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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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An earnest complaint agaynste Idolatry.

An earnest complaint agaynste Idolatry.


Syng this as, In my trouble and payne.

Sometyme that I haue sene,
To see agayne were strange,
In place where I haue bene,
In hope no more to range.
In wyckednes and synne,
And in Idolatrye:
Whyche who so vse, shall wynne
Helle euerlastyngly.


For from the face of GOD
There can be nothyng hyd:
Who hath full oft forbod,
That we agaynst hym dyd.
To worshyp an Image,
The Lord dothe most abhorre:
But in our pylgremage,
We honoured great store.
That tyme I trust be past,
For custome made vs blynde:
And I am sore agast,
Lest worse be lefte behynde.
Beware whyle you haue space,
That Idoll of the harte:
Leste at the laste it chace,
Your soules in hell to smart.
Beware and take good hede:
Leste that er ye beware,
Ye doo so farre procede,
That ye no more repayre.
Example ye may see:
As Salomon doth saye,
Take tyme whyle tyme may bee,
For tyme wyll soone away.
Repent therfore in space,
Whyle tyme to you is lent,
And call to God for grace,
With true heart and intent.


Least when ye would ryght fayne
There shall no grace be sent,
As subiect to hell payne
In sorowe to be shent.