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Page 254


In the beginning there was nothing but God, and God
slept and dreamed. For ages and ages did this dream last.
But it was fated that he should wake up. Having roused
himself from sleep, he looked round about him, and every
glance transformed itself into a star. God was amazed, and
began to travel, to see what he had created with his eyes.
He travelled and travelled, but nowhere was there either end
or limit. As he travelled, he arrived at our earth also; but
he was already weary; sweat clung to his brow. On the
earth fell a drop of sweat: the drop became alive, and here
you have the first man. He is God's kin, but he was not
created for pleasure: he was produced from sweat; already
in the beginning it was fated for him to toil and sweat.