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On the marge of the Ocean when daylight is gone,
I muse in sad thought by the surf-beaten shore;
And weep out my woes as I wander alone,
To mingle my sighs with the hoarse-sounding roar.
Oh, my Norah, my darling, my heart aches for thee!
Thou hast gone, and hast left me thy loss to deplore;
In the world there is nothing but darkness for me,
No! the light and the joy are fled evermore.
'Twas she that gave hope and a charm to my life,
She doubled its pleasures, she brightened its grief;
My own one, my dear one, my angel, my wife,
Whom I clasped to my heart in a rapture too brief!
Oh, would that I lay 'neath the fathomless wave!
That over me rolled the wild billowy surge,
That winds sweeping round me might mournfully rave,
And sing me to rest with a low moaning dirge!