University of Virginia Library



Born premature, such the all-wise decree
Loud shriek'd the storm, and mountains ran the sea;—
Ah! what, sweet Voyager! in that dreadful hour,
Avail'd thy blooming youth; thy beauty's pow'r
She died!—her breast with double anguish torn,
And, her sole care, I first drew breath forlorn.
Her nurse, when female aid was most requir'd,
Faithful to death, kiss'd, bless'd her and expir'd;
The stout ship braved the elemental strife,
And the good crew preserv'd my little life.
Lerpool receiv'd and foster'd me a while,—
Call'd, thrice repuls'd, thence to Hibernia's isle,
With letter'd aid she taught me ills to bear,
And long, not unesteem'd, I sojourn'd there.
Erewhile the state was of my Sire bereft,
And I, hard fate! a helpless orphan left:
Nor, as if mark'd for persecution's spite,
Did one parental smile e'er cheer my sight.
My arms two Sons and one dear Daughter bless'd;
Heaven be their refuge!—here at last I rest.
Faults too I had, and failings not a few;
But yet a heart, I trust, humane and true:
If more the curious reader ask to know,
The final Sentence all in all will show.