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I. Title

The name of this Council is "The Advisory Council of Clinch Valley College."

II. Composition and Appointment

The Advisory Council of Clinch Valley College is composed of 17 persons: twelve to be appointed by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia upon recommendation of the President of the University; two members of the Board of Visitors appointed by the Rector; the President of the Clinch Valley College Alumni Association or its designee; and the Rector and the President of the University who shall serve as ex-officio members. At least eight members shall be residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia and at least four shall be alumni of Clinch Valley College. Members of the faculty or other current employees of Clinch Valley College shall not be eligible for membership on the Council.

III. Advisors

The Advisory Council may, by majority vote, select non-voting advisors it deems necessary for effective conduct of its work. The President of the Student Government Association, the Chairman of the Faculty, and a staff representative shall normally be advisors. The Chancellor shall serve as an advisor to the Council. Advisors shall


have seat and voice, but not vote, in the meetings and may be excluded from executive sessions.

IV. Terms of Office

Members shall be appointed to serve terms of four years and shall be eligible for two successive four-year appointments. Terms shall be staggered to provide continuity, three members being appointed each year by the Board of Visitors. Of those serving at the time of the adoption of these bylaws, three shall be selected by a random drawing for a one-year term, three for a two-year term, three for a three-year term and three for a four-year term. The Board of Visitors may make appointments of fewer than four-year terms to fill unexpired vacancies.

Terms shall be defined to be the fiscal year of the college, July 1 - June 30.

V. Purpose and Duties

The purpose of the Advisory Council of Clinch Valley College is to promote the sound development of the institution in accordance with the functions which have been prescribed for it. The Advisory Council of Clinch Valley College serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Visitors on matters pertaining to Clinch Valley College and also serves as advisor to the Chancellor of Clinch Valley College and to the President of the University of Virginia concerning the management and development of Clinch Valley College. In addition to these general responsibilities, the Advisory


Council is responsible for the appropriate accomplishment of tasks as assigned by the Board of Visitors.

VI. Officers, Organization, Executive Committee

At the last regular meeting of each year, the Advisory Council shall elect a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. The Chairman shall call all meetings of the Council and shall be the presiding officer. The chairman shall have such powers and duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Board of Visitors. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman to inform the Board of Visitors on all matters concerning the activities of the Council. The Vice-Chairman shall serve in the absence of the Chairman.

Annually, the Advisory Council, upon recommendation of the Chancellor of Clinch Valley College, shall elect a secretary. The secretary shall attend all meetings and record minutes of all proceedings. The secretary shall have those duties or responsibilities which are usual to the duties of a secretary and shall assist the Advisory Council in the discharge of its duties. The secretary, under the immediate direction of the Chancellor of Clinch Valley College, shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chairman of the Council. The Office of the Chancellor of Clinch Valley College shall provide clerical and other similar services for the Secretary and shall provide for such expenses as the Secretary may incur in performance of duties.


At the last regular meeting of each year, the Advisory Council shall elect two of its voting members to serve with the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman as the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of the Chairman and in the interim between meetings of the Council be vested with the powers and duties of the full Advisory Council. All such actions taken by the Executive Committee in the interim between meetings of the Advisory Council shall be reported to the full Advisory Council at the next annual or regular meeting and shall, if confirmation is required, be confirmed and approved by the Advisory Council at that time.

VII. Committees of the Advisory Council

The Advisory Council may establish and charge such committees as may be necessary, proper, or convenient to carry out its responsibilities.

VIII. Meetings

Meetings shall be of three kinds: the annual meeting, regular meetings, and special meetings.

The Advisory Council shall hold one annual meeting in each fiscal year on the campus of Clinch Valley College at a time to be determined by the Executive Committee. At the annual meeting the Advisory Council shall receive a report from the Chancellor of Clinch Valley College on the state of the college and review and decide on such other matters as may come before it.

There shall be such regular meetings as the Advisory


Council may determine. The Executive Committee shall determine the time, date, and place of such meetings.

Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or upon the request of five voting members.

A quorum for the conduct of business shall consist of five voting members.

Notice of the annual meeting and all regular meetings of the Advisory Council shall be given at least ten days in advance of the meeting. Notice of all special meetings shall be given at least five days in advance of such special meeting unless waived in writing by each member of the Advisory Council. Notice of meetings shall be provided by mail at the direction of the Chairman by the Secretary.

IX. Amendments of Bylaws

Changes in these by-laws may be recommended to the Board of Visitors by a vote of a majority of the members in attendance at an annual or regular meeting.

(Approved by the Advisory Council, October 21, 1988.)