[Trin. Coll. Cam. MS. R. 3. 20, pp. 195–197.]
Beholdeþe here and seeþe þe translacion of þe ympne
Criste qui lux es & dies, by Lydegate in wyse of balade.
Criste qui lux es & dies.
Cryst, þat art booþe daye and light,
And sooþefaaste sonne of al gladnesse,
Þat doost awey derknesse of night,—
And souereyne light of al brightnesse
Beleved art in soþefastenesse,
Preching þis blissful light of pees,
Be oure socour in alle distresse,
Criste qui lux es & dies.
Precamur sancte domine.
O hooly lord! to þee we praye,
In þis night þou vs defende,
Ageynst alle foon þat vs werraye,
Be þou quyete oure lyff tamende,
And þy grace to vs þou sende
With nightes reste in vnyte,
In þy servyce oure lyff to spende
Precamur sancte domine,
Ne grauis compuis irruat.
Þat vs no greuous sleep oppresse,
Ne þat oure foo vs vndermyne,
Ne þat oure flesshe of frowardnesse
Assent þe spyrit to enclyne,
For to bring it to ruyne,
Þee to gilt thorough þeyre debate,
But let þy grace on vs shyne
Ne grauis sompnis irruat.
Oculi sompnum capiantis.
Let oure eyghen rest[e] taake,
Oonly thorughe þy benigne grace,
Þat þe spirit euer awaake
Þee for to serue yche houre and space,
And whanne oure foomen vs manace
Let þy Right hande, as þou art wont,
Defende þy servantes in yche a place,
Dum oculi sompnum capiunt.
Defensor noster aspice.
Oure Chaumpyoun see and byhoolde,
Oure wayting enemys þou represse,
Gouverne þy servantes yonge and olde
Of þy mercy and þy goodnesse,
Whome þou boughtest in gret distresse
With þyne hooly bloode moost free,
And þat þe feonde vs nought oppresse
Defensor noster aspice.
Memento nostri domine.
Þou benigne lord! on vs remembre
In þis greuous body heere,
Keepe and preserue vs euery membre,
Sith þou boughtest vs so deere,
Which art defence, as bookis leere,
Of þe soule thorughe þe pytee,
For which in mescheef booþe fer and neere
Memento nostri domine.
Deo patri sit gloria.
To God þe Fader honnour and glorye,
And to his oonly sone also;
Worship, with hert and hool memorye,
Eeke to þe Hooly Goost beo doo,
Egale with þe first[e] twoo,
Booþe three and oon per secula,
For which we sing in Ioye and woo
Deo patri sit gloria.