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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken

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Tercium gaudium.


O sterre of hevene! O maryner[i]s gyde!
Hem to releeve in all þyre troble and payne,
For þilke Ioye þer hadist vn eche syde
Whan thoue feltest atwixe þi flankes tvene
Þy blessed sune, þe lord moste souuereyne,
To þy plesaunce moeven too and froo,
Be my deffence in al myscheef and woo.


And blessed lady of mooste Excellence
In eury-thing þat shoulde thy seruante greeue
Helpe to thy sonne þat I do none offence,
But him to serue, stere myn herte and meve,
And in all myscheffe þat thowe me releve,—
For to þy grace, as to mooste cheeff socoure,
For helpe I fle in all worldely laboure.
Aue Maria.