University of Virginia Library


Am I deceiv'd? or more else should be spoke,
To such as newly enter Hymens yoake.
The stock which late had branches of his owne,
Must now by a strange leafe and fruit be knowne.
The top cut off, it boasts not its owne seed,
But beareth what another branch did breed.
When married; thou thy selfe wilt then withdraw,
For now thy husband is to thee a law.
What he prescribes: to that thou must agree,
(If wise) so partner of his counsels be.
By his direction, all thine actions sway,
To yeeld's to conquer, and (to rule) to obey.

A chaste Matron by obeying her husbands will, getteth command over him, Bias. But give thy wife no power over thee, for if this day thou sufferest her to tread upon thy foot, she will be ready by to morrow to spurne at thy head, &c.