25 cents. Miss Barringer.

Course for teachers of fine Arts or Domestic Science: Design of
interiors in the study of furniture, textiles and finishes. Brief history
of periods.


Education 10. H. A. The Health of the School Children and
—9:30; P. H. 2. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Heck.

Corresponds to the first term of Education B2 in the regular session
and to Education 1 in previous Summer Schools.

This course deals with practical applications to local conditions of
the hygiene of posture, nutrition, ventilation, nose and throat, ears,
eyes, nervous system, and sleep, and the prevention of contagious
diseases. The last week is devoted to the hygienic organization of
the teacher's life and work.

Text-Books.—Terman's Hygiene of the School Child, and Teacher's
Health, and the Bulletins of the Virginia Board of Health.

Education 11. H. A. The Hygiene of School Buildings, Equipment,
and Management.
—10:30; P. H. 5. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr.

Corresponds to the second term of Education B2 in the regular
session. May be taken after or before Education 10.


Page 32

This course deals with practical applications to local conditions of
the hygiene of location, lighting, ventilation, seating, teaching equipment,
sanitation, and cleaning of school buildings. The latter part
of the course is devoted to the length of the school session, the daily
schedule, recesses, play and games, discipline, punishment, methods
of instruction, and home study. Required parallel reading in University

Education 12. H. A. Heredity and Education.—12:15; P. H. 15.
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Heck.

Corresponds to the second term of Education B1 in the regular

This course attempts to acquaint teachers with the fundamental
principles of heredity and their significance for education. The main
subjects for discussion are the germ and the body cells, inheritance
of acquired characters, education, other environmental influences,
Mendelism, heredity of defects, heredity of abilities, eugenics.

Text-Books.—Guyer's Being Well-Born, and Castle's Genetics and

Education 13. H. A. School Administration.—10:30; P. H. 2. 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Manahan.

For superintendents, principals and teachers. Will consider contemporary
tendencies and problems in school organization and administration
in state, county and city; the duties and powers of central
and local educational authorities, with special reference to conditions
in Virginia and the South.

Education 14. H. A. Educational Surveys and Tests.—12:15; P.
H. 3. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Manahan.

For teachers and supervisory officers interested in the scientific
measurement of educational products. It will consider the principles and
methods of planning and conducting educational tests and surveys,
the relation of teachers and supervisory officers to educational measurement,
and the practical value of such tests and surveys.

Education 15. H. A. Rural School Problems (with special relation
to one and two teacher schools).
—2:30; P. H. 3. 2 hours (one
session-hour. Mr. Manahan.

This course will consider problems of rural school management,
courses of study, instructional needs, methods of teaching, affiliated
activities and outside interests, recreation and playgrounds, problems
of organization and administration. Subject to faculty approval,
this course will count for one term of Education C3, regular session.

Education 16. H. A. Educational Psychology.—9:30; P. H. 4. 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Hall-Quest.

Corresponds to the second term of Education B5 in the regular
session and deals with the education of the senses together with the
special study of imaging in the forms of perception, association and


Page 33

Education 17. H. A. G. Principles of Teaching and Studying.
Second Year Grammar Grade Professional Course.
—12:15; P. H.
4. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Hall-Quest.

Corresponds to the first term of Education B6 in the regular session
and treats of the educational value of the modern program of
studies and the psychology of high school studies.

Education 18. H. A. Personality of Teacher.—10:30; P. H. 4. 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Hall-Quest.

Corresponds to the first term of Education C2 regular session and
treats of various methods of analyzing the teacher's professional personality
and the several sources of rating teachers both for employment
and promotion. Credit subject to faculty approval.

Education 19. H. A. History of Education.—3:30; P. H. 4. 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Huffington.

Corresponds to the first term of Education B9 in the regular session.

This course gives a historical background for the study of present
educational systems in Europe and America. The schools of ancient
nations and of the middle ages are discussed in their relations
of effect and cause to the social conditions which they served and
in their similarity and contrast to the schools of today. The rise
of modern systems is briefly traced, and a few selections from the
educational literature of the time are required for parallel reading.

Text-Books.—Grave's History of Education before the Middle
Ages and History of Education during the Middle Ages and the
Transition to Modern Times.

Education 20. H. A. High School Administration.—3:30; P. H.
3. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr Hand.

Place of the high school in education; legal status of the high
schools; organization and government, including such problems as
(a) the junior high school (b) supervised study (c) the selective and
advisory function (d) the informal life of the school; selection and
employment of teachers; school attendance and school records.

Education 21. H. A. Matter and Method in the High School.
8:30; P. H. 4. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Hand.

Will deal with materials of high school education and the technic
involved in the instructional work. Under matter will be included:
The program of studies and exercises; the equipment of the classroom;
the library and the laboratory; community activities. Under
methods will be considered: Principles of class management as applying
to high schools; points in technic in handling various typical

Note.—A special conference of all high school teachers will be
held once a week, conducted by Mr. Hand.

Education 129a. P. Principles of Elementary Education. First
Year Primary Summer School Professional Course.
—2:30; Section
I, Primary Grades. P. H. 4. 2 hours. Miss Hickman.


Page 34

Education 129b. G. Principles of Elementary Education. First
Year Grammar Grade Summer School Professional Course.
Section II, Grammar Grades. P. H. 11. 2 hours. Miss Davidson.

These courses are planned for the first year's work for primary
and grammar grade teachers and will include some general principles
of education, elementary processes in human behavior—instincts,
habits; educational means and materials; teaching how to study;
moral education; testing results—methods of measuring results in
spelling, writing, arithmetic; composition, habits and power; organization
of the curriculum.

Text-Book.—Thorndike's Education, Supplemented.

Education 131. P. Child Study. Second Year Primary Summer
School Professional Course.
—12:15; P. H. 2. 2 hours. Miss Barrett.

This course presents the problems of child study; physical growth
of the child; native movements; instincts and their education; education
of the senses; education of the imagination; early development
of the child; play, its evolution and function, its values, and
the theories of play; imitation and curiosity as factors in the learning

Text.—Kirkpatrick's Fundamentals of Child Study.

Education 132. P. Methods in Reading 1. First Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—12:15; P. H. 11. 2 hours.
Miss Hickman.

Aims: practical work with class in oral reading; standards for
each grade, second, third, fourth; methods of teaching reading; types
of reading lessons; critical study of State adopted books; selection
of library for these grades.

Education 133a. P. Methods in Reading 2. Second Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—8:30 to 10:30; Midway
School. 2 hours. Miss Bronson.

Demonstration lessons in the Howell-Williams Method of Teaching
Reading. Several sections of the class will be formed. Demonstrations
will be given daily from 8:30 to 10:30 at Midway School
Building in the regular organized vacation school.

Education 133b. P. The Teaching of Reading 2. Second Year
Primary Summer School Professional Course.
—8:30 to 10:30; Jefferson
Hall. 2 hours. Miss Dew.

Demonstration lessons and practical work in the Aldine Method
of Reading covering one year's work with suggestions as to its use
in the second and third year. Difficulties met with will be pointed
out and remedies suggested. Questions from teachers relating to
the work of the primary grade will be discussed. In the demonstrations
primary methods based on the Aldine Method—writing, number
work, language, folk games, dances will be discussed in order
to show the correlation of reading with other first grade work.


Page 35

Education 134. P. Methods in Languages and Spelling. Second
Year Primary Summer School Professional Course.
—10:30; P. H. 3.
2 hours. Miss Wray.

Language methods; course of study for the first four grades; relation
of spelling to other subjects; selection of spelling material;
causes of incorrect spelling; method of teaching in primary grades;
study of standard tests; course of study for each grade.

Education 135. P. Hygiene and Sanitation. Second Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—2:30; P. H. 1. 2 hours.
Miss Wilson.

Hygiene of the school child will receive major emphasis; general survey
of the subject; hygiene of the school plant; hygiene of the school
child; hygiene of instruction; hygiene of the teacher; neurasthenia
of the teacher; health suggestions; the hygiene of character.

Education 136. G. Methods in History and Civics. First Year
Grammar Grade Summer School Professional Course.
—12:15; M. L.
2. 2 hours. Mr. Huffington.

The relation of history and civics; relation of method and subject
matter; adaptation the secret of method; study of the neighborhood,
American flag, national and state songs, historical stories; visual appeal;
dramatics as a method; using questions; note-book making;
current events; lesson plans.

Education 137. G. Grammar Grade Methods in Arithmetic. First
Year Grammar Grade Summer School Professional Course.
C. H. 5. 2 hours. Miss Davidson.

Reasons for teaching, history, present status, aims and values;
subject matter present tendencies; relation of problems to activities;
motivation and correlation; accuracy; short and direct ways;
how to use the text; study of the State course; how to study arithmetic;
illustrative lessons in the fundamental operations, fractions,
compound numbers, mensuration, practical measurement.

Text required.—Smith's Modern Advanced Arithmetic.

Education 138. G. Grammar Grade Methods in Arithmetic 2.
Second Year Grammar Grade Summer School Professional Course.

—9:30; C. H. 5. 2 hours. Miss Barrett.

The history of arithmetic; problems and means of solving them;
use of outside material; rules (type lessons); how time may be
saved; difficult phases; types of lesson plans; Courtis Tests; assigned
lessons in percentage; problems of industrial arts; problems that
have given the teacher trouble in teaching.

Education 139. P. Primary Grade Methods in Arithmetic 1. First
Year Primary Grade Summer School Professional Course.
C. H. 5. 2 hours. Miss Barrett.

A. Subject matter of what primary arithmetic should include; the
work of the first four grades; the value of arithmetic; how to assign


Page 36
a lesson; arrangement of material; place and time in daily schedule.
B. Method—counting, notation and numeration, objection development;
method of obtaining interest; teaching multiplication and division
(type lessons); drill; tests; correcting papers; texts; observation.

Education 140. P. Kindergarten Observation.—9:30 to 11:30;
Washington Hall. 2 hours. Miss Stockard and Miss Wall.

There will be daily observation in the Kindergarten and weekly
conferences in which questions arising from observation in the Observation
School will be discussed. Note books and questionnaire.
Study of materials and methods adapted to use in the primary

Education 141. P. Handwork for Kindergarten and Primary
—12:15; Washington Hall. Fee, 35 cents. Miss Wall.

Painting—2 weeks—Floating leader, developing color appreciation.
Landscape; object, design. Crayon—2 weeks—Color appreciation;
landscape, object, design. Cutting—one week—Free cutting
leading to design to paste work; representative cutting, story cutting.
Construction work—one week—Life forms without paste and
with paste.

Education 142. P. Methods in Language I. First Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—8:30; P. H. 3. 2 hours. Miss

Three weeks of this course will be devoted to a review of English
and Composition to insure a foundation upon which to build up the
course of study and methods in the first four grades. The last three
weeks will be devoted to language methods.

Education 230. Scouting.—4:30; P. H. 1. Mr. Bacon.

Three courses for Scout Masters will be given, each covering a
period of two weeks. First class June 19th to July 2nd; second
class July 3rd to 16th; third class July 17th to 31st. Each group will
cover the same period of time and the same work. Some of the
topics to be discussed will be: an outline history of the National
Organization; object of the boy scouts movement; organization relation
to community; leadership; the adolescent boy; psychology of
scouting; the American Boy and his relation to social problems;
the scout program and its relation to family life and country life;
scout efficiency and citizenship.

Special lectures and demonstrations will be given on the more
intensive phases of scout work by men who are authorities on the
following subjects: Camp management, fire building and trapping,
first aid, bandaging, knot tying, scout programs, geological formation,
bird life, astronomy, forestry and conservation, local bird and
animal life.

Education 231. Medical Inspection and First Aid.

This course will be conducted by two representatives from the
State Board of Health, who are specialists in their respective fields,
assisted by members of the Summer School Faculty. It will begin
June 25th and continue to July 6th. Hours and place to be announced.


Page 37

Camp Fire Girls.—There will be an organization of camp fire
girls and a number of demonstrations and special lectures.

Vacation School and Demonstration Classes.—A very important
and helpful feature of the work in elementary education will be a
regular vacation school for observation purposes. The city of Charlottesville
will conduct a vacation school for work in all the grades,
which will be in charge of trained expert teachers. Arrangements
have been made for daily observation work, and classes have been
scheduled to avoid conflict. The work will be done under the supervision
of a critic teacher.

Arrangements have also been made to bring classes twice a week
from Midway School to the University for demonstration work before
the various classes in Education.

Note.—A series of Round Table Conferences in Education will be
arranged to meet once or twice a week. Separate conferences for
high school teachers, grammar grade teachers and primary teachers
will be held.

The Principals Meeting of the Virginia State Teachers' Association
will be held at the Summer School for one week beginning
June 25th. A special program for the week will be prepared, covering
various administration problems of interest to principals.


Engineering 69. Statics and Elementary Dynamics. Engineering
M. L. Mr. Saunders. Hours and fee to be arranged.

Fundamental dynamical principles and the Newtonian laws of motion.
Statics of the material particle, of the plane lamina, and of
solid bodies in three dimensions; equilibrium of rigid bodies and of
flexible cables; friction; centres of gravity; work and energy. Uniform
motion; uniformly varied motion; projectile motion; simple
harmonic motion; pendulum motion. Elementary dynamics of rotation.

Engineering 70. Strength of Materials. Engineering 503. M. L.
Mr. Saunders. Hours and fee to be arranged.

Fundamental laws of stress and strain; experimental methods for
the determination of the strength and elasticity of elastic solids; ties
and struts; beams of constant and varied sections; beam deflections
by both direct and accelerated methods; columns under both axial
and eccentric loads; struts and ties under lateral loads; reinforced
concrete slabs and beams.


English 145. H. A. Advanced English Grammar.—12:15; L. B.
2. 2 hours. Mr. Wauchope.

Designed especially for high school teachers. No subject in the
curriculum is more unsettled than that of grammar which is now
in a transition stage. The multiplication of high schools in the
South has called attention afresh to the importance of English but
there is still little uniformity in methods of teaching it. An attempt


Page 38
will be made to suggest a new method and a different standard of
instruction in grammar.

Text-Book.—Joyne's Notes on the Teaching of English Grammar
(University of S. C. Press).

English 25. H. A. Rhetoric and Composition.—9:30; L. B. 2.
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Myers.

Corresponds to first term English Literature A1 or A2 regular
session. Designed for those who seek University credit or desire
to improve their writing.

English 26. H. A. Rhetoric and Composition Advanced.—4:30;
L. B. 3. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Shumake.

English Literature A1 of the regular session or its equivalent prerequisite
for those desiring B1 credit in the University of Virginia.
Corresponds to first term of English Literature B1. Advanced rhetoric
and composition with study of minor forms of prose discourse.
About 400 pages parallel reading, 10 written exercises and one essay

English 27. H. A. History of English Literature. Contemporary
British Poetry.
—10:30; L. B. 1. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr.
Kent and Miss McVea.

Corresponds to second term of English Literature A1 regular
term. A survey of English Literature, with parallel reading and
composition, including a study of contemporary British Poets and
the tendencies of Modern Poetry.

English 28. H. A. History of American Literature.—8:30; L. B.
1. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Kent and Miss McVea.

Corresponds to second term of English Literature A2 regular session.
A survey of American Literature, with composition and parallel
reading, including a study of the contemporary movements in
American Literature.

Students completing satisfactorily English 25, 27 and 28 will receive
credit for English Literature A1 or A2 of the regular session.

English 29. H. A. Narration.—12:15; L. B. 3. 2 hours (one session-hour).
Mr. Myers.

Corresponds to the second term of English Literature B1. English
Literature A1 or A2 of the regular session or its equivalent prerequisite
for credit in the University of Virginia.

Narration, with special study of the short story, the biographical
sketch and narration poetry. About 400 pages of parallel reading,
10 written exercises and one essay required.

English 30. H. A. Exposition.—2:30; L. B. 3. 2 hours (one session-hour).
Mr. Shumake.

Corresponds to the third term of English Literature B1. English
Literature A1 or A2 pre-requisite.

Exposition, with special study of the history and structure of the


Page 39
Literary Essay. Introduction to poetry. About 400 pages of parallel
reading, 10 written exercises and one essay required.

English 31. H. A. Prose and Poetry of the Victorian Era.—3:30;
L. B. 2. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Sledd.

English Literature A1 or A2 pre-requisite. Corresponds to the
second term of English Literature B2 of the regular session.

About 500 pages of parallel reading, 8 written exercises, and one
essay will be required.

English 32. H. A. Contemporary British Poets.—4:30; L. B. 2.
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Sledd.

English A1 or A2 pre-requisite. Corresponds to the third term
of English Literature B2 of the regular session.

About 500 pages of parallel reading, 8 written exercises, and one
essay will be required.

English 33. H. A. Contemporary English Drama.—8:30; L. B.
2. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Wauchope.

A survey of the modern drama, the most vital, social, and
artistic literary movement of the century. Representative play of
Ibsen, as the pioneer in the new dramatic school, Sir Arthur Pinero,
George Bernard Shaw, Henry Arthur Jones, John Galsworthy, Sir
James Barrie, and the Irish dramatists, William Butler Yeats, John
Millington Synge, and Lady Augusta Gregory will be read and discussed.

Text-Book.—Dickinson's Chief Contemporary Dramatists (Houghton,
Mifflin & Co.).

English 34. H. A. Shakespeare.—8:30; L. B. 3. 2 hours (one
session-hour). Mr. Sledd.

The work of this course embraces a critical study of Shakespeare
as a dramatic artist. Lectures on fifteen plays best representing
his work at different periods will be given. Other plays by Shakespeare
and his contemporaries will be read as parallel.

Text.—Any complete standard edition of Shakespeare.

Note.—Credit for only one term of English B, or B2 regular session
may be given without the written consent of Dr. Kent, obtained
before the course is taken.

English 146. H. A. The Teaching of High School Literature.
9:30; L. B. 3. 2 hours. Miss Andrews.

Open to high school teachers, supervisors, and principals, to
teachers in college preparatory schools, to heads of departments
and teachers of English in normal schools. This course aims to
make each selection studied a concrete and suggestive example,
through demonstration, of acceptable material and method in the
interpretation and appreciation of literature from the standpoint of
high school pupils. These illustrative studies are supplemented by
library readings and practical discussions of the problems in teaching
literature in the secondary school. Especial attention is given


Page 40
to the nature and purpose of first-year literature. The effort is
made to offer some practical suggestions, through actual classwork,
in modernizing high school literature.

English 147. H. A. G. The Teaching of High School Composition.—12:15;
L. B. 1. 2 hours. Miss Andrews.

Open to high school teachers and supervisors, to teachers of preparatory
schools, to heads of departments and teachers of English
in normal schools. This course presents some aids in making composition
a natural and serviceable subject in the high school, giving
special attention to organizing composition upon a social basis. It
discusses the following topics, among others: A definite and reasonable
aim in teaching composition; life needs as the controlling
standard in composition; life experience and activities as a basis of
composition; stimulative assignments; concreteness in presenting
technicalities of written English; the proper and improper use of
models; the right relation of literature to composition; the relation
of grammar to composition; scales of measurement in composition;
sympathetic criticism and corrections; coöperation of other departments
in oral and written usage; proper physical conditions for
teachers of composition. These discussions are accompanied by illustrative
and practice exercises in theme work by members of the

English 35. H. A. Biblical Literature. The Origin, Characteristis,
and Influence of the Bible as a Book of Literature.
—12:15; C. H.
5. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Forrest.

A study of the literary forms in which the messages of the books
are embodied will lead up to an examination of the teaching itself as
recorded in selected books of the Bible. Credit for one term Biblical
Literature B2.

Note.—The daily lectures will be open to all who desire to attend.
Only those wishing credit need take the examination.

English 148. H. A. Dramatization and the Production of School
—4:30; P. H. 2 hours. Miss Walker.

The course is intended to give teachers sufficient knowledge of
dramatization and play producing to meet the growing demands in
the schools for dramatics that have educational value. The practical
as well as the theoretical phases of the work will be considered.
Stories will be made over into plays in the classroom and
some suitable dramatic literature will be rehearsed.

English 149. H. A. Voice Training.—9:30; P. H. 11. 1 hour, first
three weeks. Miss Walker.

This course consists of exercises, both physical and mental, for
the development of pure tone, flexibility, melody and strength of
voice, clear enunciation, and for relief from high strained tones,
throatiness, and voice fatigue. Voices will be tested and, if necessary,
special exercises prescribed. The relation of the voice to
teaching will be emphasized.


Page 41

English 150. H. A. G. Oral Reading.—9:30; P. H. 11. 1 hour, last
three weeks. Miss Walker.

The object of this course is to help teachers in the oral reading
of literature. There will be lessons devoted to interpretation of literature
with special attention to spirit rather than form. Each
member of the class will prepare individually one selection for reading

English 151. A. G. Methods in Language and Grammar. Second
Year Summer School Professional Course, Grammar Grade.

8:30; C. H. 5. 2 hours. Miss London.

Review of Emerson and Bender's Modern English, Book II. A.
Review of subject matter. B. Review of Methods.

English. Methods in Language, Primary Grades.—See Education
132 and 134.

English 152. Jewish Literature and History.—12:15; C. H. Auditorium.
Rabbi Witt.

A series on lectures on "Jewish Ceremonials, Life and Customs."

English 153. The Short Story.

For the benefit of any persons who desire a practical course in
the Short Story, arrangements have been made with Mrs. Elizabeth
Maury Coombs, whose stories, essays and verse have been frequently
published in the Century, Lippincott's, Strand, Outlook, The Continent,
Mother's Magazine and many others, to give a course of private
lessons in Short Story, its history, rise, technique, writing and
sale. Hours to be arranged. Fee, $5.00.

Special Lectures.—During the session there will be special lectures
on some literary subjects by Dr. C. A. Smith, Dr. Kent, Dr.
Wauchope, Prof. Sledd, and a series of three lectures on the Drama,
Literature and Life of the period from Plautus to Ibsen by Will


French 155. H. Elementary French.—8:30; R. 1. 2 hours. Mr.
de Geer.

Open to students having no knowledge of French. The course
consists of: grammar through the regular verbs; the more important
irregular verbs; translation; oral and written exercises; dictation.

Text-Books.—Fraser and Squair's French Grammar (Heath);
Henri Mizas' Etude Progressive de la Langue Francaise (Henri
Holt); Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon (Heath).

French 156. H. Intermediate French.—9:30; R. 1. 2 hours. Mr.

Open to students who have had one year of French.

Text-Books.—Fraser and Squair's French Grammar (Heath); Francois,


Page 42
Introductory French Prose Composition (American Book Co.);
Churchman, Introduction to French Pronunciation (Jenkins); Monvert,
La Belle France (Allyn and Bacon); Laurie, Une Anné de Collège
à Paris (Macmillan).

French 158. H. Advanced French.—12:15; R. 1. 2 hours. Mr.

Open to students who have had two years of French.

Text-Books.—Mansion, Extracts for French Composition (Heath);
Matzke, Primer of French Pronunciation (Holt); Hugo, Hernani
(Heath); Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac (Holt); Balzac, Eugénie
Grandet (Holt).

French 161. H. French Classical Tragedy.—10:30; R. 1. 2 hours.
Mr. Worthington.

Open to students who have had three years of French. Lectures,
reports, reading, and composition.

Text-Books.—Levrault, Drame et Tragédie (Delaplane, Paris);
Corneille, Le Cid, Horace, Polyeucte (Nitze and Galpin edition,
Holt); Racine, Andromaque, Britannicus, Athalie (Warren edition,
Holt); Sanderson, Through France and French Syntax (Silver, Burdett
& Co.).

French 215. French Conversation.—4:30; R. 1. Mr. de Geer.

Daily practice in French Conversation. Persons who are not
Virginia teachers, or who are not regularly registered students of
the Summer School, may register for this course by the payment
of a fee of $5.00.

French 157. H. Methods of Teaching French.—2:30; R. 1. 2
hours. Mr. de Geer.

This course in methods will be based on a practical application
of comparative phonetics; comparative philology; and comparative


Geography 159. H. A. Physical Geography.—9:30; P. H. 3. 2
hours. Miss Kelley.

A practical course in applied physical geography. Emphasis is
laid on the human factor as dependent on environment. Laboratory
and field work included.

Text-Book.—Dryer's New High School Geography.

Geography 160. H. A. Industrial and Commercial Geography.
2:30; P. H. 2. 2 hours. Miss Kelley.

The special work in this course will be the study of national and
international problems dependent on geographic conditions. The
course is arranged to meet the needs of any grade of teacher or

Text-Book.—Robinson's Commercial Geography. Government
bulletins and reports; current geography from magazines, clippings,
reports, etc.


Page 43


German 162. R. A. Elementary German A.—8:30; P. H. 10. 2
hours. Mr. Kelly.

Beginners may take this course. Pronunciation, the declension of
articles, demonstrative, and nouns, the conjugation of verbs in the
indicative, active and imperative; reading, conversation, and
composition. About equivalent to first half session of first year
German in the high school.

Text-Book.—Zinnecker's Deutsch für Anfänger. (Lessons 1-20).

German 163. H. A. Elementary German.—9:30; P. H. 10. 2
hours. Mr. Kelly.

Course 162 or its equivalent pre-requisite for admission. Elementary
grammar completed, pronunciation, reading, composition, and
conversation. About equivalent to second half of first year German
in high school.

Text-Book.—Zinnecker's Deutsch für Anfänger. (Lessons 21-40).

German 38. H. A. Methods of Modern Language Teaching.
10:30; P. H. 10. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Faulkner.

Open to all students of modern languages. Students desiring
credit must pass, in addition to the examination on the course,
units A, B, C of the University Entrance Examinations in German.
A course of thirty lectures on methods of modern language teaching
with especial reference to German. Collateral reading in various
books on methods.

German 39. H. A. Goethe's Faust, Parts I and II.—12:15; P.
H. 10. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Faulkner.

Open to all students of language and literature. Students desiring
credit must present certificates before admission showing not
less than three years of German in an accredited school or college,
and must pass an examination in translation and interpretation
of the German text. Lectures, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
commentary and interpretation of Goethe's Faust, with readings
in the Swanwick or Bayard Taylor translation; Tuesday and
Thursday, translation and discussion of selected passages of the
German text.

Text-Books.—Calvin Thomas' Goethe's Faust, I. and II. Teil;
Goethe's Faust, translated by Anna Swanwick, or Goethe's Faust,
translated by Bayard Taylor.

Deutscher Verein.—This club will meet weekly. The programs
include German conversation; games; picnics; easy lectures on customs
and travel in Germany; ex tempore speech-making; speaking
from notes; current events; debates; parliamentary drill; music,
singing of folksongs; story telling.


History 40. H. A. Ancient History.—8:30; R. 3. 2 hours (one
session-hour). Mr. McConnell.


Page 44

A study of the life and institution of the Greeks and the Romans.

Text.—Webster's Ancient History; Cape's Age of the Antonines.
Corresponds to one term of History B, regular session.

History 165. H. A. The Middle Age.—9:30; R. 3. 2 hours; Mr.

A study of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire
to the 15th Century. All the great movements and institutions of
this period will be taken up.

Text-Book.—Myers' The Middle Age; Robinson's Readings in European
History, Vol. 1.

History 41. H. A. The Modern Age (Course I).—12:15; R. 3.
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. McConnell.

European History from 1450 to 1789. A study of the Renaissance,
the Protestant Revolution and the Causes of the French Revolution.

Text-Books.—Seebohm's Protestant Revolution; Myers' the Modern
Age; Dabney's Causes of the French Revolution.

Accepted for one term of History B2 regular session.

History 168. H. A. The Modern Age (Course II).—3:30; R. 3.
2 hours. Mr. Page.

European History from 1789 to 1915. A survey of the French
Revolution and Napolean, the Rise of Democracy, the Development
of the British Empire, the Unification of Germany and of Italy, the
Rise of Russia, and the Causes of the Great War of the Nations.

Text-Books.—Robinson and Beard's Development of Modern Europe,
Vol. 2; Gibbons' The New Map of Europe.

History 166. H. G. English History.—10:30; R. 3. 2 hours. Mr.

In this course the institutional life of the English people will be
studied. Stress will be laid on such topics as: the Growth of Parliament,
England's Colonial Empire and Policy, the Industrial Revolution,
Cabinet Government, and the Era of Reform in the Nineteenth

History 167. H. G. United States History and Civics.—2:30; R.
3. 2 hours. Mr. Page.

This course is intended to cover the general history of the United
States. The lectures will deal in large measure with the economic
and social growth of the nation; while the discussion and assigned
readings will bear mainly on constitutional and political development.

Virginia History.—See schedule, page 22.

Review of United States History.—See schedule, page 22.

Review of English History.—See schedule, page 22.


Page 45


Household Arts 169a. H. A. G. Study of Foods.—Section I, 8:30
to 10:30; P. H. Domestic Science Laboratory. 2 hours. Laboratory
Fee, $1.50. Miss Leftwich.

Household Arts 169b. H. A. G. Study of Foods.—Section II,
2:20 to 4:30; P. H. Domestic Science Laboratory. 2 hours. Laboratory
Fee, $1.50. Mrs. Avery.

A study of the production and composition of raw food materials;
the physical and chemical changes caused by cooking and the relation
of these matters to the processes of digestion and nutrition.

Laboratory Work: Two hours daily. Practice is given in selecting
and combining food materials also in the planning and serving
of meals at specified cost.

Text-Book.—Boston Cookery School Cook Book. Farmer.

Household Arts 170. H. A. Home Management.—10:30; P. H.
11. 2 hours. Miss Murphy.

This course aims to give the principles of successful and efficient
housekeeping. It includes such topics as house sanitation, drainage,
water supply, plumbing, heating, lighting, ventilation, disposal
of waste, house furnishing and decoration, floors and walls, finishes
and coverings, suitable furnishing for various rooms, household expenditure,
need of system, proper division of income, prevention of
waste, home care of the sick, baths, care of the room, care of the
patient, emergencies, study of special diseases and simple ailments.

Household Arts 171. H. A. Study of Foods—Advanced.—10:30
to 12:30; P. H. Domestic Science Laboratory. 2 hours. Laboratory
Fee, $1.50. Mrs. Avery and Miss Murphy.

Includes the further study of the principles involved in cooking
and their application. The methods of presenting the subject of
foods in rural elementary and high schools are developed, also practice
in demonstrating the art of cookery.

Household Arts 172a. H. A. G. Theory and Practice of Teaching
—12:15; P. H. 12. 2 hours. Miss Murphy.

Special attention will be given to planning courses of study, choice
of equipment, methods, etc., for various schools according to the
needs of the community and available funds, demonstration lessons
and practice teaching.

Household Arts 172b. H. A. G. Theory and Practice of Teaching
—12:15; W. R. L. 2 hours. Miss O'Neal.

Special attention will be given to planning courses of study, choice
of equipment, methods, etc., for various schools according to the
needs of the community and available funds, demonstration lessons
and practice teaching.


Page 46

Household Arts 173. H. A. Dietetics.—2:30 to 4:30; P. H. 2
hours. Laboratory Fee, $1.50. Miss Leftwich and Miss Murphy.

Presents the fundamental principles of human nutrition and their
application to the feeding of individuals, families and large groups
under varying conditions. It includes a study of the chemistry and
physiology of digestion; metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and
fats; the 100 caloric portion as a unit; feeding of children and invalids;
balanced rations—menu making, etc.

Household Arts 216. Course for County Demonstration Agents.
Peabody Hall. Miss Murphy, Mrs. Avery, Miss Leftwich, Miss
Hughes and other specialists.

This course will include special work in Agriculture, English,
Household Arts, Canning, Preserving, Jelly Making, Poultry, Games
and Story Telling, and the Organization of a county. For full description
with schedule, write to the Director.

Household Arts 174. H. A. G. Sewing and Study of Textiles,
—8:30 to 10:30; M. H. Reading Room L. B. 2 hours.
Fee, $1.50. Miss Rossmann.

Designed for those preparing to teach sewing in elementary
grades, and to furnish a fundamental knowledge of practical sewing.

Discussions on Domestic Art subjects in elementary schools.

Work required—Book of 20 models and two undergarments.

Text-Book.—A Sewing Course—Mrs. Woolman (Whitcomb &

Household Arts 175. H. A. G. Sewing and Study of Textiles.
—2:30 to 4:30; L. B. Reading Room. 2 hours. Fee,
$1.50. Miss Rossmann.

This course is designed for those preparing to teach sewing in
elementary and secondary schools. Discussions on Domestic Art
subjects in secondary schools and colleges. Planning clothing budgets,
etc. Work required—Book of 14 models, one night dress, and
lingerie shirt waist.

Text-Book.—A Sewing Course—Mrs. Woolman (Whitcomb &

Household Arts 176. H. A. G. Sewing and Study of Textiles.
—8:30 to 10:30; L. B. Reading Room. 2 hours. Fee, $1.50.
Miss O'Neal.

For those who wish to teach sewing in elementary and high
schools. It will include: Cutting and fitting, study of color and
style in relation to wearer. Each student will complete a tailored
shirt waist, design and make a dress of advanced style, or one other
garment or models for trimming.

Household Arts 177. H. A. G. Millinery.—10:30; W. R. L. 1
hour. Fee, $1.50. Miss O'Neal.

Pre-requisites, Household Arts 120 or 121: Includes making buckram


Page 47
frames, finishing edges of hats, silk flowers and other trimmings
and points in hat-making.

Household Arts 217. Demonstration Work.—10:30 and 4:30; W.
R. L. Miss Minard.

Special demonstration and instruction by a representative of the
Dennison Manufacturing Co., in various uses of crepe paper, crepe
paper rope, picture binding and sealing wax.

Note.—Each student should bring a white apron made by Buttrick
pattern 5162.

It is recommended that students wishing to specialize in household
economy take Hygiene and Chemistry as these courses are
planned with special reference to the work in household economy.

A short practical course for those teachers in rural schools who
desire to introduce some domestic science instruction in their
schools will be offered, if there is sufficient demand for it.

Teachers applying for a high school grade certificate in cooking
or in sewing and the study of textiles must take two courses in
each of these subjects.


Political Science 44. The Principles of International Law.—12:15;
P. H. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Rogers.

After a rapid survey of the nature, sources, and development of
international law, this course will consider the rules of international
law with particular reference to the problems growing out of the
present war; the sanctity of treaty obligations; the violation of neutral
territory; laws of war on land; contraband, blockades, submarine
warfare, rights and duties of neutrals, etc.

Political Science 45. The Pacific Settlement of International Disputes.—10:30;
P. H. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Rogers.

This course will be concerned with peace projects in the light of
the epochal conflicts provoking them; the growth of international
arbitration; international congresses and the arbitral machinery they
provided (Hague Court); present plans to preserve peace; Pan-Americanism,
the Monroe Doctrine, and the relation of the United
States to the Great War and the future of the world.

B and C credit, for 44 and 45, the amount to be determined by consultation
with the instructor.

In addition to the regular lectures in International Law and Politics,
Dr. Rogers will give six special lectures on President Wilson's
Foreign Policy, 1913-17, as follows:

1. Introductory: the meaning and importance of foreign policy;
democracy and diplomacy; the foreign policy of the United States;
President Wilson's programme.

2. Pan-Americanism: rapprochement through conferences, treaties,
and protectorates; the Mexican imbroglio; Haiti, Nicaragua, Colombia;
the Monroe Doctrine; the American Institute of International
Law and its proposals.

3. The Great War: the nature of neutrality; the invasion of Belgium


Page 48
and the disregard of the Hague Conventions; President Wilson's
"silent neutrality;" the duty and the propriety of protests;
American interests.

4. The Great War: interferences with American rights by Great
Britain; the Declaration of London; American trade with Germany
and neutrals; the "blockade;" the inviolability of the mails; the
prosecution by President Wilson of America's case against the Allies.

5. The Great War: interference with American rights by Germany;
the submarine warfare; the Lusitania and other outrages; the
German pledges; the breaking of diplomatic relations and its consequences;
the prosecution of America's case against Germany.

6. The United States and the Future Peace of the World: American
isolation; entangling alliances; an entente cordiale with Great
Britain; President Wilson's peace proposals; a League to Enforce
Peace; the abandonment of a policy of isolation.

These lectures will be given Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning
June 26th, at 4:30 in the Auditorium of Peabody Hall.


Latin 218. Beginners' Latin.—Section I, 8:30; Section II, 2:30;
C. H. 1. Mr. Bishop and Mr. Barton.

For teachers in high schools and academies, for college preparation,
and for students of Latin at large. Roman pronunciation, accent
and quantity, study of forms, syntax, prose composition, and
preparation for Cæsar.

Text-Book.—Pearson's Essentials of Latin.

Latin 219. Cæsar.—3:30; C. H. 1. Mr. Barton.

Offered to teachers in high schools and academies, for college
preparation, and for students of Latin at large. Practice in sight
reading, systematic study of Latin grammar along with prose composition.
Grammar and prose on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading
of Cæsar on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Barss' Writing Latin
(Book I); Cæsar's Gallic War.

Latin 220. H. Cicero.—12:15; C. H. 1. Mr. Bishop.

Offered to teachers in high schools and academies, for college
preparation, and for students of Latin at large. Practice in sight
reading, grammar and prose composition. Grammar and prose on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Cicero on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays.

Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Barss' Writing Latin
(Book II); Cicero's Orations.

Latin 221. H. Vergil I-VI.—12:15; C. H. 1. Mr. McLemore.

Offered to teachers in high schools and academies, for college
preparation, and for students of Latin at large. Study of the Latin
hexameter, sight reading, grammar and prose composition. Grammar


Page 49
and prose on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Vergil on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Nutting's Supplementary
Latin Composition; Vergil's Æneid I-VI.

Latin 178. H. A. Teachers' High School Training Course.
10:30; C. H. 1. 2 hours. Mr. FitzHugh and Mr. Barton.

Illustrating the method of teaching Latin in the high school. Review
of Beginners' Latin, High School Grammar and Prose Composition,
Cæsar, Cicero, and Vergil.

Text-Books.—Those appointed by the State Board of Education.

Credit for this course presupposes the completion of the four
years of high school Latin, or of courses 1-4 above.

Latin 46. H. Cicero's De Senectute.—10:30; C. H. 1. 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. McLemore and Mr. Bishop.

Offered for teachers in colleges, for college students, and for
students of Latin at large. This course is identical with the third
term of A1 in the winter session. College grammar and prose composition
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Cicero on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays. For college credit extra parallel
reading is prescribed.

Text-Books.—Gildersleeve-Lodge's Larger Grammar and Moulton-Collar's
Preparatory Latin Composition; Cicero's De Senectute.

Latin 47. H. Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria.—9:30; C. H. 1.
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. FitzHugh and Mr. McLemore.

Offered for teachers in colleges, for college students, and for students
of Latin at large. This course is identical with the third term
of B2 in the winter session. College grammar and prose composition
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The reading of Quintilian on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. For college credit extra parallel
reading is prescribed.

Text-Books.—Gildersleeve-Lodge's Larger Grammar and Bennett's
Second Latin Writer; Quintilian X-XII.

Latin 48. H. Lucretius' De Rerum Natura.—9:30; C. H. 1. Mr.
FitzHugh and Mr. McLemore.

Offered for teachers in colleges, for college students, and for students
of Latin at large. This course is identical with the third term
of C2 in the winter session. College grammar and prose composition
on Wednesdays and Fridays. The reading of Lucretius on
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. For college credit extra parallel
reading is prescribed.

Text-Books.—Grandgent's Vulgar Latin and Nettleship's Passages
for Translation into Latin Prose; Lucretius' De Rerum Natura.


The courses in Library Economy are designed especially for librarians
of small libraries, persons wishing to prepare for library positions,
and for teachers.


Page 50

Library Economy 179. H. A. Cataloguing, Classification, Administration.—9:30;
R. 2 hours. Mr. Patton.

Lectures and practice work based on A. L. A. Catalogue Rules;
A. L. A. List of Subject Headings for use in dictionary catalogues;
3rd ed.; Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue by C. A. Cutter, and the
Decimal Classification by Melvil Dewey.

The administration of university and college libraries, with practical
demonstration of methods of charging books, recording statistics,

Library Economy 180. H. A. Reference Work, Bibliography,
Government Documents.
—8:30; R. Miss Dinwiddie.

Lectures and problems will be given as follows: Reference books;
encyclopedias; dictionaries; biography; indexes to periodicals; annuals;
how to run down quotations; collection of reference material,

General and national bibliography, American, English, French,
German, etc.; the making of a bigliography; bibliographies of special

A study by means of lectures and problems of Federal and State
public documents, their acquisition, arrangement, and use as reference
material. The discussions will cover the principal Congressional,
departmental and bureau publications, and their general and
special indexes. The problems will show the practical use of this
class of material.


Manual Arts 181. H. A. Wood-Working for High Schools.
10:30 and 12:15; P. H. Basement. 2 hours. Fee, $1.00. Mr. Magee
and Mr. Davis.

This course will deal with a class of useful projects adapted to
the interest and related as far as possible to the work of the high
school student. Problems applicable to principles of mathematics,
physics and chemistry as well as useful articles for the home and
school will be considered. Methods of construction of all work attempted
will be those used by the artisan. Recognized principles of
good design will be developed by sketches and drawings, and will
be applied to all mechanical projects.

Methods of milling, seasoning, and finishing of woods will be
studied as will also the tools, their uses and care.

Manual Arts 182. H. A. G. Constructive Design.

This course will take up the study of the principles of design as
related to projects in industrial arts. The study of space relations
and proportions, forms, and decoration will be given consideration
in the problems attempted.

See Drawing 249.

Manual Arts 183. Upper Grade Work.—2:30 to 4:30; P. H. Basement.
2 hours. Fee, $1.00. Mr. Magee and Mr. Davis.

This course is intended primarily for the teachers of the fifth to
the eighth grades. The problems will be practical and especially


Page 51
adapted to these grades but may be used elsewhere if it is deemed
wise. The problems will be in wood and light metal. The study
of economical equipment and problems adapted to varying conditions
will form a great part of the work. Drawing both freehand
and mechanical as related to these projects will receive some attention.
Some previous training in mechanical or free-hand drawing
will be of value to those taking this course.

Manual Arts 184. Industrial Manual Training.—8:30 to 10:30;
Manual Training Room, P. H. 2 hours. Fee, $1.00. Miss Eisenbise
and Miss Evans.

The aim of this course is not so much to develop a high degree
of skill or manual dexterity as it is to teach the principles, characteristics
and uses of various materials suitable for handwork in all
grades, for both rural and city schools. The handwork in this
course will be supplemented by lectures on materials and methods,
and the place of industrial work in education.

Manual Arts 185a. Primary Industrial Art.—Section I, 10:30 and
12:15. 185b.—Section II, 2:30 to 4:30; Manual Training Room, P. H.
2 hours. Fee, $1.00. Miss Eisenbise and Miss Evans.

This course consists of practical work, related subject matter, and
discussion of processes. A simple, logical, course for the first four
grades, in paper, card board construction, weaving, etc., will be given
with the purpose of bringing the child into proper relationship with
the larger world.

Manual Arts 186. G. Advanced Course for Elementary Grade
—8:30 to 10:30; Manual Training Room, P. H. 2 hours.
Fee, $1.00. Mr. Magee and Mr. Davis.

Individual instruction, as far as possible, will be given those teachers
who possess some degree of skill in handwork but who desire
more advanced instruction in woodwork, mechanical drawing and
in the use of other materials suitable for handwork.

Manual Arts 187. A. G. Mechanical Drawing.—Time and place
to be announced. 2 hours. Fee, $1.00. Mr. Magee.

This course is designed for those who wish to teach mechanical
drawing in secondary schools and for those who feel a need of this
subject in teaching shop work. Some of the topics taken up are
use of the instruments, lettering, projection, working drawings, blueprinting,
tracing, etc. Lectures are also given on modern drafting
room methods.

Manual Arts 222. Observation Class.—9:30; Manual Training
Room, P. H. Fee, $1.00. Mr. Magee.

For boys of Charlottesville; most of the work will be wood work
and mechanical drawing. This class will serve as an observation
class for teachers of manual and industrial subjects. A like class for
girls will be formed if there is sufficient demand for it.


Page 52

Manual Arts 223. Agricultural Projects.—4:30; Manual Training
Room, P. H. Mr. Magee.

A class for the students in agriculture, primarily, in the construction
of projects relating to their work. This class will be formed
if a sufficient number apply.


Mathematics 50 H. A. Advanced Algebra.—8:30; C. H. 6. 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Page.

Quadratics and the progressions, the binomial formula, convergence
and divergence of series, with a special study of the binomial,
exponential and logarithmic series. The study of inequalities and
determinants prepares for the theory and equations with which the
course is closed. A sufficient review will be given in the first of
the term to cover all the topics needed by the high school teacher.

Corresponds to third term of Math. A1 or second term of Math.
A2, regular session.

Text.—Reitz and Crathorne's Treatise on Algebra.

Mathematics 188. H. A. Plane Geometry.—10:30; C. H. 6. 2
hours. Mr. Echols.

Designed for students wishing to review this subject or to repair
deficiencies, for teachers and those who are preparing for college
examinations. The lectures and quizzes will be framed with
the view of strengthening and harmonizing the knowledge of plane
geometry. There will be discussed for historical development the
logical connection of the theorems and processes of elementary geometry;
the definitions of the fundamental geometrical concepts;
the axioms of geometry and the nature of geometrical proof; the
systematic study of the original solution and methods of attack of
geometrical problems; the theory of geometric graphical solution,
and the problems of quadrature of the circle.

Mathematics 189. H. A. Plane Geometry.—10:30; C. H. 2. Mr.

This course is designed for students wishing to review the subject
and for teachers desiring special methods. Special attention
will be paid to the solution of original exercises.

Text.—Wentworth & Smith's Plane Geometry.

Mathematics 51. H. A. Solid Geometry.—12:15; C. H. 6. 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Echols.

The course presupposes a knowledge of Mathematics 188. Especial
attention will be given to the logical development of the subject
and to the dependent relationship between the propositions.
The scientific and pedagogic aspects of the theory of limits will be
treated in detail. The problems of geometrical mensuration for
space will be carefully worked out to conclusions.

Corresponds to the second term of Mathematics A1, regular session.

Text.—Venable's Elements of Geometry.


Page 53

Mathematics 52. H. A. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.—9:30;
C. H. 6. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Page.

The course in plane trigonometry will begin with the definitions
of the six trigonometric functions as ratios, and embrace all topics
usually covered in the standard text-books, including the use of logarithms.
In spherical trigonometry the course will end with the
solution of oblique spherical triangles.

Corresponds to first term of Mathematics A1 or A2, regular session.

Text.—Loney's Trigonometry, Part 1; Murray's Spherical Trigonometry;
Murray's Five-Place Tables.

Mathematics 53. H. A. Analytical Geometry.—4:30; C. H. 8. 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Michie.

Elementary Analytical Geometry, beginning with the cartesian
and polar systems with numerous exercises in graphical representation
of equations. Especial attention is paid to the straight line,
the circle and the general equation of the first degree in two variables.

This course is intended to prepare for the study of the Analytical
Geometry of the conic sections.

Text.—Fine and Thompson's Coördinate Geometry.

Mathematics 54. H. A. Differential Calculus.—5:30; C. H. 8. 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Michie.

The differentiation of the elementary functions, with applications
to the expansion of functions in series, evaluation of illusory forms,
maximum and minimum values; the applications to geometry of
curves in the problems of tangency, contact, and curvature.

Corresponds to second term of Mathematics B3, regular session.

Text.—Osborne's Differential and Integral Calculus.

Mathematics 55. H. A. Integral Calculus.—9:30; C. H. 8. 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Michie.

The fundamental principles of integration will be studied with
the usual application to areas, lengths, surfaces, and volumes.

Corresponds to third term of Mathematics B3, regular session.

Text.—Osborne's Differential and Integral Calculus.

Mathematics 56. H. A. Coordinate Geometry.—10:30; C. H. 7.
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Michie.

Analytical Geometry continued from the point reached in
Course 53.

Corresponds to first term of Mathematics B3, regular session.

Text.—Fine and Thompson's Coördinate Geometry.

Mathematics 190. H. A. Calculus.—8:30; C. H. 8. 2 hours. Mr.

Not intended to supplant the more thorough college course, but
for students with limited time and for review. The elements of the


Page 54
calculus will be stressed, emphasis being placed upon the fundamental
conceptions and their application. Students will be thoroughly
drilled in the statement of Physical and Chemical problems
in terms of the calculus. This course is especially recommended as
a preliminary to the course in Physical Chemistry offered in the
University of Virginia and to other courses in which a knowledge of
calculus is desirable.

Text.—Osborne's Differential and Integral Calculus and Mollor's
Higher Mathematics.

Mathematics 191. H. A. Differential Equations.—12:15; C. H.
8. 2 hours. Mr. Michie.

A study of the more common types of ordinary differential equations,
especially those of the first and second orders, with emphasis
on geometrical interpretations and applications to geometry, mechanics,
and physics.

Text.—Johnson's Differential Equations.

Mathematics 224. H. A. Review of High School Algebra.—3:30;
C. H. 8. Mr. Michie.

The subjects to be studied are graphs, simple equations, involution,
evolution, exponents, radicals, inequalities, quadratics, and the

Text.—Wells and Hart's High School Algebra (D. C. Heath
& Co.).

Mathematics 225. Elementary Algebra.—2:30; C. H. 8. 2 hours.
Mr. Givens.

This course is intended for those who have not studied algebra
or who desire a review of beginners' algebra.

Mathematics—Review of Arithmetic.—See schedule, page 22.

Mathematics—Methods in Primary Arithmetic.—See Education 139.

Mathematics—Methods in Grammar Grade Arithmetic.—See Education


The course in Military Training for the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps, now being given at the University by Col. J. A. Cole, U. S.
Army, will be continued through the Summer School. It has a
credit value of one session-hour.


Public School Music.

The courses offered are as follows:

Courses for Supervisors of Music.—These courses are primarily
intended for the training of supervisors of music and special teachers
of music in the public schools. In order to complete the work
and receive a supervisor's certificate, it is required that the candidate


Page 55
shall have attended two summer sessions. Detailed information
in regard to home study during the academic year may be had
on application to Professor Fillmore.

Courses for Grade Teachers.—The probability is that the near future
will witness a requirement made by school boards and state
boards of education, demanding that the grade teacher shall qualify
in music as she must qualify in every other subject in the elementary
curriculum. Such a requirement is already in force in several states.
This makes a special course of music for grade teachers an actual


Daily Program, Summer School 1917.

8:30  Material and
Sight Singing -1A 
Material and
Sight Singing -2A 
Professor Fillmore  Miss Wingfield 
9:30  Tone and Rhythm -1B  Tone and Rhythm -2B 
Miss Fraser  Miss Wingfield 
10:30  Methods and
Rote Songs -1C 
Methods and
Practice Teaching -2C 
Miss Fraser  Professor Fillmore 
12:15  Rudiments of Music
and Melody Writing -1D 
Melody Writing and
Elementary armony -2D 
Miss Wingfield  Professor Fillmore 
2:30  CHORUS 
3:30  Music History and
Current Musical Events-E 
High and Normal
School Music -F 
Miss Fraser  Professor Fillmore 

The afternoon classes will not meet on Wednesdays.

A special grade teacher's certificate will be granted to the teacher
who completes satisfactorily the work in courses 1A, 2A, 1B, 2B,
1C, 2C. These courses give thorough training in sight reading, in
ear training and dictation and in the methods of presenting public


Page 56
school music. This gives the teacher as much freedom in knowledge
of methods and materials in music as in the subjects of geography,
spelling, arithmetic, and the like.

Courses for First Year Students.

Material and Sight Singing—1A.—The satisfactory completion of
this course requires (1) the ability to read at sight with Italian syllables,
and with musical expression, the music taught in the first
four years of the public schools, and (2) a knowledge of the material
for these grades.

Study of Tone and Rhythm—1B.—The activities prescribed in this
course embody the careful development and mastery of all tonal,
metric and rhythmic problems of the first four years of the public
schools, through the medium of musical dictation. This work is
based on the aurul recognition of the scale and scale successions
up and down in varying order, followed by the written expression
of the same. Ear training and eye training are then combined so
that power may be gained to think tones and to sense meter and
rhythms and at the same time acquire a practical knowledge of
scale relations and the application of the Italian syllabus used in
sight reading.

Methods and Rote Songs—1C.—This course is devoted to the discussion
and presentation of correct teaching principles of music for
the first four years in public schools. The methods employed are
those used in the school room. Students are required to formulate
detailed outlines embodying the preparation and presentation of lessons
for the classroom. Rote singing is the foundation upon which
there must be laid the whole structure of school music. In this
course, emphasis is placed on the importance of selecting material
specially adapted for rote singing, upon the method of presentation,
and upon the artistic interpretation of the thought and spirit of the

Rudiments of Music and Melody Writing—1D.—The work in Rudiments
of Music includes the study of the constructive elements of
music with individual oral and written tests on the same. This includes
(1) the notation and terminology of pitch, duration and volume;
(2) pitch names; (3) the structure of the major scale; application
to all keys; (4) key signature; (5) elementary melody.

Music History and Current Musical Events—1E.—Students taking
the course will be required to pass an examination covering the
most important facts relating to the great classical and romantic
composers and their music; also a working knowledge of current
musical events together with the names of the most eminent living
composers, their works, and the names of the principal music performers
of the day, instrumentalists as well as vocalists.

Courses for Second Year Students.

Material and Sight Singing—2A.—A certificate of credit for this
requires the ability to read at sight with Italian syllables or words
music of the degree of difficulty taught in the fifth, sixth, seventh,
and eighth years of the public schools.

A knowledge of all material suitable for grades five to eight inclusive
is required.

This course is open only to students who have completed the corresponding
work prescribed in 1A.


Page 57

Study of Tone and Rhythm—2B.—Entrance to this course requires
the completion of the corresponding work prescribed in Course 1B.

Consideration is given to the principles of the tonal and rhythmic
problems of the fifth, sixth, and seventh years of the public schools
through the medium of musical dictation. The work is both oral
and written. Practice is given also in the recognition and written
expression of music in two parts. The important phase of the aural
recognition of modulation in all nearly related keys.

Methods and Practice Teaching—2C.—This course is open only
to students who have completed the corresponding work prescribed
in Course 1C. The methods of the first four years are reviewed and
the work of each year above the fourth is taken up in detail. Instruction
is given for the proper training of the grade teacher and
the course is designed to help the Supervisor of Music with the
many problems of the school room, and to show her how to secure
the hearty co-operation of the teachers, the superintendent and the

Each student will be required to prepare and submit lesson plans
in music for grades assigned, and to conduct lessons under the immediate
supervision of the instructor.

Melody Writing and Elementary Harmony—2D.—A practical
course in original melody writing in public schools. It is presupposed
that the student has acquired some proficiency in thinking
tones and rhythms—i. e., singing mentally and in visualizing and
singing original melodies of four or eight measures. This course
includes (1) the structure of the minor scale in all its forms, (2)
elementary harmony; intervals and triads, (3) melody writing.
Written work daily is required.

High and Normal School Music—F.—All phases of a well-organized
course of music in the high and normal school are discussed.
These include classification of voices; organization of choruses with
proper seating of singers to secure an artistic blending of voice-parts;
glee clubs; the orchestra, its organization with regard to
kinds and numbers of instruments necessary under varying conditions,
and music suitable for orchestral work; elective courses in
music appreciation and elementary harmony; conducting with reference
to the special needs of a music supervisor.

Chorus.—Required of all music students. Particular attention is
paid to the tone quality, blending of voices, phrasing, enunciation,
and interpretation. Music suitable for high and normal school chorus
is studied and performed at the public concerts given by the
Department of Music.

15. Chorus.—All students working for a grade teacher's certificate,
or a supervisor's certificate, will be required to take this course. The
time is devoted to chorus singing and to instruction in the technical
and interpretative elements of choral music. Cantatas and choruses
suitable for high and normal school will be studied and performed
by the chorus.

Certificate Credit.—A certificate for work accomplished is granted
to all those who pass successfully the required examinations at the
close of the session.

A special grade teacher's certificate in music is granted to those


Page 58
who complete Courses 1A, 2A, 1B, 2B, 1C, 2C, and pass satisfactory

A supervisor's certificate is granted to those who complete the
course and satisfactorily pass the examinations.

16. Vocal Production.—Old Italian Method, including Concone,
Vaccai, Garcia, Henschel. German, Italian and English diction; Oratorio
and Opera Arias, German Lieder and Ballad Singing.

Fee for the session, $18.00 for two half hour lessons per week;
$10.00 for one half hour lesson per week. Hours to be arranged.
Mr. Calthrop.

17. Piano.—(a) Course in piano playing from the standpoint of
pedagogy, designed for teachers.

(b) Course in piano technic and interpretation.

(c) Course in sight reading and ensemble playing. Mr. Rath.

18. Pipe Organ.—(a) Course in practical church music.

(b) Course in artistic organ playing. Mr. Rath. Fee for the session
$18.00 for two half hour lessons per week. $10.00 for one half
hour lesson per week.

Lessons from Miss Haislip, fee $10.00 per term for two half hour
lessons per week, hours to be arranged.

19. Violin Playing.—(a) Elementary: Deals with notation, correct
position of holding violin bow. Correct intonation. Development
of rhythm and elementary technic. Progress based upon student's
ability and aptitude.

(b) Intermediate: Study of positions. Study of scales. Ability
to memorize—development of singing tone.

(c) Advanced: Designed for advanced players, embraces studies
of Kreuzer, Gavinies, etc. The study of standard concerts is also
required. (a) For sufficiently advanced students a teachers' course
is offered in methods and manner of presenting material and in interpretation,
repertoire, etc. Mr. Fuchs. Fee for each course $18
per session for two half hour lessons per week. $10 for one half
hour lesson per week for session.

20. History and Appreciation of Music.—Course (a) Deals with
music from Palestrina to death of Beethoven. The aim is to teach
music historically and aesthetically as an element of liberal culture;
to increase the power of musical enjoyment by the practice of intelligently
listening to musical compositions. The course is illustrated
with suitable selections upon the violin and piano; and is further
enhanced by the employment and judicious use of the victrola.

Course (b) Continuation of Course (a); similarly illustrated and
continuing up to the present time. No previous knowledge of music
required for these courses.

21. Ear-training and Preparatory Harmony. (a) Designed for those
students who wish to prepare for the study of harmony. No previous
knowledge of music required.

(b) Harmony 1. Deals with the fundamental principles of harmony.
Continuing through triads, seventh and ninth chords, involving
the harmonizing of both given bases and melodies. Course (a)

(c) Advanced Harmony: A continuation of Course (b) dealing
with non-harmonic tones, seventh and ninth chords in their relationship
to each other. Altered chords modulations and analysis of passages
from the works of the great composers. Melodies both given


Page 59
and original are harmonized. Course (b) pre-requisite. Mr. Fuchs.
Fee $10 per session, three hours per week.

The foregoing are the regular curriculum courses. In addition to
these it is planned to organize a large Band and Orchestra if sufficient
talent among the Summer School students so permits. Students
who expect to attend the Summer School and who play wind
or string instruments are urged to bring these instruments with them.
Special financial inducements will be offered them. There will be
organized also a large Festival Chorus of five hundred voices. Outdoor
twilight singing will be another feature of the Summer School.
Special programs of a musical character will be rendered at Cabell
Hall. Students who sing, who have dramatic experience, who play
some musical instrument will receive a special welcome this year.
It is important that all such students write at once so that their
names can be properly catalogued for quick reference during registration

Note.—A small extra fee will be charged for use of pianos and organs
in practice.


Philosophy 57. Deductive Logic.—9:30 to 11:30, first three weeks;
P. H. 6. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Lefevre and Mr. Balz.

After an introductory discussion of the standpoint, problems, and
methods of logic and a brief survey of the historical development
of the science, the class will be engaged with a detailed study of deduction
or the logic of proof. Special attention will be directed to
the analysis of logical arguments and to the detection of fallacies in
deductive reasoning.

Equivalent to first term Philosophy B1, regular session.

Text.—Creighton's Introductory Logic.

Philosophy 58. Inductive Logic.—9:30 to 11:30, last three weeks;
P. H. 6. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Lefevre and Mr. Balz.

This course will be devoted to a study of inductive methods of
reasoning, and will be devoted to a study of topics as: enumeration
and statistical methods; determination of causal relations; analogy;
formation and use of hypotheses; and the fallacies of inductive reasoning.

Equivalent to second term Philosophy B1, regular session.

Text.—Creighton's Introductory Logic.

Philosophy 59. Logic.—12:15; P. H. 6. 2 hours (one session-hour).
Mr. Lefevre and Mr. Balz.

A critical exposition of different theories of knowledge.

Credit for third term of Philosophy B1.


The classes in physical education are planned to give the teachers
of the primary, grammar and high school grades and supervisors of
physical education, a practical training in games, athletics, calisthenics,
marching, folk dances, aesthetic and classic dancing, as now
taught in schools and on playgrounds.


Page 60

Physical Education 192. G. Physical Education—4th, 5th and 6th
—8:30; F. G. 2 hours. Fee, 60 cents. Miss Pickett, Miss
Grubb, Miss Gatling.

This course will include graded exercises in gymnastics, marching,
games, national and folk dances suitable for school room and playground.

Physical Education 193. P. Physical Education—Primary Grades.
—9:30; F. G. 2 hours. Fee, 60 cents. Miss Pickett, Miss Scott, Miss

Aims to develop through self activities the play spirit in all activities.
It will include informal gymnastics, singing and dramatic
games, simple folk dances, rhythmic exercises and marches.

Physical Education 194. Physical Education—Junior High and
High Schools.
—10:30; F. G. 2 hours. Fee, 60 cents. Miss Pickett,
Miss Gatling, Miss Grubb.

Aims to give practical work which can be given in the school
room, gymnasium or on playground. Will include free hand exercises,
Indian clubs, dumb bells and wands. Military marching, folk
and national dance and games.

Physical Education 195. Classic and Rhythmic Dancing.—2:30; F.
G. 2 hours. Fee, 60 cents. Miss Gatling and Miss Barron.

This will include the analysis of elementary steps, classic dances
and fancy marches.

Physical Education 196. Aesthetic Dancing, the School Play and
—3:30; F. G. 2 hours. Fee, 60 cents. Miss Pickett, Miss

Intended for teachers of physical education, public school teachers,
playground and recreation workers. This course will include national
and folk dances and fancy marches.

Educational Value of Play.—There will be talks in each class on
educational value of play, pageants and festival making, history of
the folk dances, morris and country dances and games, playground
movement and apparatus, first aid to the wounded. Simple costumes
will be designed and made by students preparatory to the Play
Festival which is the climax to the education course. A fee of 60
cents will be charged in each class for material to be used in costume
making. Games on the lawn at twilight on Wednesdays. Social
dancing in Fayerweather Gymnasium Monday and Saturday

Note.—Gymnasium shoes will be required in all classes. They may
be brought along or can be obtained in shoe shops in Charlottesville.

Military drill exercises will be arranged if there is sufficient demand.


Page 61


Physics 197. H. Introduction to Physics.—8:30; P. L. 20. 2 hours.
Mr. Hoxton.

Text-Book.—Kimball's College Physics.

Physics 60. H. Mechanics and Heat.—10:30; P. L. 20. 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Hoxton.

Courses 197 and 197a prerequisite.

Physics 61. H. Sound and Light.—(Not given in 1917) 2 hours
(one session-hour).

Courses 197 and 197a prerequisite.

Physics 62. H. Magnetism and Electricity.—(Not given in 1917).
2 hours (one session-hour).

Courses 197 and 197a prerequisite.

Physics 197a. H. Laboratory Course.—2:30 to 4:30 except Wednesday;
P. L. 21. 3 hours. Fee, $2.00. Mr. Ball.

To accompany Course 197.

Text-Book.—Tuttle's An Introduction to Laboratory Physics.

Physics 60a. H. Laboratory Course.—2:30 to 4:30 except Wednesday;
P. L. 21. 2 hours (one session-hour). Fee, $2.00. Mr. Ball.

To accompany Course 60. Courses 197 and 197a prerequisite.

Text-Book.—Ames and Bliss' Manual of experiments in Physics.

Physics 61a. H. Laboratory Course.—(Not given in 1917). 2
hours (one session-hour). Fee, $2.00.

To accompany Course 61. Courses 197 and 197a prerequisite.

Physics 62a. H. Laboratory Course.—(Not given in 1917). 2
hours (one session-hour). Fee, $2.00.

To accompany Course 62. Courses 197 and 197a prerequisite.

Physics 198. H. Special Methods in Physics for Teachers.—9:30
or 12:15 Tuesdays and Thursdays, according to the other hours of
those taking the course. P. L. 21. 1 hour. Fee, $1.00. Mr. Hoxton.

Treats of the ways, means and cost of equipping a physical laboratory
in the high schools.


For Political Science 44 and 45.—See page 47 under caption: "International
Law and Politics."


Page 62

Political Science 36. United States Government.—4:30; P. H. 4.
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Rogers.

This course will be devoted to a discussion of the fundamental concepts
of the American Constitution and an analysis of the organization
and work of the executive, legislative and judicial departments
of the federal government. Credit for one term of Political Science

Note: This course is not free to any student. A fee of $5 will be
charged and the course will not be offered if fewer than twenty students


Psychology 63. H. General Psychology.—8:30; P. H. 6. 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Balz.

This course will deal with some of the fundamental processes,
such as attention, interest, volition, reasoning, and emotion. There
will be introductory lectures on neural action and habit.

Psychology 64. H. Introductory Course in Social Psychology.
12:15; L. B. Reading Room. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Balz.

This course will offer a survey of the psychology of group living.
Instinct and emotion, suggestion and imitation, the sentiments, the
development of the self, custom and tradition, and the psychology of
the crowd will be the primary topics considered.

Students completing Psychology 63 and 64 and Education 16 will
be given credit for three session-hours toward the B. A. or B. S.
degree of the University.

Education Psychology.—See Education 16, page 32.


The following Red Cross Courses will be offered by persons authorized
to give them by the American Red Cross Society.

  • 1. Practical Hygiene and Home Nursing.

  • 2. Dietetics.

  • 3. Surgical Dressings.

  • 4. First Aid to the Injured.

A fee of fifty cents for the National Red Cross Society will be
charged for each course and each student will be required to purchase
a text-book, the cost of which is fifty cents. An extra fee will
be charged all persons not registered in school.


Sociology 199.—2:30; C. H. 6. 2 hours. Mr. Bacon.

A general course fundamental to the study of social problems.
Collateral readings and reports will be required. The following includes
a part of the subjects which will be analyzed and discussed:


Page 63
The development of the social ideal; social service as an educational
factor; social centre work in country and city; city and rural schools
in relation to the development of citizenship; the psychology of play
and its relationship to national life.


Spanish 65. H. A. Elementary Spanish.—12:15; C. H. 3. 2 hours.
Senor Gutierrez.

Beginners may take this course: Pronunciation, elementary grammar,
reading and composition.

Text.—Hill and Ford's Spanish Grammar; Taboada's Cuentos

Spanish 66. H. A. Conversational Spanish.—10:30; C. H. 3.
2 hours. Senor Gutierrez.

This course is intended to supplement Spanish 1, and may be
taken only by students who are taking Spanish 1, or who have had
some previous training in the language: Pronunciation, conversation,
dictation, Spanish daily life and customs.

Students completing Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 will be given credit
for the first term of A1 Spanish in the regular session of the University.

Spanish 68. Spanish Translation.—9:30; C. H. 3. 2 hours. Mr.

Designed to teach the students how to read ordinary Spanish
prose, and to work out the ordinary peculiarities of idioms and syntax
taught in detail in Spanish 65 and 66.

Spanish 67. H. A. Latin American Social Development.—8:30: P.
H. 2. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Bardin.

This will be a study of the "human geography" of Latin-American
States. The physical and economic geography, climatic conditions
and population of the region will be carefully studied, and the student
will be shown how the present day conditions developed out
of the interaction of these forces. In order to get the best results
from this study, the student will be obliged to do considerable
parallel reading, for the purpose of informing himself upon the state
of the Latin-American republics at the present day, and the history
of their development.

Parallel text for outside study, or for reading previous to beginning
this course: Calderon's Latin American, Its Rise and Development;
Sheppard's Latin-American (Home Univ. Library Series, Holt);
Martinez's The Argentine in the Twentieth Century; Enoch's Peru,
Ecuador and Mexico; Bonsal's The American Mediterranean; Rafael
Reyes' The Two Americas; Brinton's The American Race; Biart's
The Aztecs; Markham's The Incas of Peru.

Credit for one term of Spanish B2 in the regular session.

Text.—Reginald Enoch's The Republics of South and Central
America. (Scribner.)

Spanish Haus.—A special rooming house will be set aside for
those who desire to specialize in Spanish. In it Spanish will be
spoken and Spanish current literature will be made available.


Page 64


For the benefit of both high school and college students who have
some deficiences to make up, and for others who wish to review
some branch of mathematics or desire some coaching for examinations,
a Special Tutoring School in Mathematics will be organized
by Mr. Harry H. Gaver, in which no lecturing will be done; a minimum
of time will be devoted to recitation and a maximum to supervised
study. This method of instruction brings the pupil in close
contact with his teacher, his individual weaknesses are discovered
and corrected, and by thorough and comprehensive reviews he is
given a clear and definite grasp of the essentials of the subject.

Arithmetic, Algebra, Plane and Solid Geometry, Trigonometry,
Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus will be offered.
Announcement of schedule will be made later. Fee to be arranged.


Story Telling 110. G. P. Story Telling.—8:30; P. H. 1. 2 hours.
Miss Stockard.

1. Story Telling Method and study of type stories. 2. Group of
stories for practical use. 3. Adaptation of stories from Epics.

It is the purpose of this course to develop a basis of selection of
children's stories in accordance with the best standards of literature
and of child study. Opportunity will be given for telling stories.

Note.—An informal gathering for the purpose of singing and telling
stories will be held at twilight on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
evenings on Rotunda or Cabell Hall steps.


Writing 113a. G. P. Muscular Movement Writing. Section I.
Locker Method.
—8:30; L. B. 5. 2 hours. Miss Barnette.

Writing 113b. P. B. Muscular Movement Writing. Section II.
Locker Method.
—10:30; L. B. 5. 2 hours. Miss Barnette.

Writing 113c. G. P. Muscular Movement Writing. Section III.
Palmer Method.
—12:15; L. B. 5. 2 hours. Miss Barnette.

Writing 113d. G. P. Muscular Movement Writing. Section IV.
Locker Method.
—3:30; L. B. 5. 2 hours. Miss Barnette.

This subject will be taught in accordance with the latest approved
pedogogical methods: good posture, muscular relaxation, the development
of the right motive power, penholding and easy movement
drills; use of muscular movement in all written work; visualization
and good form automatically accomplished in all informal writing.
Lectures will be given covering every phase of the subject. The
Locker Method and the Palmer Method both will be taught.