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  • 1. Describe the battles of King's Mountain and Cowpens.

  • 2. Give an account of the maneuvers of Cornwallis and Lafayette.

  • 3. How was Cornwallis entrapped?

  • 4. Describe the siege of Yorktown and Cornwallis's surrender.

  • 5. Who was Governor Nelson, and what is said of his patriotism?

  • 6. Give an account of the exploits of George Rogers Clark, by which
    Virginia recovered her Northwest Territory.

  • 7. What generous spirit did Virginia show in order to bring about a
    union of the states?

  • 8. Why was the present Constitution formed to take the place of the
    Articles of Confederation?

  • 9. Describe the Alien and Sedition Laws, and tell of the resolutions
    adopted by Virginia in regard to them.

  • 10. Why is Virginia called the "Mother of States and of Statesmen"?

  • 11. Describe the burning of Richmond theater.

  • 12. What was the cause of the War of 1812?

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  • 13. What important services did Virginians render the Union?

  • 14. What was Virginia's attitude toward slavery?

  • 15. Give New England's connection with slavery, and tell about the
    change of feeling at the North in regard to it.

  • 16. What is said of fugitive slaves?

  • 17. Give an account of John Brown's Raid, his capture and execution.

  • 18. What was the report of the Senate Committee, and the political
    significance of this raid?