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Professor Thornton.

In this School the following courses of instruction are given, each of
three hours a week for one-half session, except where a different extent
is indicated:

1. Descriptive Geometry, embracing a careful study of the methods
and processes of practical geometry and their application to the construction
of orthogonal, axonometric and perspective projections.

2. Applied Mechanics, embracing the fundamental principles of
theoretical mechanics and their application in the study of the strength
and elasticity of materials and the design of simple structures in
masonry, timber and iron.


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3. Engineering Geodesy, embracing the study of the construction
and use of the field instruments of the engineer, the processes of land
and engineering surveying, and the methods for the reduction of the
surveys and the projection of maps.

4. Railroad Engineering, embracing the study of the principles of
location, the methods of construction, the materials employed, and the
erection of the necessary auxiliary structures.

5. Bridge Construction, embracing the analysis and design of highway
and railway bridges in timber, stone and iron, with detailed estimates
for typical standard forms, the principles of bridge-location, and
the methods for the construction of bridge foundations.

6. Hydraulic Engineering, embracing the study of theoretical and
practical hydraulics, and the application of its principles to the problems
of hydrographic surveying, water-supply engineering, inland
navigation, improvement and control of rivers, drainage and irrigation
of lands, and drainage and sewerage of towns and cities.

7. Exploitation of Mines, embracing the methods of prospecting
for ore-deposits, for extracting and transporting the ore, for draining
and ventilating the mine, and for sorting and dressing the ore.

8. Mechanics of Machinery, embracing the principles of the kinematics
and dynamics of machines, with their applications to the various
types of gearing employed in machine construction.

9. Boiler Construction, embracing the fundamental principles of
calorimetry, the study of fuels and their combustion, of water in its
technical applications, of the materials employed in the construction
of boilers and furnaces, of the design of steam plants, and of the
methods for testing their evaporative power and efficiency.

10. Steam Engine Design, embracing the principles of Thermodynamics
and their application to the theory of gas and steam engines;
the study of the mechanism of the motors; the design of the engine in
its details and as a whole; and the methods of testing the power and
efficiency of the motor.

11. Hydraulic Motors, embracing the principles of Hydraulics
and their application to the problems of hydrographic surveying and
of water supply; and the theory and design of water wheels, turbines,
water pressure engines, and pumps.

Mechanical Drawing is required of all students in the School, and
extends over three years. It embraces a careful drill in the use of


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drawing instruments with constant practice in the drawing-room in the
preparation of the various plates, maps and designs required in connection
with the above courses.

Shop-work in wood and iron is required of all students of Mechanical
Engineering, and extends over two years. It includes a series of
graduated exercises with hand and machine tools in wood and metal
and instructions in forging.

Laboratory-work in testing the strength and elasticity of the various
classes of materials used in construction is required of all students.
They are instructed in the standard methods of making these tests and
are encouraged to undertake original investigations.

Laboratory-work in testing the power and efficiency of fuels, furnaces,
boilers, engines, condensers, pumps and dynamos is required of
all students of Mechanical Engineering. In connection with this
course instruction is given in the practical management of motors and
machines and the methods of erection.

Field-work with the chain and tape, level, compass, transit, planetable,
barometer and current-meter is required of all students of Civil,
Sanitary and Mining Engineering, the work extending over three years.
A thorough drill is given in the use and adjustments of the instruments;
and the best methods of Land, City, Railroad, Topographical
and Hydrographical Surveying are carefully taught.

The Mechanical Laboratory contains a twenty-five horse-power
Ball automatic high-speed engine; an upright tubular boiler; a forty-five
light Edison dynamo; a collection of hand and machine tools; gauges,
thermometers, barometers, dynamometers, calorimeters, and other apparatus
for engine and boiler trials; a 100,000-pound Olsen testing machine
for tensile, transverse and compressive tests of the strength and
elasticity of materials; a 1,000-pound cement-tester; and the necessary
appliances for micrometric measurements of strain.

The collection of Field Instruments contains a surveyor's compass,
a railroad compass, a wye level, a dumpy level, a plain transit, a complete
transit, a plane-table, a sextant, a standard barometer, an aneroid
barometer, and a full supply of ranging-poles, flag-poles, chains, tapes,
and other accessories, with a planimeter, a trigonometer, and two vernier-protractors
for use in office-work.


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In addition to the foregoing the Department also possesses a valuable
collection of models of structures, machines and parts of machines,
and of plates and drawings illustrating the best modern practice in
American and foreign engineering.

The Method of Instruction in this school is mainly by lectures
combined with the study of appropriate text-books and associated with
a large amount of practical work in the laboratory, the shop, the drawing-room
and the field.

Text-books.—Low's Practical Solid Geometry, Davies' Surveying, Cleeman's
Railroad Engineer's Practice, Du Bois' Strains in Framed Structures, Fanning's
Water-Supply Engineering, Callon's Lectures on Mining, Kennedy's Mechanics
of Machinery, Wilson's Boilers, Peabody's Thermodynamics, Clerk's Gas Engines,
Bresse's Hydraulic Motors, Bodmer's Turbines and Water-Pressure Engines, Whitham's
Steam Engine Design.

The Courses of Instruction leading to degrees in Engineering are
as follows:

First Year.  Second Year.  Third Year. 
Civil.  Junior Mathematics.  Intermediate Mathematics.  Senior Mathematics. 
Chemistry.  Physics.  Geology and Mineralogy. 
Engineering Geodesy.  Applied Mechanics.  Bridge Construction. 
Descriptive Geometry.  Railroad Engineering.  Hydraulic Engineering. 
Sanitary.  Junior Mathematics.  Intermediate Mathematics.  Analytical Chemistry. 
Chemistry.  Physics.  Geology. 
Engineering Geodesy.  Applied Mechanics.  Biology. 
Descriptive Geometry.  Hydraulic Engineering. 
Mining.  Junior Mathematics.  Intermediate Mathematics.  Geology and Mineralogy. 
Chemistry.  Physics.  Assaying. 
Engineering Geodesy.  Applied Mechanics.  Exploitation of Mines. 
Descriptive Geometry.  Hydraulic Engineering. 
Mechanical.  Junior Mathematics.  Intermediate Mathematics.  Senior Mathematics. 
Chemistry.  Physics.  Electricity and Magnetism. 
Mechanics of Mach'ry.  Applied Mechanics.  Steam Engineering. 
Descriptive Geometry  Boiler Construction.  Hydraulic Motors. 

The Preparation required for the successful pursuit of these courses
is a sound working knowledge of Arithmetic, Algebra through Quadratics,
Plane Geometry, and Plane Trigonometry through the Solution


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of Triangles. Students, with more ample mathematical training and
unusual diligence, may enter the advanced classes and complete the
course in two years.

The Necessary Expenses of a student of Engineering for the session
of nine months, are estimated as below for the lowest rate of living
and for a more liberal scale of expenditure.

Matriculation  $ 25  $ 25 
Tuition  100  100 
Contingent deposit  10  10 
Dormitory rent  15  30 
Servant's attendance 
Furniture of Dormitory  19 
Washing  14  14 
Board  99  162 
Fuel and Lights  12  24 
Total necessary expenses  $300  $400 
Reduced charges to Virginians  $250  $350 

These sums must be increased by an allowance for books and stationery
($10 to $25 per session), drawing materials (about $25 for the
entire course), diplomas (about $7.50 per session), and laboratory materials
($20 or less, according to the course elected).