University of Virginia Library



Happy is he who lights his way
By simple faith in final good;
Who lives to bring about the day
Of Universal Brotherhood.
Whose life is one of service pure,
Who makes each merit more sublime
By forging friendships to endure
The sternest tests of storm and time.
Who makes simplicity his theme,
And is content to serve his king;
To sacrifice each cherished dream
To gain a world's awakening.
Whose knowledge is of things divine,
Whose wisdom is of heart and soul;
Who seeks to make his fineness fine,
Each perfect part a perfect whole.
Strong with the knowledge of deep things
He makes Humility his friend;
Wise with the wisdom of great kings
He serves his God unto the end.
And he, though owning nought of earth,
Shall stand erect above the sod,
Immantled with his noble worth,
A fit ambassador for God.