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Book was there, it was there. Book was there.
Stop it, stop it, it was a cleaner, a wet cleaner and it
was not where it was wet, it was not high, it was
directly placed back, not back again, back it was
returned, it was needless, it put a bank, a bank when,
a bank care.

Suppose a man a realistic expression of resolute
reliability suggests pleasing itself white all white and
no head does that mean soap. It does not so. It
means kind wavers and little chance to beside beside
rest. A plain.

Suppose ear rings, that is one way to breed, breed
that. Oh chance to say, oh nice old pole. Next
best and nearest a pillar. Chest not valuable, be

Cover up cover up the two with a little piece of
string and hope rose and green, green.

Please a plate, put a match to the seam and really
then really then, really then it is a remark that joins
many many lead games. It is a sister and sister and


Page 29
a flower and a flower and a dog and a colored sky a
sky colored grey and nearly that nearly that let.