University of Virginia Library


Sociology 19. Community Service Training.—First Term. 3:30; P.
H. 4. Miss Hannah.

For those persons desiring to become local directors, executives or
specialized leaders in a community, and for Physical Education students.
Lectures, demonstrations and class work in organization, social
recreation, programs, neighborhood and citizenship activities,
music, drama, publicity and personality. Text-book: Gulick's Philosophy
of Play.

Sociology 20 (c). Economic and Social Surveys of Virginia Counties.—First
Term. 8:30; B. L. Fee $5.00. Mr. Gee.

For graduates and undergraduates.

The work in this course for the Summer Quarter is especially designed to prepare
county geography supplements for use in the schools of the various counties
in the State. Graduate credit may be secured in this course provided the prerequisites
are met for such courses in the School of Economics. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, one session-hour.)

Sociology 21. Education Sociology.

See Education 22.