University of Virginia Library


From and after June 1st, 1909, the entrance requirements will be still
further advanced, as follows:

The College.—The candidate must offer fifteen units for admission,
of which at least three must be in English, three in Mathematics, two
in History, and three in Latin, and the residue selected at will. In place
of the three units of Latin, the candidate may offer four units in Modern
Languages (French, German, Spanish), or a total of sixteen units.

The Department of Engineering.—The candidate must offer fifteen
units for admission, of which at least three must be in English, four in
Mathematics, and two in History. One unit in Mathematics will
consist of questions on Trigonometry. The remaining units may be
selected at will. Subjects specially recommended for students of
Engineering are Mechanical Drawing, Trigonometry, and Surveying,
Physical Geography, Physics, and Chemistry.