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Virginia, 1492-1892

a brief review of the discovery of the continent of North America, with a history of the executives of the colony and of the commonwealth of Virginia in two parts

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Whereas by the authoritie of the parliament of England, wee the
commissioners appointed by the Councill of State authorized thereto having
brought a fleete and force before James Cittie in Virginia to reduce
that collonie vnder the obedience of the common-wealth of England, and
finding force raised by the Governour and countrey to make opposition
against the said ffleet, whereby assured danger appearinge of the ruine and
destruction of the plantation, for prevention whereof the Burgesses of all
the severall plantations being called to advise and assist therein, vppon
long and serious debate, and in sad contemplation of the grate miseries
and certaine destruction, which were soe nearly hovering over this whole


Page 104
countrey, Wee the said commissioners have thought fitt and condescended
and granted to signe and confirme under our hands, seales and
by our oath, Articles bearinge date with theise presents. And do further
declare, That by the authoritie of the parliament and commonwealth of
England derived vnto vs theire commissioners, That according to the
articles in generall, Wee have granted an act of indempuitie and oblivion
to all the inhabitants of this colloney, from all words, actions or writings
that have been spoken, acted or writt against the parliament or common
wealth of England or any other person from the beginning of the world to
this daye, And this we have done, That all the inhabitants of the collonie
may live quietly and securely vnder the comon-wealth of England, And
wee do promise that the parliament and common wealth of England shall
confirme and make good all those transactions of ours, Wittnes our hands
and seales this 12th day of March, 1651.

Richard Bennett, Seale.
Wm. Claiborne, Seale.
Edm. Curtis, Seale.