University of Virginia Library


Ode IV.

The Poet affirms, that he was freed from many Dangers through the help of the Muses; and that those had been unhappy who have opposed the Gods.

Descend, CALLIOPE, from Sky,
Arts Queen with Pipe's long Melody;
Or if proves clear-tuned voice,
Cythern, PHÆBUS Harp thy choice.
Hear you? or doth some Frenzy's play
Delude? methinks I hear, and stray
Through those hallow'd Woods where flow
Silver streams, fresh Gales do blow.
Those talk'd-of Doves in Vulter-found,
Near my Birth-soil th' Apulian ground,
Me a Child, when Sleeping head
(Toil'd through sport) with green Leaves spread.
Which thing might all amaze that hold
High nest-like Acherons if told,
Baltine woods or fruitful Plain
Doth Ferentum low contain.
That I should sleep preserv'd from Bear,
Black Vipers brood, and Quilt-like wear
Sacred Laurel, Mirtle given
(Infant bold) through power from Heaven.
Your's Muses, tall Sabine mounts
I clime, or should Præneste Founts,
Shades, declining Tibur please,
Liquid Baiæ near the seas.
Friend to your Springs and dancing Train,
Nor routed Hoast Philippian,
Palinurus rock, nor Tree
Fire devote could ruine me.
Whilst you my Guard, attendants thus,
Well-pleas'd th' enraged Bosphorus
Dare I mount, and travel o're
Scorcht Assyria's sandy shore.
Brittains to strangers fierce I'le view,
And Thrace where Milk horse-blood they brew;
North-Geloni quiver-arm'd,
And that Scythian stream, uncharm'd.


You CÆSAR great (when tir'd with War,
His troops in Vinter-quarters are)
After Toils desiring ease.
In Piærian Cell do please.
You give him gentle Rules and kind,
Rejoyce when given: how JOVE did grind
Wicked Titan's monstrous Rout
When Thunder bolts he tost about.
Who dull Earth stormy Seas doth sway,
With sad infernal Realms, barr'd day;
Gods and mortal crouds alone
Rules from just Imperial Throne.
Great fear that horrid Youth, at length,
Did cause to JOVE, since bold in strength;
Brothers, Pelion bent to spread
On Olympus gloomy head.
But what Tiphæus, Mimas strong?
Porphiriou dreadful-broad and long?
Rhæchus stout, Enceladus
Darting torn up Trees, when thus
Dar'd charge against the sounding Shield
Of Pallas wise? here Vulcan steel'd
Rav'nous show'd, whilst JUNO there;
And he who always Bow doth bear;
With pure Castalian Fount bedews
His large-comb'd Locks, doth hunting choose
Lycian Groves, where Native wood
(Delian APOLLO) stood.
Force councel-void with its own weight
Doth fall, whilst Gods advance to th' height
Force well govern'd; hating too
Bad strength all Mischief prone to do.
Prime witness to my Verdict free
Let hundred handed Gyges be;
And Orion who assail'd
Chast PHÆBE, by her Arrows quail'd.
Th' Earth grieves; upon her Monsters cast,
Whose Of-spring Thunder'd down at last
To ugly Hell: nor fiery power
Ætna's load can eat, devour.
Nor Titius breast doth Vulture leave,
But lustful Sins close Jaylours cleave:
Sad Perithons (o're bold
Lover) Chains three hundred hold.