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The poetical works of John Godfrey Saxe

Household Edition : with illustrations

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I've thought, my Cousin, it's extremely queer
That you, who love to spend your August here,
Don't bring, at once, your wife and children down,
And quit, for good, the noisy, dusty town.

Ah! simple swain, this sort of life may do
For such a verdant Clovertop as you,
Content to vegetate in summer air,
And hibernate in winter—like a bear!

Here we have butter pure as virgin gold,
And milk from cows that can a tail unfold
With bovine pride; and new-laid eggs, whose praise
Is sung by pullets with their morning lays;
Trout from the brook; good water from the well;
And other blessings more than I can tell!

There, simple rustic, we have nightly plays,
And operatic music,—charming ways
Of spending time and money,—lots of fun;
The Central Park—whene'er they get it done;
Barnum's Museum, full of things erratic,
Terrene, amphibious, airy, and aquatic!

Here we have rosy, radiant, romping girls,
With lips of rubies, and with teeth of pearls;
I dare not mention half their witching charms;
But, ah! the roundness of their milky arms,
And, oh! what polished shoulders they display,
Bending o'er tubs upon a washing day!

There we have ladies most superbly made
(By fine artistes, who understand their trade),
Who dance the German, flirt a graceful fan,
And speak such French as no Parisian can;
Who sing much louder than your country thrushes,
And wear (thank Phalon!) far more brilliant blushes!

Here, boastful Shilling, we have flowery walks,
Where you may stroll, and hold delightful talks,
(No saucy placard frowning as you pass,
“Ten dollars' fine for walking on the grass!”)
Dim-lighted groves, where love's delicious words
Are breathed to music of melodious birds.

There, silly Clover, dashing belles we meet,
Sweeping with silken robes the dusty street;


May gaze into their faces as they pass,
Beneath the rays of dimly burning gas,
Or, standing at a crossing when it rains,
May see some pretty ankles for our pains.

Here you may angle for the speckled trout,
Play him awhile, with gentle hand, about,
Then, like a sportsman, pull the fellow out!

There, too, is fishing quite as good, I ween,
Where careless, gaping gudgeons oft are seen,
Rich as yon pasture, and almost as green!

Here you may see the meadow's grassy plain,
Ripe, luscious fruits, and shocks of golden grain;
And view, luxuriant in a hundred fields,
The gorgeous wealth that bounteous Nature yields!

There you may see Trade's wondrous strength and pride,
Where merchant-navies throng on every side,
And view, collected in Columbia's mart,
Alike the wealth of Nature and of Art!

Cease, clamorous cit! I love these quiet nooks,
Where one may sleep, or dawdle over books,
Or, if he wish of gentle love to dream,
May sit and muse by yonder babbling stream—

Dry up your babbling stream! my Clovertop—
You 're getting garrulous; it's time to stop.
I love the city, and the city's smoke;
The smell of gas; the dust of coal and coke;
The sound of bells; the tramp of hurrying feet;
The sight of pigs and Paphians in the street;
The jostling crowd; the never-ceasing noise
Of rattling coaches, and vociferous boys;
The cry of “Fire!” and the exciting scene
Of heroes running with their mad “mersheen;”
Nay, now I think that I could even stand
The direful din of Barnum's brazen band,
So much I long to see the town again!
Good-by! I'm going by the evening train!
Don't fail to call whene'er you come to town,
We'll do the city, boy, and do it brown;
I've really had a pleasant visit here,
And mean to come again another year.