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Pleasant dialogues and dramma's

selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, &c. ... By Tho. Heywood

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The Argument of Amphrisa the forsaken Shepheardesse.

The innocence, truth, and simplicitie
Of countrey Damsels: What felicitie
They arrive to in their low estate;
What freedoms they participate,
What ioy, what solace, what content
To their innocuous life is lent.
The humble shed and cottage held
More safe than gorgeous houses, swell'd
With pompe and wealth. It likewise proves
More simple truth in their chaste loves,
Than greater Ladies, tympany' de
With much more honour, state, and pride.
Here's of the Willow wreath dispute,
How, and why worne. What best doth sute
Forsaken Virgins, reade and finde
Their characters who prove vnkinde.