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For Graduates and Undergraduates.

Course 3C: Course 1A and 2B prerequisite.—Forty lectures are devoted
to the interpretation of Modern French prose; twenty lectures
to defining the tendencies of Modern French fiction; and forty lectures
to an appreciation of France's place in civilization. Books:
Nodier, Contes; Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris; Sand, Indiana; Pellissier,
Le mouvement littérarie du XIXe Siécle; Balzac, La cousine Bette;
Daudet, Sapho; Flaubert, Tentation de Saint Antoine; Bazin, La terre
qui meurt;
Bourget, Le disciple; France, Silvestre Bonnard; Foncin, Le
Pays de France.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 11-12, S. W. Rotunda,
Professor Wilson, Adjunct Professor Dargan.