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O what meane ye?
Forsake me now, and doe not wearie me.
Wilt thou heare me, O memorie,
My pleasant daies, and nights againe,
I haue appaid with seuenfold paine:
Thou hast no more to aske me why,
For when I went, they all did die:
As thou dost see,
O leaue me then, and doe not wearie me.
Greene field, and shadowed valley, wheare
Sometime my chiefest pleasure was,
Behold what I did after passe:
Then let me rest, and if I beare
Not with good cause continuall feare,
Now doe you see.
O leaue me then, and doe not trouble me.
I sawe a hart changed of late,
And wearied to assure mine:
Then I was forced to recure mine


By good occasion, time and fate,
My thoughts that now such passions hate,
O what meane ye?
Forsake me now and doe not wearie me.
You lambes and sheepe that in these layes,
Did sometimes follow me so glad:
The merry howres, and the sad
Are passed now with all those daies:
Make not such mirth, and wonted plaies,
As once did ye:
For now no more you haue deceiued me.
If that to trouble me you come,
Or come to comfort me indeede:
I haue no ill for comforts neede.
But if to kill me, Then (in summe)
Full well may ye
Kill me, and you shall make an end of me.