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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Deus venerunt gentes Psal. lxxvij.

The Hethim folk, Lord in thy heritage,
Hes cumin, til exerce thair tyrannie.
And hes defylit, euer to this aige,
The Tempill, quhilk was dedicat to the,
Quhilk haly was and ȝit sall blissit be.
Ierusalem as apellis, lay in heip,
Bot thow gude Lord, ryse vp and na mair sleip.
Thair tyrannie aganis thy commandis,
Richt cruellie exersit in dispyte,
Hes put to deid thy Iust and trew seruandis
The foulis of the heuin with grit delyte,
Did eit thair fleshe, and beistes sair culd byte.


Thair bodyis quhen thay lay in commoun streit
Ierusalem thairfoir richt sair did weip.
Thair blude was sched as Riueirs of a well
That compast hes Ierusalem about.
Nane was that micht thair tyrannie expell,
Aganis them it was sa strang and stout.
Thair bodyis throw yair danger and greit dout
Unburyit was, voide of all Sepulture,
That nane to bury them wald tak the cure.
Our Nichtbouris (Lord) hes mockit vs with scorne,
And leuch at vs with greit Illusioun:
Bot thow gude (Lord) let vs not be forlorne,
How lang sall we remaine in confusioun?
Will thow vs hald in thair abusioun?
Unto the end sall thy wraith burne as fyre,
Allace (gude Lord) remufe fra vs sic Ire.
Rather cast furth thy greif and cruelnes,
On wickit men, quhilk neuer will the knaw,
And Realmes quhilk mis knaw thy godlynes,
Not hauand E vnto thy godly Law.
For Iacob and his hous thay sair ouirthraw,
And hes vs left all solpit into cair,
Beleuand for to bring vs to dispair.
Auoyde (Lord) furth of thy remembrance,
Our sinfull lyfe that we haue sleipit in:
Our will salbe thy mercy to aduance,
For be the samin remittit is our sin.
And as water fast rinnis ouir ane Lin.
Dois not returne againe to the awin place,


Sa thow gude Lord put our sin from thy face.
Help vs gude Lord, our gyde and Gouernour
Delyuer vs for thy Names saik glorious,
Thow art our hope, our help and Sauiour,
And als our sinnis maist dangerous,
Dois put away, for that thow promeist vs.
Quhen we will turne to the with a trew hart
And fra our sinfull lyfe to the conuert.
For schaw thow not thy mercy in distres,
Our Enemeis sall grow in tyrannie,
And sall say God hes left vs mercyles
Bot thow gude Lord exerce thy crueltie,
Upon our fais, that sayis schamefullie
Quhair is thair God in quhome thay did beleif,
He hes them left without help and releif.
The vengeance of the blude of thy seruandis,
Mot cum into thy presence and thy sicht,
The greting of thy pure that ar in bandis,
In prisoun pynde, of day wantand the licht
The voyce of them that to the deid ar dicht,
Heir now (gude Lord) and help thē in yair neid
And be thair strenth at all tymes and remeid.
Rewaird thy fais according to thair wrang,
Seuin fald thair sin gude Lord mot puneist be
For thay haue blasphemit all to lang
Speikand contrair thy godly Maiestie.
Bot we thy pepill and scheip sall Magnifie,
And als exalt thy laude, thy Name and gloir
And sall the loue for now and euer moir.