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Science A. Physical Geography:—The earth as a planet; planetary
movements; magnetism of the earth; internal heat of the earth; volcanoes;
earthquakes; arrangement of land masses; forms of land; relief forms of
continents; islands; properties of water; waters of the land; drainage; continental
drainage; the sea; the oceans; waves and tides; currents of the sea;
physical properties of the atmosphere; climate; winds and circulation of the
air; storms; moisture of the air; hail; snow and glaciers; electrical and optical
phenomena of the atmosphere; relations between plants and animals;
range of plants and animals; man, including range of human habitation,
division into races, conditions favorable to civilization, and man's influence
on physical geography; influence of physical geography on the industries of
countries. Text-books recommended: Maury's Physical Geography, or
Tarr's Elementary Physical Geography. (One unit.)

Science B. Inorganic Chemistry:—The ground covered by Remsen's
Introduction to the Study of Chemistry, with about one hundred hours in
the laboratory, or enough time to perform intelligently the usual experiments
given in a high-school laboratory course. (One unit.)

Science C. Experimental Physics:—Mechanics, Sound, Light, Heat,
Electricity and Magnetism. The work should include (a) lecture-table


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demonstrations by the teacher, with appropriate yet simple apparatus; (b)
text-book work, in which the pupil solves numerical problems; and (c)
laboratory exercises by the pupil—all three embodying fundamental principles
of the subject. In the laboratory work at least thirty exercises
should be performed; the following distribution is advised: In Mechanics,
14; in Sound, 1; in Light, 5; in Heat, 3; in Electricity and Magnetism, 7.
(One unit.)

Science D. Botany:—Sound elementary instruction in the structure
and functions of plants, and their classification, based upon such a text-book
as Coulter's Plant Structure, and supplemented by laboratory work. (Half

Science E. Zoölogy:—Sound elementary instruction in the structure
and functions of animals, and their classification, based upon such a textbook
as Jordan and Kellogg's Animal Forms, and supplemented by laboratory
work. (Half unit.)

Science F. Agriculture:—A total of two units of work in Agriculture
will be accepted from Special Agricultural High Schools, which, after inspection,
are found to be properly equipped to teach the subject in a satisfactory