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II. Architecture.

Architecture B1: Architectural Drawing; Elements of Construction
and Design:
Art B1 prerequisite.—Walls, mouldings, and openings, "the


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orders," architectural rendering; preparation of scale drawings and details;
perspective. Lectures and drawing.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
of electives-at-large.) Mon. Wed., Fri., 2-3, and drawing 3-5.
Professor Kimball and Mr. Makielski.

Architecture B2: Architectural Design: Architecture B1 prerequisite.
—Problems in the design of simple structures and of the elements of large
compositions. Sketch problems in the planning of more complex structures.
Individual criticism and discussion, with occasional lectures.
Fee, $40.[2] (Credit, 4 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) Drawing, 12
hours a week, normally Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., 2-5. Professor Kimball.

Architecture C1: Advanced Architectural Design: Architecture B1 and
B2 prerequisite.
—Problems in the design of complex structures and ensembles.
Sketch problems in the developed treatment of elements of architecture
and the allied arts. Individual criticism and discussion, with occasional
lectures. Fee, $40.[2] (Credit, 6 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.)
Drawing, 18 hours a week. Professor Kimball.


This fee is included in the tuition fee paid by non-Virginians.