University of Virginia Library


Page 213


  • 1. What two theories were held in regard to the Constitution?

  • 2. From what section did the first threats of secession come?

  • 3. How did Virginia and the South look upon the Union?

  • 4. How did the North and West regard it?

  • 5. Give the reasons that made the South desire to leave the Union.

  • 6. Who was elected President in 1860, and what followed his election?

  • 7. What efforts did Virginia make for peace?

  • 8. What request did the Confederate States make of the Federal government?

  • 9. Give an account of the capture of Fort Sumter, and of the effect it
    had in the North and South.

  • 10. What caused Virginia to secede, and what states followed her

  • 11. Name some of the distinguished officers who resigned their commissions
    and came to Virginia.

  • 12. What led to the formation of West Virginia?

  • 13. What plans did the Federals make for invading Virginia, and how
    did the Confederates prepare to defend her?

  • 14. Give an account of the opening of hostilities in Virginia.

  • 15. Describe the battle of Manassas.

  • 16. What was the situation in 1861, and how did the North and South
    compare in resources?

  • 17. Describe the battle between the Virginia and the Monitor.

  • 18. Give an account of Jackson's Valley Campaign.

  • 19. Tell of the battle of Seven Pines.

  • 20. Describe the Seven Days' Battles.

  • 21. Tell of the second battle of Manassas.

  • 22. What is said of Lee's invasion of Maryland?

  • 23. Describe the battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam.

  • 24. Give an account of the battle of Fredericksburg.