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The following actions of the Board of Directors of the University of Virginia Investment Management Company (UVIMCO) were taken at the meeting of the Board held in New York on March 21, 2002. They do not require action by the Board of Visitors and are listed here simply as a matter of record.

  • Investment of $25million with WLR Recovery Fund II

  • Investment of 30million Euros with Duke Street Capital V

  • Investment of $25million with Bridger Capital Management

  • Sales of Chilton Investment Company, TT International, Constitution Research and Management, Grantham, Mayo, van Otterloo domestic equity and Shapiro Capital Management.

The UVIMCO Board also approved new targets for the endowment fund: 5% for domestic equity, 5% for emerging markets, 20% for private equity, 60% for hedge funds, 5% for real estate and 5% for fixed income.


The following resolutions adopted by the Medical Center Operating Board at its meeting on April 4, 2002, do not require action by the full Board and are listed here as a matter of record.