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STUDIES, JUNE 13, 1933

Masters of Science



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Anger, Charles Leroy, B.S.Ed., University of Virginia.
Baltimore, Md. 
Thesis: Thomas Creasap—A Maryland Frontiersman. 
Barringer, John Martin, Jr., B.S.Com., University of
Virginia. Economics 
Flint, Mich. 
Thesis: The Development of the Trust Company with Particular Reference
to Virginia. 
Baylor, Harry Edgar, Jr., B.S.Ed., University of Virginia.
Staunton, Va. 
Thesis: The Political Career of Colonel William Grayson, 1784-1789. 
Bowman, Canon Raymond, B.S.Ed., University of Virginia.
The Hollow, Va. 
Thesis: The Pycnia and Aecia of Uromyces Caladii (Schw). 
Bradley, Charles Dunklin, B.S.E.E., Alabama Polytechnic
Institute. Physics 
Anniston, Ala. 
Thesis: The Development of a Method for the Measurement of the
Dielectric Constant under High Impulsive Fields. 
Crowell, Elmer Clyde, B.S.Com., University of Virginia.
Pulaski, Va. 
Thesis: A Financial Analysis of Charlottesville's Gas Works, Charlottesville,
Duke, Francis Johnson, B.S.Arch., University of Virginia.
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: Modern Languages at the University of Virginia, 1825-1904,
A Statistical Study. 
Finelli, John Richard, B.S., Fordham University. French  New York, N. Y. 
Thesis: Bernstein and Niccodemi. 
Flowers, John Wilson, B.S., Southwestern Presbyterian
College. Physics 
Memphis, Tenn. 
Thesis: The Initiation of Electrical Discharges in Effectively Ion-Free
Fulford, Hunter Lansing, B.S.Com., University of Virginia.
Norfolk, Va. 
Thesis: Company Plans for the Alleviation of Unemployment. 
Graves, Harry Brice, B.S.Com., University of Virginia.
University, Va. 
Thesis: Economic Aspects of Mesopotamian Civilization. 
Hall, Robert Turner, B.S., Virginia Military Institute.
University, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of the Colorimetric Determination of Ferric Iron by
Means of 7-Iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic Acid. 
Ham, William Taylor, Jr., B.S.E., University of Virginia.
Norfolk, Va. 
Thesis: Experiments with Photoelectric Quantum Counters. 
Holladay, Ann Morton, B.S., State Teachers College
of Farmville. Mathematics 
Farmville, Va. 
Thesis: Newton's Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series. 
Kean, Mattie Pendleton, B.S.Ed., University of Virginia.
Trevilians, Va. 
Thesis: Louisa County, A Study in Population and Attitudes. 
Kelly, Rachel Davidson, B.S.Biol., University of Virginia.
University, Va. 
Thesis: A Monograph of the Mosses of Mountain Lake, Virginia, and
Lea, Reba Fitzpatrick, B.S.Ed., University of Virginia.
Lovingston, Va. 
Thesis: James Macpherson—A Charlatan of the Eighteenth Century. 
McLeod, Henry Roland, B.S., University of South
Carolina. Education 
University, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of the Textbook Laws of North Carolina, Virginia,
and West Virginia, 1870-1932. 
Murphey, David Rhodin, Jr., B.A., University of
Alabama; M.D., Vanderbilt University. Surgery 
Daphne, Ala. 
Thesis: Studies in Mammary Gland Pathology: Experimental Attempts
to Produce Chronic Clystic Mastitis in Rabbits. 
Payne, Charles Franklin, B.S., University of Virginia.
Dayton, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of the Career of the Cazique Enriquillo as Recreated
by Manuel de Jesus Galvan in "Enriquillo Leyenda Historica Dominicana." 
Payne, Clara Eugenia, B.S., State Teachers College of
Harrisonburg. Anatomy 
Alexandria, Va. 
Thesis: An Anthropological Study of Six Negro Skeletons. 
Pickels, Edward Greydon, B.S., University of Richmond.
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: An Adaptation of the Beams Ultracentrifuge to the Determination
of Micellar and Molecular Weights. 
Quarles, Gilford Godfrey, B.S.E., University of Virginia.
Charlottesville, Va. 
Thesis: Electro-Optical Phenomena in Viscous Liquids in Radio Frequency
Oscillating Fields. 
Shively, Arthur Willard, B.S., Juniata College. Biology  Huntington, Penna. 
Thesis: Lettuce Tumor Galls. 
Sollenberger, Richard Talbot, B.S., University of Virginia.
Ivy, Va. 
Thesis: The Responses of Isolated Mountain Children to Unusual
Souders, Easter Margueritte, B.S., State Teachers College
of Farmville. English 
Petersburg, Va. 
Thesis: Don Quixote in the Novels of Fielding, Smollett, and Sterne. 
Venning, Edward Worthington, B.S.Ed., University of
Virginia. Education 
University, Va. 
Thesis: The Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools by the Unit
Weaver, Richard Councill, B.S., M.S., Virginia Military
Institute. Physics 
Lexington, Va. 
Thesis: A Laboratory Apparatus for Measuring the Velocity of Light. 
Yuen, Kechee Chaoching, B.S., University of Nanking.
Shanghai, China 
Thesis: Catalytic Hydrogenation of Halogenomorphides. 


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Masters of Arts



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Berkeley, Edmund, B.A., University of Virginia.
Roanoke, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of Emigration and Birth Rates in the South Based
on Two Family Histories. 
Bradshaw, Herbert Clarence, B.A., Hampden-Sydney
College. Latin 
Rice, Va. 
Thesis: The Historical Background and Content of Roman Satire. 
Chiles, James Alburn, Jr., B.A., Wofford College.
Spartanburg, S. C. 
Thesis: A Study of Electrically Exploded Wires and Vacuum Sparks
by Means of a Camera and High-Speed Rotating Mirror. 
Christian, Robert Murray, B.A., Davidson College. History  Mobile, Ala. 
Thesis: The Anglo-French Naval Conversations, 1905-1912. 
Coney, Neill McLaurin, Jr., B.A., University of Virginia.
Savannah, Ga. 
Thesis: The Status of the General Creditor in Federal Equity Reorganizations
of Corporations. 
Cope, Joseph Howard, B.A., Colgate University.
Philadelphia, Penna. 
Thesis: A New Form of the Free Expansion Experiment. 
Cox, Edward Grenvil, B.A., Randolph-Macon College.
Odd, Va. 
Thesis: Why Boys and Girls Left School for Work in Albemarle
County and the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, from December
1, 1931, to December 1, 1932. 
Craun, Warren Samuel, B.A., Bridgewater College.
North River, Va. 
Thesis: John Ruskin as an Advocate of a System of Humane Economics. 
Davis, Richard Beale, B.A., Randolph-Macon College.
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: Scott in the Gothic Tradition. 
Dunstan, Paul Lane, B.A., Furman University. Philosophy  Pelotas, Brazil 
Thesis: The "Vision en Dieu" of Malebranche (with special reference
to the Theory of Occasional Causation in the "Recherche de la
Ellett, Joseph Carlyle, B.A., University of Richmond.
Pocahontas, Va. 
Thesis: The Free Silver Movement, 1878-1900, with Special Reference
to Virginia. 
Gordon, James Waddell, Jr., B.A., Hampden-Sydney
College. French 
Bon Air, Va. 
Thesis: French Place Names in Virginia. 
Gresham, Foster Bagwell, B.A., Randolph-Macon College.
Petersburg, Va. 
Thesis: James Harris: A Comparative Analysis of the British and
American Texts. 
Jones, Leslie Leftwich, B.A., University of Richmond.
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: The Provence of Alphonse Daudet, as Revealed in "Les
Lettres de Mon Moulin." 
Kendall, Paul Murray, B.A., University of Virginia.
Philadelphia, Penna. 
Thesis: Swinburne and the French. 
Kohler, Charlotte, B.A., Vassar College. English  Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: Poetic Drama in the Romantic Era. 
Long, Corbett C., B.A., Marietta College. Political
Mt. Vernon, Ohio 
Thesis: Recognition of States and Governments. 
Morro, Helen Augusta, B.A., Texas Christian University.
Forth Worth, Texas 
Thesis: The Projected Attacks on the British Post of Detroit During
the American Revolution. 
Podtiaguine, Ogla J., Certificate of Graduation, Women's
College of Odessa. French 
University, Va. 
Thesis: The National Sympathies of Madame La Comtesse de Ségur
née Sophie Rostopchine. 
Ramsey, Chapman Lucas, B.A., Lynchburg College.
Farmville, Va. 
Thesis: Relative Efficiency of the Unit Method and Daily Recitation
Method of Teaching Second Year Algebra. 
Ruebush, Trenton Kieffer, B.A., Bridgewater College.
Dayton, Va. 
Thesis: Preliminary Description of a Representative of the Family
Smith, Corra Elizabeth, B.A., Westhampton College.
Scottsville, Va. 
Thesis: Garrick and Shakespearean Representation. 
Taylor, Martha Moseley, B.A., Hollins College. Sociology  Phoebus, Va. 
Thesis: Intermont: A Study of the Social and Personal Life of a
Small Town. 
Taylor, William Pinkethman, B.A., Lynchburg College.
Phoebus, Va. 
Thesis: Intermont: Economic and Institutional Life in a Small Community. 
Voorhis, Manning Curlee, B. A., University of Michigan.
Plainfield, N. J. 
Thesis: John Donelson, Frontier Virginian. 
Waddell, John Neal, B.A., University of Virginia. English  Cape Charles, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of the Elements of the Drama in the Novels of
Charles Reade. 

Doctors of Philosophy



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Bruce, Claude Watson, B.A., Emory and Henry College;
M.A., University of Virginia. Physics 
Nebo, Va. 
Dissertation: The Electro-Optical Kerr Effect in Gases. 
Corson, John Jay, III, B.S., M.S., University of Virginia.
Richmond, Va. 
Dissertation: The Expenditures of Municipal Governments: The
Growth and its Causes. 
Heimann, Eugene Alfred, B.A., M.A., University of
Texas. Economics 
Fredericksburg, Tex. 
Dissertation: Judicial Interpretation of Federal Anti-Trust Legislation. 
Hollingsworth, Roberta Lois, B.A., Goucher College.
Bel Air, Md. 
Dissertation: José Peón y Contreras and the Romantic Movement
in Mexico. 
Kinard, Fredrick William, B.S., Clemson College;
M.S., University of Virginia. Biochemistry 
Leesville, S. C. 
Dissertation: Studies on the Phosphatase of Normal Animals and
Animals with Calcium Disturbances. 
Leckie, George Gaines, B.S., M.S., University of Virginia.
University, Va. 
Dissertation: Kant's Architectonic. 
Morris, David Eugene, B.S., University of Illinois; M.S.,
University of Virginia. Chemistry 
Kansas City, Mo. 
Dissertation: Studies in Morphine Chemistry. 
a. The Desoxymorphines. 
b. The Thiocydides and Thelanino. 
Ripley, Julien Ashton, Jr., B.A., Yale University; M.A.,
Harvard University. Philosophy 
Oyster Bay, N. Y. 
Dissertation: Methodological Analysis in the Social Sciences. 
Starr, Leland Edson, D.V.M., M.S., Ohio State University.
Blacksburg, Va. 
Dissertation: Undulant Fever and its Relation to Brucelliasis in Cattle
and Swine in Virginia. 
Tilghman, Tench Francis, B.A., M.A., University of
Virginia. English 
Annapolis, Md. 
Dissertation: The Literary Ballad in English Poetry of the Nineteenth
Wade, Thomas Leonard, Jr., B.S., M.S., University of
Virginia. Mathematics 
Axton, Va. 
Dissertation: Irreducible Complete Systems of Euclidean Concomitants
for some Cubic Curves with their Syzygies and their Geometric Interpretations. 
Warren, Virgil Alexander, B.A., Georgetown College.
Detroit, Mich. 
Dissertation: The Use of Quechua by Contemporary Writers of the
Andean Region. 
Wheeler, Dorothy Havens, B.A., Hood College; M.A.,
University of Virginia. Sociology 
University, Va. 
Dissertation: The Theory of Social Institutions.