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The Works of The Ettrick Shepherd

Centenary Edition. With a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. Thomas Thomson ... Poems and Life. With Many Illustrative Engravings [by James Hogg]

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The Souters o' Selkirk.

The Souters o' Selkirk.

Up wi' the souters o' Selkirk,
The sons of an auld pedigree!
An' up wi' the lads o' the forest,
Renown'd for their leal loyaltie!
I may be mista'en, but I carena,
My error I never shall rue;
Of all manly virtues, I value
The heart that is loyal and true.
Sing umptidy-tumptidy tearhim, &c.
Let them brag o' their factious republics,
Of brawling an' plebeian birth;
The land that has got a good sovereign,
Has got the best blessing on earth.
Then up wi' our auld-fashion'd structure,
An' Willie the tap o' the tree!
An' up wi' the souters o' Selkirk!
The sons o' auld heroes for me!
Sing umptidy-tumptidy tearhim,
Sing umptidy-tumptidy tee;
Then up wi' the souters o' Selkirk,
The sons o' auld heroes for me!