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With the Muses Looking-Glasse. Amyntas. Jealous Lovers. Arystippus. By Tho: Randolph ... The fourth Edition enlarged [by Thomas Randolph]

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To a painted Mistriss.
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To a painted Mistriss.

There are who know what once to day it was;
Your eyes, your Conscience, and your morning glasse,
How durst you venture that adulterate part
Be labour'd with your Fucus, and best Art
To the rude breath of every rash salute?
What did your profer whisper? expect suit?
You were too plyant with your eare, vno wisht
Pomatum and Vermilion might be kiss'd,
That lip, that cheek by man was never known,
Those favours you bestow are not your own.
Henceforth such kisses I'le defie, like thee,
Which druggists sell to you, and you to me.