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The Third Volume of the Works of Mr. William Congreve

containing Poems upon Several Occasions

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Translated into ENGLISH VERSE.


Sing, Muse, the Force, and all-informing Fire
Of Cyprian Venus, Goddess of Desire:
Her Charms, th'Immortal Minds of Gods can move,
And tame the stubborn Race of Men to Love.
The wilder Herds and ravenous Beasts of Prey,
Her Influence feel, and own her kindly Sway.
Thro' pathless Air, and boundless Ocean's Space,
She rules the feather'd Kind and finny Race;
Whole Nature on her sole Support depends,
And far as Life exists, her Care extends.


Of all the num'rous Host of Gods above,
But three are found inflexible to Love.
Blue-ey'd Minerva free preserves her Heart,
A Virgin unbeguil'd by Cupid's Art;
In shining Arms the Martial Maid delights,
O'er War presides, and well-disputed Fights;
With Thirst of Fame she first the Hero fir'd,
And first the Skill of useful Arts inspir'd;
Taught Artists first the carving Tool to wield,
Chariots with Brass to arm, and form the fenceful Shield;
She first taught modest Maids in early Bloom
To shun the lazy Life, and spin, or ply the Loom.
Diana next, the Paphian Queen defies,
Her smiling Arts and proffer'd Friendship flies:
She loves, with well-mouth'd Hounds and chearful Horn,
Or Silver-sounding Voice, to wake the Morn,


To draw the Bow, or dart the pointed Spear,
To wound the Mountain Boar, or rouse the woodland Deer:
Sometimes, of gloomy Groves she likes the Shades,
And there of Virgin Nymphs the Chorus leads;
And sometimes, seeks the Town, and leaves the Plains,
And loves Society where Virtue reigns.
The third Celestial Pow'r averse to Love
Is Virgin Vesta, dear to mighty Jove;
Whom Neptune sought to wed, and Phœbus woo'd;
And both with fruitless Labour long pursu'd;
For she, severely chaste, rejected both,
And bound her Purpose with a solemn Oath,
A Virgin Life inviolate to lead;
She swore, and Jove assenting bow'd his Head.
But since her rigid Choice the Joys deny'd
Of Nuptial Rites, and Blessings of a Bride,
The bounteous Jove with Gifts that Want supply'd.


High on a Throne she sits amidst the Skies,
And first is fed with Fumes of Sacrifice:
For Holy Rites to Vesta first are pay'd,
And on her Altar First-fruit Off'rings laid;
So Jove ordain'd in Honour of the Maid.
These are the Pow'rs above, and only these,
Whom Love and Cytherea's Arts displease:
Of other Beings, none in Earth or Skies
Her Force resists, or Influence denies.
With Ease, her Charms the Thunderer can bind,
And captivate with Love th'Almighty Mind:
Ev'n He, whose dread Commands the Gods obey,
Submits to her, and owns superior Sway;
Enslav'd to Mortal Beauties by her Pow'r,
He oft descends, his Creatures to adore;
While to conceal the Theft from Juno's Eyes,
Some well-dissembled Shape the God belies.
Juno, his Wife and Sister, both in Place
And Beauty, first among th'Ætherial Race;


Whom, all transcending in superior Worth,
Wise Saturn got, and Cybele brought forth;
And Jove, by never-erring Counsel sway'd,
The Partner of his Bed and Empire made.
But Jove at length with just Resentment fir'd,
The laughing Queen her self with Love inspir'd.
Swift thro' her Veins the sweet Contagion ran,
And kindled in her Breast, Desire of mortal Man;
That she, like other Deities, might prove
The Pains and Pleasures of inferior Love;
And not insultingly the Gods deride,
Whose Sons were human by the Mother's side:
Thus, Jove ordain'd she now for Man should burn,
And bring forth Mortal Off-spring in her turn.
Amongst the Springs which flow from Ida's Head,
His lowing Herds the young Anchises fed:


Whose godlike Form and Face the smiling Queen
Beheld, and lov'd to Madness soon as seen.
To Cyprus, strait the wounded Goddess flies,
Where Paphian Temples in her Honour rise,
And Altars smoke with daily Sacrifice.
Soon as arriv'd, she to her Shrine repair'd,
Where entring quick, the shining Gates she barr'd.
The ready Graces wait, her Baths prepare,
And oint with fragrant Oils her flowing Hair;
Her flowing Hair around her Shoulders spreads,
And all adown, Ambrosial Odour sheds.
Last, in transparent Robes her Limbs they fold,
Enrich'd with Ornaments of purest Gold.
And thus attir'd, her Chariot she ascends,
And Cyprus left, her Flight to Troy she bends.
On Ida she alights, then seeks the Seat
Which lov'd Anchises chose for his Retreat:
And ever as she walk'd thro' Lawn or Wood,
Promiscuous Herds of Beasts admiring stood.


Some humbly follow, while some fawning meet,
And lick the Ground, and crouch beneath her Feet.
Dogs, Lions, Wolves and Bears their Eyes unite,
And the swift Panther stops to gaze with fix'd Delight.
For, ev'ry Glance she gives, soft Fire imparts,
Enkindling sweet Desire in Savage Hearts.
Inflam'd with Love, all single out their Mates,
And to their shady Dens each Pair retreats.
Mean time the Tent she spies so much desir'd,
Where her Anchises was alone retir'd;
Withdrawn from all his Friends, and Fellow-Swains,
Who fed their Flocks beneath, and sought the Plains:
In pleasing Solitude the Youth she found,
Intent upon his Lyre's harmonious Sound.


Before his Eyes Jove's beauteous Daughter stood,
In Form and Dress, a Huntress of the Wood;
For had he seen the Goddess undisguis'd,
The Youth with Awe and Fear had been surpriz'd.
Fix'd he beheld her, and with Joy admir'd
To see a Nymph so bright, and so attir'd.
For from her flowing Robe a Lustre spread,
As if with radiant Flame she were array'd;
Her Hair in part disclos'd, in part conceal'd,
In Ringlets fell, or was with Jewels held;
With various Gold and Gems her Neck was grac'd,
And orient Pearls heav'd on her panting Breast:
Bright as the Moon she shone, with silent Light,
And charm'd his Sense with Wonder and Delight.
Thus while Anchises gaz'd, thro' ev'ry Vein
A thrilling Joy he felt, and pleasing Pain.


At length he spake—All hail Celestial Fair!
Who humbly dost to visit Earth repair.
Who-e'er thou art, descended from above,
Latona, Cynthia, or the Queen of Love,
All hail! all Honour shall to thee be paid;
Or art thou Themis? or the blue-ey'd Maid?
Or, art thou fairest of the Graces three,
Who with the Gods share Immortality?
Or else, some Nymph, the Guardian of these Woods,
These Caves, these fruitful Hills, or Crystal Floods?
Who-e'er thou art, in some conspicuous Field,
I, to thy Honour will an Altar build,
Where holy Off'rings I'll each Hour prepare;
O prove but thou propitious to my Pray'r.
Grant me, among the Trojan Race, to prove
A Patriot worthy of my Country's Love;
Bless'd in my self, I beg, I next, may be
Bless'd in my Children and Posterity:


Happy in Health, long let me see the Sun,
And, lov'd by all, late may my Days be done.
He said.—Jove's beauteous Daughter thus reply'd.
Delight of Human-kind, thy Sexes Pride!
Honour'd Anchises, you behold in me
No Goddess bless'd with Immortality;
But Mortal I, of mortal Mother came,
Otreus my Father, (you have heard the Name)
Who rules the fair Extent of Phrygia's Lands,
And all her Towns and Fortresses commands.
When yet an Infant, I to Troy was brought,
There was I nurs'd, and there, your Language taught;
Then wonder not, if, thus instructed young,
I, like my own, can speak the Trojan Tongue.
In me, one of Diana's Nymphs behold;
Why thus arriv'd, I shall the Cause unfold.


As, late, our Sports we practis'd on the Plain,
I, and my Fellow Nymphs of Cynthia's Train,
Dancing in Chorus, and with Garlands crown'd,
And by admiring Crowds encompass'd round,
Lo! hov'ring o'er my Head I saw the God
Who Argus slew, and bears the golden Rod:
Sudden he seiz'd, then, bore me from their Sight,
Cutting thro' liquid Air his rapid Flight.
O'er many States and peopled Towns we pass'd,
O'er Hills and Valleys, and o'er Desarts waste;
O'er barren Moors, and o'er unwholesome Fens,
And Woods where Beasts inhabit dreadful Dens.
Thro' all which pathless Way our Speed was such,
We stopt not once the Face of Earth to touch.
Mean time he told me, while thro' Air we fled,
That Jove ordain'd I should Anchises wed,
And with illustrious Off-spring bless his Bed.
This said, and pointing to me your Abode,
To Heav'n again up-soar'd the swift-wing'd God.


Thus, of Necessity, to you I come,
Unknown, and lost, far from my native home.
But I conjure you, by the Throne of Jove,
By all that's dear to you, by all you love,
By your good Parents; (for no bad, could e'er
Produce a Son so graceful, good, and fair:)
That you no Wiles employ to win my Heart,
But let me hence an untouch'd Maid depart;
Inviolate and guiltless of your Bed,
Let me be to your House and Mother led.
Me to your Father and your Brothers show,
And our Alliance first let them allow:
Let me be known, and my Condition own'd,
And no unequal Match I may be found.
Equality to them my Birth may claim,
Worthy a Daughter's or a Sister's Name,
Tho' for your Wife, of too inferior Fame.
Next, let Ambassadors to Phrygia haste
To tell my Father of my Fortunes pass'd,


And ease my Mother in that anxious State,
Of Doubts and Fears, which, Cares for me create.
They in return shall Presents bring from thence
Of rich Attire, and Sums of Gold immense:
You in peculiar shall with Gifts be grac'd,
In Price and Beauty far above the rest.
This done, perform the Rites of Nuptial Love,
Grateful to Men below, and Gods above.
She said, and from her Eyes shot subtle Fires,
Which to his Heart insinuate Desires.
Resistless Love invading thus his Breast,
The panting Youth the smiling Queen address'd.
Since Mortal you, of mortal Mother came,
And Otreus you report your Father's Name,
And since th'Immortal Hermes from above,
To execute the dread Commands of Jove,
Your wondrous Beauties hither has convey'd,
A Nuptial Life with me henceforth to lead:


Know, now, that neither Gods nor Men have Pow'r
One Minute to defer the happy Hour,
This Instant will I seize upon thy Charms,
Mix with thy Soul, and melt within thy Arms:
Tho' Phœbus, arm'd with his unerring Dart,
Stood ready to transfix my panting Heart;
Tho' Death, tho' Hell, in consequence attend,
Thou shalt with me the Genial Bed ascend.
He said, and sudden snatch'd her beauteous Hand;
The Goddess smil'd, nor did th'Attempt withstand:
But fix'd her Eyes upon the Hero's Bed,
Where soft and silken Coverlets were spread,
And over all, a Counterpane was plac'd,
Thick sown with Furs of many a Savage Beast,
Of Bears and Lions, heretofore his Spoil;
And still remain'd the Trophies of his Toil.


Now to ascend the Bed they both prepare,
And he with eager Haste disrobes the Fair.
Her sparkling Necklace, first, he laid aside;
Her Bracelets next, and braided Hair unty'd:
And now, his busie Hand her Zone unbrac'd,
Which girt her radiant Robe around her Waste;
Her radiant Robe at last aside was thrown,
Whose rosie hue with dazling Lustre shone.
The Queen of Love, the Youth thus disarray'd,
And on a Chair of Gold her Vestments laid.
Anchises now, (so Jove and Fate ordain'd)
The sweet Extream of Ecstacy attain'd;
And Mortal he, was like th'Immortals bless'd,
Not conscious of the Goddess he possess'd.
But, when the Swains their Flocks and Herds had fed,
And from the flow'ry Field returning, led
Their Sheep to fold, and Oxen to the Shed;


In soft and pleasing Chains of Sleep profound,
The wary Goddess her Anchises bound:
Then gently rising from his Side and Bed,
In all her bright Attire her Limbs array'd.
And now her Fair-crown'd Head aloft she rears,
Nor more a Mortal, but her self appears:
Her Face refulgent, and Majestick Mien,
Confess'd the Goddess, Love's and Beauty's Queen.
Then, thus, aloud she calls. Anchises, wake;
Thy fond Repose and Lethargy forsake:
Look on the Nymph who late from Phrygia came,
Behold me well—say, if I seem the same.
At her first Call the Chains of Sleep were broke,
And starting from his Bed, Anchises woke:
But when he Venus view'd without Disguise,
Her shining Neck beheld, and radiant Eyes;


Aw'd, and abash'd, he turn'd his Head aside,
Attempting, with his Robe his Face to hide.
Confus'd with Wonder, and with Fear oppress'd,
In winged Words, he thus the Queen address'd.
When first, O Goddess, I thy Form beheld,
Whose Charms so far Humanity excell'd;
To thy Celestial Pow'r my Vows I paid,
And with Humility implor'd thy Aid:
But thou, for secret Cause to me unknown,
Didst thy Divine Immortal State disown.
But now, I beg thee by the Filial Love
Due to thy Father, Ægis-bearing Jove,
Compassion on my human State to show;
Nor let me lead a Life infirm below:
Defend me from the Woes which Mortals wait,
Nor let me share of Men the common Fate:
Since never Man with length of Days was blest,
Who in Delights of Love a Deity possess'd.


To him, Jove's beauteous Daughter thus reply'd;
Be bold, Anchises; in my Love confide:
Nor me, nor other God, thou needst to fear,
For thou, to all the heav'nly Race art Dear.
Know, from our Loves, thou shalt a Son obtain,
Who over all the Realm of Troy shall reign;
From whom, a Race of Monarchs shall descend,
And whose Posterity shall know no End.
To him thou shalt the Name Æneas give,
As one, for whose Conception I must grieve,
Oft as I think, he to exist began
From my Conjunction with a Mortal Man.
But Troy, of all the habitable Earth,
To a superior Race of Men gives Birth;


Producing Heroes of th'Ætherial kind,
And next resembling Gods in Form and Mind.
From thence, great Jove to azure Skies convey'd
To live with Gods, the lovely Ganymede.
Where, by th'Immortals honour'd, (strange to see!)
The Youth enjoys a bless'd Eternity.
In Bouls of Gold, he ruddy Nectar pours,
And Jove regales in his unbended Hours.
Long did the King, his Sire, his Absence mourn,
Doubtful, by whom, or where the Boy was born:
'Till Jove at length, in pity of his Grief,
Dispatch'd Argicides to his Relief;
And more with Gifts to pacifie his Mind,
He sent him Horses of a deathless kind,
Whose Feet outstript in Speed the rapid Wind.


Charging withal swift Hermes to relate
The Youth's Advancement to a heav'nly State;
Where, all his Hours are past in circling Joy,
Which Age can ne'er decay, nor Death destroy.
Now, when this Embassie the King receives,
No more for absent Ganimede he grieves;
The pleasing News his aged Heart revives,
And with Delight his Swift-heel'd Steeds he drives.
But when the Golden-thron'd Aurora, made
Tithonus Partner of her rosie Bed,
(Tithonus too was of the Trojan Line,
Resembling Gods in Face and Form Divine)
For him she strait the Thunderer address'd,
That with perpetual Life he might be bless'd:
Jove heard her Pray'r, and granted her Request.
But ah! how rash was she, how indiscreet!
The most material Blessing to omit;


Neglecting, or not thinking to provide,
That Length of Days might be with Strength supply'd;
And to her Lover's endless Life, engage
An endless Youth, incapable of Age.
But hear what Fate befell this heav'nly Fair,
In Gold enthron'd, the brightest Child of Air.
Tithonus, while of pleasing Youth possess'd,
Is by Aurora with Delight caress'd;
Dear to her Arms, he in her Court resides,
Beyond the Verge of Earth, and Ocean's utmost Tides.
But, when she saw grey Hairs begin to spread,
Deform his Beard, and disadorn his Head,
The Goddess cold in her Embraces grew,
His Arms declin'd, and from his Bed withdrew;
Yet still a kind of nursing Care she show'd,
And Food ambrosial, and rich Cloaths bestow'd:
But when of Age he felt the sad Extream,
And ev'ry Nerve was shrunk, and Limb was lame,


Lock'd in a Room her useless Spouse she left,
Of Youth, of Vigour, and of Voice bereft.
On Terms like these, I never can desire
Thou shouldst to Immortality aspire.
Couldst thou indeed, as now thou art, remain,
Thy Strength, thy Beauty, and thy Youth retain,
Couldst thou for ever thus my Husband prove,
I might live happy in thy endless Love;
Nor should I e'er have Cause to dread the Day,
When I must mourn thy Loss and Life's Decay.
But thou, alas! too soon and sure must bend
Beneath the Woes which painful Age attend;
Inexorable Age! whose wretched State
All Mortals dread, and all Immortals hate.
Now, know, I also must my Portion share,
And for thy sake Reproach and Shame must bear.


For I, who heretofore in Chains of Love,
Could captivate the Minds of Gods above,
And force 'em, by my all-subduing Charms,
To sigh and languish in a Woman's Arms:
Must now no more that Pow'r superior boast,
Nor tax with Weakness the Celestial Host;
Since I my self, this dear Amends have made,
And am at last by my own Arts betray'd.
Erring like them, with Appetite deprav'd,
This Hour, by thee, I have a Son conceiv'd;
Whom hid beneath my Zone, I must conceal,
'Till Time his Being and my Shame reveal.
Him shall the Nymphs who these fair Woods adorn
In their deep Bosoms nurse, as soon as born:
They nor of Mortal nor Immortal Seed
Are said to spring, yet on Ambrosia feed,


And long they live; and oft in Chorus join
With Gods and Goddesses in Dance divine.


These the Sileni court; these Hermes loves,
And their Embraces seeks in shady Groves.
Their Origine and Birth these Nymphs deduce
From common Parent Earth's prolifick Juice:
With lofty Firs which grace the Mountain's Brow,
Or ample-spreading Oaks, at once they grow;
All have their Trees allotted to their Care,
Whose Growth, Duration and Decrease they share.
But holy are these Groves by Mortals held,
And therefore, by the Ax are never fell'd.
But when the Fate of some fair Tree draws nigh,
It first appears to droop, and then grows dry;
The Bark to crack and perish, next is seen,
And last the Boughs it sheds, no longer green:
And thus the Nymphs expire by like degrees,
And live and die coæval with their Trees.


These gentle Nymphs, by my Perswasion won,
Shall in their sweet Recesses nurse my Son;
And when his Cheeks with Youth's first Blushes glow,
To thee the Sacred Maids the Boy shall show.
More to instruct thee, when five Years shall end,
I will again to visit thee descend,
Bringing thy beauteous Son to charm thy Sight,
Whose Godlike Form shall fill thee with Delight;
Him will I leave thenceforward to thy Care,
And will that with him thou to Troy repair:
There, if Enquiry shall be made, to know
To whom thou dost so bright an Off-spring owe;
Be sure, thou nothing of the Truth detect,
But ready Answer make as I direct.
Say of a Sylvan Nymph the fair Youth came,
And Calycopis call his Mother's Name.
For shouldst thou boast the Truth, and madly own
That thou in Bliss hadst Cytherea known,


Jove would his Anger pour upon thy Head,
And with avenging Thunder strike thee dead.
Now all is told thee, and just Caution giv'n,
Be secret thou, and dread the Wrath of Heav'n.
She said, and sudden soar'd above his Sight,
Cutting thro' liquid Air her Heav'nward Flight.
All hail, bright Cyprian Queen! thee first I praise;
Then, to some other Pow'r transfer my Lays.

Themis, the Goddess of Equity and Right.

Blue-ey'd Maid, Pallas.

Æneas, signifying one who causeth Grief. By this Passage, it should seem as if the Etymologists had err'd, who, as he was the Hero of Virgil's Epick Poem, have deriv'd his Name from αινεω, to extol, or praise; it appearing here expresly to be derived from ανια Grief, or [illeg.] to affect with Grief.

The Slayer of Argus. Mercury so called, from having slain Argus.

Tithonus was feign'd, at length, to have been turn'd into a Grashopper.

Of Wood-Nymphs there were the Dryades and the Hamadryades; the Dryades presided over Woods and Groves; the Hamadryades each over her particular Tree. None of them were accounted Immortal, but extreamly long liv'd. Ausonius, from Hesiod, computes the compleat Life of a Man at 96 Years; a Crow he says lives nine times as long; a Deer four times as long as a Crow; a Raven three times as long as a Deer; the Phænix ten times as long as a Raven; and these Hamadryades live ten times as long as the Phænix. But the most receiv'd Opinion was, that they liv'd just as long as their Trees. Therefore this from Ausonius seems rather to relate to the Dryades, and the Duration of a whole Wood; for there are frequent Instances where they were indifferently call'd Dryades and Hamadryades, by the ancient Poets. They were very sensible of good Offices, and grateful to them who at any time preserved their Trees. The Scholiast, upon a Passage mentioning these Nymphs in Apollon. Argonaut. l. 2. relates the following Story cited from Charon Lampsacenus. A young Man call'd Ræcus observing a fair Oak almost fallen to the Earth, order'd it to be supported, and took such effectual Care that he re-establish'd it again to flourish in its Place. The Nymph of the Tree appear'd to him, and in return bid him ask what he pleas'd. The Youth readily demanded of her the last Favour, which she as readily promis'd; and according to Agreement, sent a Bee to summon him at the Time when he might be happy: But the young Man hapning to be gaming at Dice when the Bee came, was so offended with its buzzing that he gave it ill Words, and chid it from him; this Reception of her Ambassador so enrag'd the Nymph, that in Revenge she render'd him impotent. This Story is also cited in part by Nat. Com. See Ovid. Metam. l. 8. of the Fate of Erisichthon, for cutting down one of these animated Trees.

The Satyrs, when they were in Years, were called Sileni, as Pausanias reports in Attic. p. 41.