University of Virginia Library


A Chat With the Boys.

I've been a boy myself,
And with boys I play,
But I'm for solemn chat
With the boys today.
You are just in prime, boys,
Life is on ahead,
Its responsibilities
Never learn to dread.
Never look behind, boys,
Up and on's the way;
Time enough to look back
On some future day.
Though the way be long, boys.
Fight it with a will;
Never stop to look behind
When climbing up a hill.
First be sure you're right, boys,
Then with courage strong
Strap your determinations
And move right along.
You are not always boys,
Some day you'll be men.
But now is the time, boys
For you to begin.


When you're near the top, boys,
Of the rugged way,
Do not stop to look around,
But climb, climb away.
Shoot above the crowd, boys,
Brace yourself and go,
When you meet obstacles
Strike them with a blow.
Success is at the top, boys,
Waiting there until
Brain, and pluck, and self respect,
Have mounted up the hill.