University of Virginia Library

Upon the Northern Feast, observed at Salter's-Hall, the sixth of October; 1657. Addressed to his worthy Countrymen, The Northern Society.

Observe the bounty of these Northern Ladds,
And you will say, the North-Part glory adds
Unto the South: and that their Freedome is
An Honour to our great Metropolis;


Whose Union and Communion is such,
They may be ey'd, but not admir'd too much:
Whose fair Comport has raz'd that Proverb forth,
“That no good thing came ever from the North.
For what is good, or free, or friendly rare
Derive their Essence from our Northern ayre.
Your native knowledge is not rank'd with those
Who can bouze Ale, yet wonder where Malt grows
Your Country Cock crows and he does not ney;
You know a Daple from an Iron-gray;
You know that Sun which shews his splendor here,
Is the Same Sun shines in your Hemisphere.
You of your Cloaths have no such Simple care
As to o're-pentise them from hence to Ware.
Your Language, though not curiously refin'd,
It can expresse the dictates of your mind;
And with more brevity and aptnesse too
Then These with their minc'd Dialect can doe.
Your Northern warlike Habitants of old,
Inur'd to Sultry heat, and Shuddring cold,
Against Picts, Scots, Saxons, and Lordly Danes
Display'd their valour, memoriz'd their Names.
Such was the Martial prowesse of your Nation,
As it preserv'd your Frontiers from Invasion:
And in one yeer did more joynt hearts combine,
Then Other Countryes did in all their time:
And in composing of their Interests,
Made Savage Foes become their Servile Beasts.
Brave gallant Blades! disperse your living Fames
From Twede to Trent, from Trent to prince y Thames


That Times may revell in your Annuall joyes,
And vow, No linage like our Northern Boyes.
May all the Muses, when they dip their lippe
In your rich Bolls, joy in your Fellowshippe.
While precious Nectar cheers your Poets braine,
And gives him hope to visit you again.
And you may trust him; when joynt votes succeed
For your next Feast, He shall no Ticket need.
These Tickets are Half-Crown-men: Our North Zone
Stands eyther for a Whole-One, or for none.