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Mirth and Metre

consisting of Poems, Serious, Humorous, and Satirical; Songs, Sonnets, Ballads & Bagatelles. Written by C. Dibdin, Jun

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(Tune, “In the Days of my Youth.”—Beggar's Opera.)

I'm a Jew you may tell by my peard and my progue,
Taral, &c.
And somehow de folks have found out I'm a rogue,
Taral, &c.
And it vou'd be a vonder if dat vasn't true,
Because I'm a lawyer so vell as a Jew.
Taral, &c.
Of de lawyer and oyster you reads in de book,
He gave back de shell, but de oyster he took;
But all other lawyers at dat I excel;
I first eat de oyster, and den shteal de shell.
Den I turn Volunteer, in de time of de vars,
Wid a long sword and gun all so fiercer as Mars;
Dere caps all your varriors a feather vear in,
But I vear my feather a top of my chin.
But instead of go fighting de play I go see,
Vere all the musicianers are just like me;
Dat he take in de flats ev'ry viseacre harps,
But fidlers and Jews take in both flats and sharps.
Den at courting de ladies I'm not much afeard;
Though they all say I've got such an ugly long beard;
But, says I, “if you tink vat my beard be too big,
My dear, shave it off—it vill make you a vig.”