University of Virginia Library


Kochanowski, Urzeitklänge, und Wetterleuchten Geschichtlicher Gesetze in den Ereignissen der Gegenwart, Wagner, Innsbruck, 1910, p. 10.


“Ich bin ihr Führer, also muss ich ihnen folgen.” (Cf. Adolf Weber, Der Kampf zwischen Kapital u. Arbeit, ed. cit., p. 369.)


Cf. the account given by Oddino Morgari, “Avanti,” August 12, 1909.


Speech made by Ferri at Suzzara, reported in “Stampa,” anno xlvii, No. 358 (December 27, 1909).


“Fränkische Tagespost,” anno xxxix, No. 191, Supplement 2.


Ludwig Börne, Aus meinem Tagebuche, Reclam, Leipzig, p. 57.


Denkwürdigkeiten des Fürsten Hohenlohe, ed. cit., p. 376.


Nicolas Salmerton y Garcia, L'état espagnol et la Solidarité catalone, “Le Courier Européen,” iv, No. 23.


Austin Lewis, The Rise of the American Proletarian, Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, 1907, pp. 189-90.


Bryce, The American Commonwealth, abridged ed., Macmillan, New York, 1907, pp. 152-3.


It is well to remind English readers that on the Continent, and especially in France and Italy, barristers play a conspicuous part in the oligarchy of socialism, corresponding with that which in England they play in the old political parties.—Translators' Note.