University of Virginia Library


The President stated to the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors of the
University that he had received an offer of $7500 cash for the premises at 328 Ridgewood
Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey. This offer was made by Arthur E. Masters, Inc., on behalf
of Robert E. O'Donovan, of Glen Ridge.

The President stated further that upon receipt of this offer he telegraphed to
a friend of the University, Mr. Oglesby, who lives in Bloomfield, New Jersey, which is
a town adjoining Glen Ridge, and asked Mr. Oglesby to inspect this property and estimate
its fair price. The President received a telegram from Mr. Oglesby under date of July 8,
indicating his estimate of a fair price to be between nine and eleven thousand dollars;
whereupon the President declined to accept the offer of $7500 cash on this property.

RESOLVED, by the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors of the
University that the action of the President in connection with the offer on the
Premises at 328 Ridgewood Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey, be and the same is hereby
ratified and approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors
of the University that the President be and he is hereby directed to communicate with
Messrs. Pitney, Hardin and Skinner, attorneys of Newark, N. J., the willingness of the
Rector and Visitors to accept $10,000 for this property.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if this offer is accpeted, the Rector of the
University be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sign proper deed for the
transfer of this property, and the Secretary is authorized and directed to affix the
seal of the University to said deed.