University of Virginia Library


(The Valley of the Gave de Pau.)

Ah! lovelier comes the southern night
Than night of northern skies,
Where tedious twilight mocks the flight
Of day that slowly dies—
Here placid Evening's starry veil
O'er all is swiftly cast—
Here peace seems wafted on the gale—
And care awhile is past.
In southern summer's mellow night
How sweet it is to stray
'Mid fairest scenes which soft moonlight
Make fairer far than day!
How fair the widely stretching woods
That gird the spacious plain,
While watchful Silence, queen-like, broods
O'er them in sombre reign—


How fair the river's crystal thread,
Seen faintly from afar,
As silvery starlight now is shed
From many a tranquil star.
In southern summer's mellow night
How sweet it is to stray
'Mid fairest scenes which soft moonlight
Make fairer far than day!
How fair the crested mountains lie,
Distant, yet wondrous clear,
Their snow-capt peaks against the sky
Uprising tier on tier;—
How fair the sleeping landscape seems,
While here and there are heard
Sounds bringing Music's richest dreams
Or laughter-laden word.
In southern summer's mellow night
How sweet it is to stray
'Mid fairest scenes which soft moonlight
Make fairer far than day!