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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Ovr Father God Omnipotent]
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[Ovr Father God Omnipotent]

Ovr Father God Omnipotent,
Quhen Christ thy Sone was heir present,
He had vs euer pray to the,
(Becaus we knew not for to pray)
He leirnit vs quhat we suld say.
Syne hecht to heir vs mercyfullie.
Sen the to call, is thy command,
Thyne awin wordis then vnderstand,
Quhilk thow hes promeist for till heir,
Behald not my vnrichteousnes,
Bot luke till Christis richteousnes
And with thy faith my Spreit vp steir.
Lord thow will haue allanerlie,
[illeg.]schip in Spreit and veritie,
[illeg.] to nane vther giue thy gloir.
Thy Name then let vs lufe mid meid,
And call on it in all our neid,
And thank and loue the euermoir.


Destroy the Deuill, his Realme and Reigne
Quhilk of this warld is Prince and King,
And let thy Gospell be our gyde,
Conforme our lyfe efter thy word
That we may reigne for euer (O Lord)
In thy Kinrik with the to byde.
God grant that we may wirk thy will,
In eird thy plesure to fulfill,
Siclyke as in the heuin Impyre,
And quhat that euer we tak on hand,
May be conforme to thy command,
And nathing efter our desyre.
Giue vs this day our daylie breid,
And all thing that thow hes maid,
For mennis sustentatioun,
And all thing quhairof we haue neid,
Our saull and body for to feid,
But sleuth or solistatioun.
Forgiue our sinnis, and our trespas,
For Christis saik, quhilk geuin was,
To deid for our Redemptioun,
As we forgiue all Creature,
Offendand vs baith riche and pure,
Hartfully without exemptioun.
Defend vs from temptatioun,
The feind and his [illeg.]
The warld sa fals the }terab{ill }fl{esche:
Safe vs from schame, and from dispair,
[OMITTED] and [illeg.]llatis lair,


And Deuillis doctrine mair or les.
Deliuer vs from euillis all,
Baith Spirituall and Corporall,
And grant vs grace quhen we sall die
And fra this present lyfe we wend,
That we may mak ane blyssit end,
Syne reigne with the Eternallie.
Power nor gloir, Impyre nor tryne,
Is nane in heuin, nor eirth bot thyne,
And euer mair sall sa remaine
Thairfoir thow may, and wil releue
All them that can in Christ beleue,
From deid, the deuill, and hellis paine.