University of Virginia Library



Eternall God! O tak away thy scourge
From us Scottis for thy grit mercie;
Send us thy helpe, this land to cleange and purge
Of discord, and inamitie,
Betwix the leigis and authoritie,
That we may leife in peace, withouttin weir;
In lawtie, law, in luif and libertie,
With merrines, now into this new yeir.
Almichtie God, send us support and grace!
For of mannis help we ar all dispairit,
To mak concord that had sic tyme and space;
And nane, as yet, hes [eir] thair lawbor wairit;
As na man war that for his country carit:
Bot, and this stryfe and troubill perseveir,
He sall be saige that sall escape unsarit,
And not thole paine, now into this new yeir.
Think ye not schame, [ye] that are Scottis borne,
Lordis, and barrownis of authoritie,
That throw your slewth, this realme sould be forlorne;
Your grund destroyit; and your policie?
Sik wraik sall cum upon yow hastelie;
That ye sall say, Alace! we war ower sweir,


Quhill we had tyme that maid na unitie!
Amend it yet, now into this new yeir.
Trow ye to ly and lurk, and do na mair,
To see quhilk syde sall haive the victorie?
The quhilk at last sall not help yow ane hair:
Ryss up! Concure all! And thame rectifie,
Quhilk with reassone will never rewlit be;
Ye sall with force, withoutten fraud or feir,
Mak weir on thame, as comoune enemie;
And thame correct, now into this new yeir.
God grant his grace to the inferiouris
Of this puir realme, thair quiete to considder;
And till obey to thair superiouris,
So that our lordis and leigis do considder,
In peace and luive for to remaine togidder:
Sen we war quyt of all thir men of weir;
That all trew folk, from Berwyk to Balquhidder,
May leife in rest unreft in this new yeir.
The Queinis grace, gif that scho hes offendit
In hir office, let it reformit be:
And ye, all leigis, let your faill be mendit,
And with trew hairt serve the authoritie:
And ye, kirkmen, do ye your haill dewtie;
And all estaittis, syn and vyce forbeir;
The quhilk to do I pray the Trinitie,
To you send grace, now into this new yeir.


God! mak us now quyt of all heresie;
And put us ainis into the richt way:
In thy law may we sa instructed be,
That we be nocht begyllit everie day:
Ane sayis this; ane uther sayis nay;
That we wait nocht quhom to we sould adheir:
Chryst send to us ane rewle to keipe for ay,
Without discord now into this new yeir!
God send justice this land to rewll and guyde;
And put away thift, reif, and all oppressioune;
That all trew folk may suirlie gang, and ryde;
Without discord had parliament, and sessioune;
To gar trew folk bruik thair just possessioune:
And gif us grace, gude Lord! quhill we ar heir,
To ryis from syn, repentand our transgressioune;
And leif in joy now into this new yeir.