University of Virginia Library



Sweet-looking walked upon the green hillside,
In beauty and the perfectness of powers;
And heeded not the harms that would betide
Sad sisters, as she gathered only flowers;
She decked herself with garlands as a Queen,
Careless of kin, while trouble rolled between.
Sweet-living, in the valley dark and low,
Gazed not above at unconjectured joys;
She heard the winds of sorrow round her blow,
In bitter blasts, and had no time for toys;
She was too burdened with her brother's night,
To know the world was wonderful and bright.
Sweet-looking drank of pleasure's golden cup,
In jewelled ease, and wandered at her will;
While praise and honour at her tread rose up,
And shielded her from every shade of ill;
But yet her heart found nothing but would fleet,
Though all the earth was lying at her feet.
Sweet-living laboured in the din and dust,
And recked not that her lonely lot was rough
Or she should banquet richly on a crust,
If sick and needy souls might have enough;
But in her breast there burned a sacred fire,
And opened heaven at her unasked desire.