University of Virginia Library




Air—“Derry Down.”


It wur Dody o' Joseph's, a joiner by trade,
A comical cowt, an' a keen-bitten blade;
He're as fause as a boggart, as th' neighbours weel knew,
Though,—when he'd a mind,—he could look like a foo'.
Derry down.


But th' bravest an' breetest o' th' childer o' men
May haply be hamper't a bit, now an' then;
Dody's axe wanted grindin', one wark-a-day morn,
When there nobry about to gi' th' grindle a turn.
Derry down.



Then he grunted, an' mumble't, an' glendur't around,
An' he tooted about o'er the neighbourin' ground;
Still, never a soul to turn th' stone could he find,
An' it made him a little bit thrutched in his mind.
Derry down.


Till a soft lookin' urchin coom wanderin' by,
Wi' his thumb in his mouth, an' a tear in his eye;
Wi' his slate an' his satchel, he're creepin' to schoo',
An',—bi th' look of his een,—Dody know'd he're a foo'.
Derry down.


“Bi th' maskins,” says Dody, “I'm losen't at last!”
An' he beckon't o' th' lad that wur wanderin' past!
“Come hither, my tight little maister o' men!”
Then he poo'd out a sixpence,—an' fobbed it again.
Derry down.



“There's a grindlestone here—dosto think thou can turn;
If thou doesn't know how, I can help tho to larn.
I connot howd th' axe an' turn th' hondle mysel';
Thou'rt a nice lad o' somebry's—come, give us a twell!”
Derry down.


Th' lad laid howd o' th' hondle, an' shap't like a mon;
For he lippen't o' sixpence, when th' turning wur done;
So, he twirl't at this grindle o' Dody o' Joe's,
Till saut-water trickl't off th' end of his nose.
Derry down.


Dody felt at his axe,—an' he said, “Thou young foo';
Thou'lt get a rare twiltin' for stoppin' fro' schoo';


Hie tho' off, like a red-shank, or th' dur may be teen'd:”
An' he gav' him a bit of a lifter beheend.
Derry down.


Th' lad dried fro his for-yed the breet briny drip;
An' he pike'd up his books, wi' a wimperin' lip;
An' he crope off to schoo', turnin' o'er in his mind
Th' first lesson he'd larn't i' the pranks o' monkind.
Derry down.


As yo wander'n through life, ten 'at one that yo'n find
A good lot o' folk that han axes to grind;
Give a turn when yo con; but remember to th' end,
It's turnin' th' wrang road to turn on a friend.
Derry down.