University of Virginia Library

W. J. Tyson.

Of the concerns in this city that
cater to the highest class of exclusive
family trade none is more prominent
than the one conducted by Mr. W. J.
Tyson at 311 East Main Street. The
store is a commodious one, brilliantly
lighted and filled with the best and
most artistic showcases and counters.
The stock carried is of the finest quality
and could not be duplicated outside
of the largest cities. It comprises
everything in the way of staple and
fancy groceries, fine teas, coffees, canned
goods, and a choice line of imported
and domestic liquors and wines for
family and table use. The trade is a
large one and extends over the entire
South, the shipping business being especially
large. Mr Tyson also owns
another place at Norfolk which is
one of the largest there and is under
the managment of his son, Mr. Jerrold
Tyson. As a public officer, citizen and

man of business, Mr. W. J. Tyson's
record is a long and honorable one.
He was born in Wheeling, Virginia,
in 1839, and after completing his education
went to Baltimore where he
engaged in the mercantile business.
He remained there for twenty-five
years, and in 1869 came to this city
where he entered business. In
1876 he established his present enterprise
and today enjoys a patronage
unexcelled. Mr Tyson has always
had an eye open for the promotion of
the interest of the municipality and
for twelve years was a member of the
City Council and has advocated many
measures for the benefit of the place.
He was a member of the finance,
building and city lighting committees,
and was one of the most ardent
workers in the body. In addition to
this he is a director in the Albemarle
Telephone Company and President of
the Riverview Cemetery Company.
He is a member of the Masons, Royal
Arcanum and the Knights of Honor.