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1765.  Stamp Act passed by Parliament. 
1766.  Stamp Act repealed. 
1767.  A tax imposed on tea and other articles. 
1769.  Famous Virginia resolves passed by the House of Burgesses. 
1770.  All duties except on tea repealed. 
1773.  The tea thrown overboard at Boston Harbor. 
1774.  The first Continental Congress met at Philadelphia, September 5. 
1775.  Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 19. 
1775.  End of royal government in Virginia. 
1775.  Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17. 
1776.  Declaration of Independence signed, July 4. 
1777.  Burgoyne's surrender, October 17. 
1778.  American independence acknowledged by France. 
1779.  Clark's conquest of the Northwest Territory. 
1780.  Battle of King's Mountain, October 7. 
1781.  Richmond captured by Arnold. 
1781.  Battle of Cowpens, January 17. 
1781.  Surrender of Cornwallis, October 19. 
1787.  Constitution of the United States adopted in convention, September
1788.  Virginia ratifies the Constitution. 
1789.  Washington inaugurated, April 30. 
1799.  Washington died at Mt. Vernon, December 14. 
1803.  Louisiana purchased from France, April 30. 
1811.  Richmond theater burned, December 26. 
1812.  War declared against England. 
1846.  Mexican War. 
1859.  John Brown's Raid, October 16.