University of Virginia Library


The courses in Library Economy are designed especially for persons
wishing to prepare for library positions, and for teachers.

Library Economy 79. Cataloguing, Classification, Administration.
First Term. 9:30; R. Credit, one session-hour. Mr. Patton.

Lectures and practice work based on A. L. A. Catalogue Rules; A. L. A. List of
Subject Headings for use in dictionary catalogue; 3rd ed.; Rules for a Dictionary
Catalogue by C. A. Cutter, and the Decimal Classification by Melvil Dewey.

The administration of university and college libraries, with practical demonstration
of methods of charging books, recording statistics, etc.

Library Economy 80. Reference Work, Bibliography, Government
—First Term. 8:30; R. Credit, one session-hour.
Miss Dinwiddie.

Lectures and problems will be given as follows: Reference books; encyclopedias;
dictionaries; biography; indexes to periodicals; annuals; how to run down quotations;
collection of reference material, etc.

General and national bibliography, American, English, French, German, etc.; the
making of a bibliography; bibliographies of special subjects; Federal and State public
documents, their acquisition, arrangement, and use as reference material.