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And now he wanders on from glade to glade
To where more precious shrubs diffuse their balms;
And gliding through the thickly-woven shade,
Where the soft captive lay in all her charms,
He caught a glimpse. The colors in her face,
Her bare white arms, her lips, her shining hair,
Burst on his view. He would have flown the place,
Fearing some faithful angel rested there,
Who'd see him, 'rest of glory, lost to bliss,
Wandering, and miserably panting, fain
To glean a joy e'en from a place like this:
The thought of what he once had been was pain
Ineffable. But what assailed his ear?
A sigh! Surprised, another glance he took;
Then doubting, fearing, softly coming near,
He ventured to her side, and dared to look;
Whispering, “Yes, 'tis of earth! So, new-found life
Refreshing, looked sweet Eve, with purpose fell,
When first Sin's sovereign gazed on her, and strife
Had with his heart, that grieved with arts of hell,
“Stern as it was, to win her o'er to death.
Most beautiful of all in earth or heaven!
Oh, could I quaff for aye that fragrant breath!
Couldst thou, or being like to thee, be given


“To bloom forever for me thus! Still true
To one dear theme, my full soul, flowing o'er,
Would find no room for thought of what it knew,
Nor, picturing forfeit transport, curse me more.

“Si l'homme” (says a modern writer), “constant dans ses affection, pouvait sans cesse fournir à un sentiment renouvelé sans cesse, sans doute la solitude et l'amour l'égaleraient à Dieu même; car ce sont là les deux éternels plaisirs du grand Etre.”

St. Theresa used to describe the Prince of Darkness as an unhappy being who never could know what it was to love.