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With the Muses Looking-Glasse. Amyntas. Jealous Lovers. Arystippus. By Tho: Randolph ... The fourth Edition enlarged [by Thomas Randolph]

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[What need thy Book crave any other fame]
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[What need thy Book crave any other fame]

What need thy Book crave any other fame,
It is enough that it bears Randolphs name.
VVho sees the title, and him understood
Must much condemne himself, or say tis good.
Go forth example to the Neophyte,
VVho hence should learn to catechise his wit,
And dresse his Phansy by this Glasse: whose Muse
Wel favour'd is: should here her face peruse,
It will not flatter, 'twill reflect the grace
She takes from th'owner of a beautious face:
But if a menstrous, and illiterate eye
Blast her, the various specks shall soon descry
The foul beholder, and proclaim her spoil
Not to result from thence, but his own foil,