University of Virginia Library


  • 1. Describe the battle of Chancellorsville.

  • 2. Why was it a dearly won victory for the Confederates?

  • 3. Give an account of the death of Stonewall Jackson.

  • 4. What did General Lee exclaim on hearing of it?

  • 5. What is said of Jackson?

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  • 6. Who was J. E. B. Stuart, and what fierce cavalry battle did he win?

  • 7. What Northern state did Lee invade after the battle of Chancellorsville?

  • 8. By whom was he followed, and what was the relative strength of
    the two armies?

  • 9. Describe the battle of Gettysburg.

  • 10. What is said of Pickett's division at Gettysburg?

  • 11. What was the result of this battle?

  • 12. Why is Gettysburg regarded as the turning point of the war?

  • 13. What disasters had befallen the Confederacy in the South and West?

  • 14. To whom did the South look for ultimate success?