The Minor Poems of John Lydgate edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken |
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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||
Here crist Ihesu seith thus on-to man as he hangeth vp-on the roode tre.
Upon the cros naylled I was ffor the,Suffred deth to paye thy raunsoun;
Forsake thy senne for the love of me,
Be repentaunt, make pleyn confessioun,
To contrit hertis I do remyssioun:
Be nat dyspeyred, for I am nat vengable;
Geyn goostly enmyes thynk on my passioun;
Why artow froward, sith I am mercyable?
My bloody woundis doun raylyng by this tre,Looke on hem well, and haue compassioun;
Perced hand and ffeet of Indygnacyoun,
Myne herte reven for thy redempcyoun;
Lat us tweyne in this thyng be tretable,
Love for love by iust convencyoun!
Why artow froward sith I am mercyable?
I hadde on Petyr and Mawdeleyn piteFor the grete constreynt of ther contricyoun;
Geyn Thomas Indis Incredulyte,
He put his hand, depe in my syde doun;
Rolle vp this mater, grave it in þi resoun;
Sith I am kynde, why artow so onstable?
My blood, best triacle for þi transgressioun;
Be thou nat froward, sith I am mercyable.
Thinke ageyn pride on myn humylyte;Kom to scole, recorde weell this lessoun;
Geyn fals envye, thynk on my charite,
My blood al spent by dystyllacyoun;
Why did I this? to saue the from prisoun;
Afforn thyn herte hang this lytel table,
Swetter than bawme geyn al goostly poisoun,—
Be thow nat froward, sith I am mercyable.
Lord on alle synful, heere knelyng on ther kne,Thy deth remembryng of humble affeccyoun,
O Iesu, graunte of thy benygnyte,
That thy fyve wellis plentyvous of foysoun,
Callid thy fyve woundis by computacioun,
May wasshe in us al surfetis reprevable.
Now, for thy modris meek mediacioun,
At hir request, be to us mercyable.
The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||